View Full Version : LFP 4-5 Players FG/Discord DnD 5e Ravinca Krenko's Way

January 26th, 2019, 02:52
LFP 4-5 Players FG/Discord DnD 5e Ravinca Krenko's Way
Number of Players needed: 4 to 5
Sign up at: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/calendar/index.xcp?id=3360
DM Time Zone: Central Daylight Time (UTC - 6 hours)
DM Start Time: 2.00 pm CST. Please arrive early if you have questions and needs. If you are accepted but are not ready at start time, your spot will be given to ready alternates.
Planned Session Duration: 4 hours
Day of Week: Saturday
Start Date: Saturday Feb 2nd 2019
Planned Frequency: One shot
Term: 1 session
Genre: Fantasy
Game System: Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition
Module: Ravinca >> Krenko's Way
Format: D&D 5e
Table Top Software: Fantasy Grounds
FG License: Ultimate (any FG Client)
Text or Voice: Both text and voice
Voice over IP Software used: Discord.
Discord Type: Discord client for Voice Communication. For more information, please consult Discord @ https://discordapp.com/ (https://discordapp.com/)
Discord Server: Fight Club @ https://discord.gg/8uPC5Ju
Discord Server Voice Channel: found under heading of Dungeons and Dragons called Gaming Session Remember to setup and test your headset and mic and configure as Push to Talk in discord settings! For more information, please consult Discord @ https://support.discordapp.com/hc/en-us/articles/211376518-Voice-Input-Modes-101-Push-to-Talk-Voice-Activated-
Roleplay & Combat mix: 50% Role Play and 50% Action
Character level: 1 LV ONLY "Krenko's Way" is a short adventure for a party of four to six 1st-level adventurers, who might advance to 2nd level by the adventure's conclusion.
Character restrictions: LV 1 DnD 5e. Ability scores by array or by point buy. A balance of character classes is helpful, since the adventurers will face a variety of challenges. Adventurers can be affiliated with any of the Ravnica guilds.
must contact GM [email protected] and provide Character details at least 24 hours prior.
Setting: "Krenko's Way" is set in the Tenth District of Ravnica and serves as an introductory adventure to the setting.
Details of the scenario: Krenko is the boss of a notorious goblin mob, and he has made his fortune and built his reputation by mostly staying out of the guilds' way. He has managed to cause no end of trouble for the citizens of the Tenth District,but not without attracting the attention of the guilds. A cunning opportunist, Krenko has spent years consolidating goblin street rabble into his fiercely loyal gang. He cultivated connections among the ruthless and powerful, specializing in high-value theft and mayhem. At the apex of his influence, he got into a nasty turf war with the Shattergang Brothers, a rival goblin gang that often deals in illicit arms. Rumors swirled that Krenko killed Dargig, the youngest of the three brothers, after a weapons drop went bad. The remaining two brothers, Rikkig and Gardagig, attempted to kill Krenko in retaliation for the death of their kin. Before they could do the deed, Krenko was apprehended by the Boros Legion and thrown into Sawtooth Prison-near the legion's headquarters of Sunhome-to spend the rest of his life behind bars. But someone as well connected as Krenko has ways of shortening his own sentence. Inciting a riot in prison secured him a transfer to Udzec, a maximum-security facility in Precinct Two of the Tenth District, administered by the Azorius Senate. During the transfer, agents of a former associate of Krenko's created a distraction, and he was able to slip away to rendezvous with his gang.

For speedy consideration, prospective applicants should provide an XML for your proposed character after adding your name to the players list below. Send XML via Discord https://discord.gg/P4h9VBf or Email [email protected]