View Full Version : LFP 5E Eberron (Tales from the Yawning Portal) Campaign

January 28th, 2019, 05:25
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Thank you for your inquiry. This game is full and is not accepting players.

Who is Acererak and why does his research focus upon the plane of Mabar? Morgrave University and the Wayfinder Foundation are funding expeditions to find out.

Get ready for D&D at the speed of light! Looking for players to join our campaign which takes place in the Eberron Campaign setting. A basic knowledge of the Eberron campaign world or an eagerness to learn about it is required. The campaign is a combination of story arc, role-playing and dungeon crawl. The following is some game time information:

FG License: Ultimate (FG free demo is all that is needed)
Game System: 5e D&D

Time Zone: CST (UTC-6)
Day of week and time: Sundays 1700 - 2100
Planned start date: Feb. 3, 2019
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3-4 hr session weekly (3-4 x per month)
Term: Long-term (All the way to the end of the Tales from the Yawning Portal and supplemental scenarios, possible epilogue planned as well depending on how the story goes)

Text or Voice: Both, plan to use discord server for optional in-between session role-play
Voice software used: Discord

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50; the mods are dungeon crawls and I supplement them with story arc and role-playing sessions that take place throughout Eberron
Number of Players in game & needed: 5-6 max, 3 more needed
Character starting level & equipment: 3rd Level
Character restrictions: The classes of Paladin and Arcane Trickster have been taken (I have all official modules, you can use any combination of WotC books that you want)

Private message me and we will jump on Discord one night, talk about the campaign, style of play and see if there is a mutual fit.
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