View Full Version : Character creation question

January 19th, 2019, 16:25
I am brand new to Fantasy Grounds, and I am making a group of characters using the 3.5 rules. So far I have been able to figure out most of what I have questions on. That being said, I cannot figure out how to add damage to my wizards staff. I created the staff in the Tab "Actions" and "Weapons". I see the box for "Damage", but I cannot click in the box. When I bring up the weapon, it has a "Dice" box where I could conceivably add in a "1d6", but again, I cannot click on the box. Needless to say, I am doing something wrong. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

Brian B.

January 19th, 2019, 16:33
Hi brian, welcome to FG.

Drag a dice from the dice pool and drop it onto that little box to add the dice you want.

January 19th, 2019, 16:33
I forgot to add a screenshot of how the character screen looks. 26013

January 19th, 2019, 16:35
That did it! Thanks so much!!

January 19th, 2019, 16:55
Dragging the 3D die to the die window/box gets most of us at the start :)

January 20th, 2019, 15:21
Yeah, I just didn't think of dragging and dropping the dice. :) Never the less, the Fantasy Grounds program is a delight. What a huge step forward over the old pen and paper versions of D&D. I remember trying to get together back when I was young (back in the 80's), for a night of D&D, and it was nearly impossible. Either it was distance everyone had to drive, or people were busy. Whatever the issue, it was nearly impossible to try to get together. Now with this program, it is so much easier to get together and run a night of D&D, even though the players may be 1000's of miles apart.

January 20th, 2019, 15:26
I do have one other question. I placed a couple of maps in my new campaign, but I cannot get the screen to come up that has the "Images and Maps" Icon. My screen has the generic looking icons that say "Character", "Class", "Feats", "Items", etc. etc. How do I get from that screen to the one that has the icons that say "Characters", "Notes", "Images and Maps", "Tables", "Story" etc. etc.?? 26033, 26034

Brian B.

January 20th, 2019, 15:32
Click the Library button and use the menu at the top of that window to add or take away the buttons you want. There are also 4 buttons at the top which will place all the buttons for a particular thing such as character creation or game play.

January 21st, 2019, 03:03
That worked! Thanks Zacchaeus!

January 23rd, 2019, 01:09
Zacchaeus. I had another question. In the "tabs" labelled "quests", "story" etc., is it possible to paste in text from another source (i.e. an external module)? Thanks.


January 23rd, 2019, 01:38
Use CTRL+V to paste text. See the basics page in the Wiki here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/The_Basics#Formatted_Text_Fields

Note that this is just plain text, formatting (bold, italic, etc.) will be lost.

January 23rd, 2019, 02:05
That worked. Thanks Trenloe!

January 30th, 2019, 14:35
I have another question. When using the maps, I have been using the Letter Tokens for monsters. This works great in combination with the Combat Tracker. If I have 8 Hobgoblins, I have 8 Letter Tokens with the letter H, and they are all labelled H1, H2, H3 etc, etc. It is really easy that way to differentiate who is attacking who. Now, I would really like to use the "Monster" tokens instead of just the letter tokens, but when I place the Monster Tokens on the map (i.e. the Hobgoblin Monster Tokens), I cannot get the monster tokens to be linked to the Combat trafficker in the way in which the Letter Tokens are linked. Any idea what I am doing wrong? Thanks.

Brian B.

January 30th, 2019, 16:19
I have another question. When using the maps, I have been using the Letter Tokens for monsters. This works great in combination with the Combat Tracker. If I have 8 Hobgoblins, I have 8 Letter Tokens with the letter H, and they are all labelled H1, H2, H3 etc, etc. It is really easy that way to differentiate who is attacking who. Now, I would really like to use the "Monster" tokens instead of just the letter tokens, but when I place the Monster Tokens on the map (i.e. the Hobgoblin Monster Tokens), I cannot get the monster tokens to be linked to the Combat trafficker in the way in which the Letter Tokens are linked. Any idea what I am doing wrong? Thanks.

Brian B.

Replace the tokens in the Combat Tracker on the left hand side :) or (if you work with the option to prepare encounters under the encounters tab) replace the tokens there :) Simply drag your new token on the position where the old token is (or usually is when the token place is blank) :)

I hope that helps :)

January 30th, 2019, 16:26
Always drag tokens from the combat tracker to the map, if you don't then the token is not linked to anything in the combat tracker.

As Kelrugem says - replace the tokens either in the encounter record (before adding the encounter to the CT), or to each of the creatures in the combat tracker itself. Then drag those tokens to the map from the CT.

January 30th, 2019, 16:54
Got it! Thanks Guys!!