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View Full Version : LFP 5E Waterdeep Undermountain Long-term Sundays 7pm EDT

January 28th, 2019, 00:30
FG License: Ultimate (FG free demo is all that is needed)
Game System: 5e D&D

Time Zone: EDT
Day of week and time: Sundays 7pm-(10-11pm) EDT
Planned start date: Immediately
Planned Duration & Frequency: 3-4 hr session weekly
Term: Long-term (All the way to the end of the Dungeon of the Mad Mage, possible epilogue planned as well depending on how the story goes)

Text or Voice: Both, plan to use discord server for optional in-between session roleplay
Voice software used: Discord

Roleplay & Combat mix: Varies with players
Number of Players in game & needed: 5 max, 2 more needed
Character starting level & equipment: 5th level
Character restrictions: None (I have all official modules, you can use any combination to play who you want)

Details of your scenario: We are at the end of the Dragon Heist story campaign and beginning to head towards Undermountain so the party can find and destroy an evil cult who is operating out of the depths of Undermountain. I'm expecting the rest of the campaign to be quite battle heavy since we're obviously going to be exploring the biggest dungeon ever. We currently have a dwarf fighter, dragonborn monk, and a human sorcerer in the party. The monk does a good job of being sneaky when needed and picking locks so a rogue isn't necessarily needed. I think the party would be best served with a healing focused character and a flexible/utility character.
I like to play games with characters who have a lot of depth, so please be willing to write a nice backstory for your character. The more detail you include, the more I can work into the story. Also, please only apply if you can respect other player's interpretations of their own characters (I used to think this went without saying, but no longer). Character builds aren't as important as creating great character stories, which is what we all want.
My ideal players are not necessarily power gamers but can learn how to play their class effectively so that I can plan appropriate challenges. I use some added/modified rules that players might not be used to, so rules-lawyers may not be a good fit if strict adherence to the original rules is important. I don't ever fudge the dice-rolls, but I do like to use the dice tower in order to keep the player's meta-knowledge under control. For instance, the player may think they made a good argument but their deception skill check was a natural 1. I like to play this out without the player knowing they failed immediately; they'll find out through the actions of the NPC.

Regarding language: I'm no sailor, but I am known to use bad language every once in a while. If you know you're sensitive to this then you should probably not sign up. That being said, I have no tolerance for any language that can be considered sexist, racist, or LGBT phobic.

If this sounds like a good game for you then send me a PM soon. Let me know what kind of character you'd like to play (race / class / background / alignment). I will send out invites sometime this week.

April 25th, 2019, 12:35
Thanks for all the interest but we've got our two new recruits already.