View Full Version : LFP 1 or 2 Custom game set in FG setting. Friday nights EST time

January 21st, 2019, 21:09
We will be doing discord chats with players to find the right fit. Just to make sure your goals and ours line up.
New players both to FG and D&D are welcome. People that are looking for a hardcore by the book rules game most likely won’t like this game.
And I hate to say this but I have to because of some trends going on in the RPG community: If you want to join this game and play out any rape or torture fantasy’s DO NOT APPLY!!

We are a group of players with an age range from around 25 to 40 or so. We have multiple groups and games going on. This posting is for the main core group on Friday nights.

I tend to be most active from 3 to 8 EST during the week so that would be the times I check my PM's and send out reply's

FG License: GM has standard game so player(s) will need a paid for copy
Game System: D&D 5e

Time Zone: US EST (-5 GMT)
Day of week and time: Friday 7pm or 8pm (we are talking about changing the start time to 7pm) Next game is 25JAN2019
If new game, planned start date: Currently running
Planned Duration & Frequency: Up to 5 hours per game (hard end time of midnight) we play each week but sometimes we will take a week off here and there as needed. In the summer months we tend to play 3 weeks a month.
Term: We are a group of players that have been playing for 2 years now. We rotate DM/GM at the end of each story if someone wants to DM/GM the next game. We have other games going on as well that some of us DM on the side. You would need to talk to the DM to join there group. This post is for the core gaming group.

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: we use a private discord server
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? It will not be live streamed but sometimes is recorded by one of the players and posted on a private you tube. Only voice will be recorded if at all. It helps players keep up with what happened in a game they might have missed.

Roleplay & Combat mix: 60/40 RP/Combat
Number of Players in game & needed: Have 4 looking for 1 possibly 2 long term replacement player. We would like to have a female player to change things up.
Character starting level & equipment: lvl 4 standard starting gear.
Character restrictions: Elf (sub races allowed) and possibly a Halfling.

Details of your scenario: Now the hard part…..
This game will be a long term campaign so we are looking for a player(s) that want to become part of the group.

In this game the DM is trying to tell the tale of the kin slayer (elf civil war) wars and the fall of Araushnee and the rise of Loth. Its told from the Elvin perspective thus the reason for the race limitation. The goal is to go through the events that lead to the dark elves becoming the Drow and the founding of Menzoberranzan.
The setting is old forgotten realms with liberal historical accuracy, what I mean by this is some places and things that may or may not exist yet are being made in play for story telling reasons. It’s a low magic campaign right now but will change as time goes on.
The end goal of the game is to change the history of forgotten realms for all our future games for this group. So if your character becomes a king, god, matron mother (or father) etc.. in this game, when we run games after the fact this will still be in place. With the intent of having you take that roll when needed. So for example, If you were to become the king of a place called the green city (just a random name) and a year from now (real life time) a new group of players happens to come to your city seeking to speak to the king about something. The current DM will reach out to you and see if you are free to hop on and play that encounter out and if not how should the DM try to represent you/your character ( or set up a time that works for you). We hope this will make the world more fluid and dynamic as well as fun to play in.

Link to Game Calendar page: We don’t use this.

EDITS: Fixing the title of the post.

January 22nd, 2019, 00:45
Hi, my wife and I are both looking for a group. We are in our late 30's. I have many years of D&D experience and my wife has some, but we are both new to 5th ed and wanting to get back into gaming. Friday nights are perfect for us, and exactly what we are looking for. We are definitely looking for a group that puts fun and the story ahead of rules and being a bunch of murder hobos. We both have professional jobs that can be quite stressful and are looking for an experience that lets us get away from our day to day lives. If we are the right fit we have no issues with purchasing whatever we need to in fantasy grounds. We have just barely looked at fantasy grounds after not really seeing what we were looking for on Roll 20. We are happy to jump into discord tonight to talk.

January 22nd, 2019, 00:55
My experience is mostly with Pathfinder, but I am familiar with basic rules of 5e. I've been using FG for about a year now. Also I noticed you're looking for a girl to changes things. Fridays work great for me, and we're in the same time zone. I'm free to talk on discord tonight, as well. I forgot to mention I have Ultimate.

January 22nd, 2019, 00:57
@ Silentnights I sent you a PM

January 22nd, 2019, 01:00
@ gam3rdam3 PM sent

January 23rd, 2019, 01:24
Spots are now full, Invites where sent out, thanks for all the interest. I hope you all find a good game to join.