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View Full Version : LFG D&D5E (GMT Timezone)

Helvan Raptyr
January 29th, 2019, 12:30
FG License: Standard.
Time Zone: Greenwich Mean Time (GMT).
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Friday evenings (10pm+ GMT), Saturdays (Any time GMT), and Sundays (6pm+ GMT).
Voice: I have a gaming headset which I can easily use on my PC to talk on Discord etc.
Game System Preferred: D&D5E. I would like to become more familiar with this, and would like to become a regular player both on FG and in reality on the tabletop.
Game System Experience: D&D5E, Savage Worlds.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I'm used to the way Fantasy Grounds works as a player, as I played through part of Storm King's Thunder in the past using the program.

I'm easygoing, I like to have fun and immerse myself in the characters and setting. Overall I'm just looking for a relaxed, enjoyable experience. I've not got too much experience overall with D&D, which is why I'm looking to get into a relaxed campaign.

In a nutshell though, in terms of availability:
Fridays: 10pm - 1am GMT (5pm - 8pm EST).
Saturdays: Any time.
Sundays: 6pm - 12pm GMT (1pm - 7pm EST).

If anyone is willing to allow me to participate in a campaign, thanks in advance!