View Full Version : Curse Of Strahd

January 28th, 2019, 19:09
Welcome, This is a very low expectations group. all of my players so far are brand new to the game and We just need 2 or 3 more Tolerant Players (as we have multiple minorities of all categories in the group. Racism, Able-ism, homophobia, and transphobia will not be accepted and you will be kicked, as long as you do not say anything political in chat you should be fine). right now we are running Curse of Strahd and are at 3rd level. This is my first time running a non home brew world so please make a post if you either

Want to play
Have a tip for running modules

The games will be hosted on fridays at 1PM East Coast Time (UTC -5:00)

January 28th, 2019, 22:57
I am interested. you start at noon my time, how long are you going for and what content are you running? I'm very familiar with FG and can help new players and DM's learn.

January 29th, 2019, 02:22
We are running until 5 your time

January 29th, 2019, 02:42
Are you allowing eberron content at all?

January 29th, 2019, 03:34
I do own ebberon on FG so you may use stuff from that, i do not have Volo, Xanithar, or Mordenkeinen (SP) yet so luckily you chose the one i do

January 29th, 2019, 04:32
if you will allow a changeling i'm totally down then

January 29th, 2019, 12:05
Yes we allow channeling, your channeling persona would have to be human and you'll have to send me a character concept. As a warning we already have one and Barovia's population is primarily human. Starting late in the campaign you'd have to be human or have a good backstory

January 29th, 2019, 12:38
Character Concept:
I am trying to make my "Many-Faced God" from Game of Thrones. It started with making the faceless MEN.. but once I realized there was an official race for changelings I was obsessed with making the Many-Faced God from the faceless men's beliefs. My changeling would eventually be a three way multiclass of Warlock/Bard/Rogue. I have provided a link about the character in more detail at The Many-Faced God (https://www.facebook.com/groups/723568921130683/permalink/1259234984230738/). I will provide it via PM if you wish to not join the group the post is in.
Backstory: Long ago Elias was about to come of age when his village was attacked. The single-skins wiped the tribe out.. or so they thought. Elias was away picking hard-to-find herbs from a meadow a short ways away, by the time he made it back from to the Village, almost everyone was dead. His elder brother and sister, his mother and father. The only one who was alive at his return was the priest. The priest did not recognize the man leading the attack, but described him as a very powerful man, one of wealth and position. Over the last few years Elias has tracked attempted to stalk and kill this man out of revenge. However, every time Elias gets a clue.. it's cold by the time he arrives. This mystery man seems to constantly be 3 steps ahead. Will Elias ever track this man down and get his revenge? Or will his obsession over vengeance ultimately betray him?

January 31st, 2019, 23:07
You have been Considered but you must confirm you will not insult any of the other players

January 31st, 2019, 23:09
Yes of course. We're all here to have a good time. I wouldn't dream off bringing someone down.