View Full Version : New Player Question

Ready Player 1
January 18th, 2019, 19:10
I signed up for my 1st game on FGDAZE what do I need to do?

I am so confused and dont know how this works but am a long time player of DND. Want to get into this. I have FG downloaded and looked at it a few times but since I dont have a group cant make a character so forth. I have discord channel added and am in their. BTW

January 18th, 2019, 19:13
I'd get in touch with the GM of your FG Daze event and see what you need to do before the game - they'll probably have a pregen for you to use.

You can watch some of the videos in the Wiki to get an idea of the interface and how it works.

January 18th, 2019, 19:14
You should find all the basic information in the forum post related to whatever game you signed up to such as what type of voice communication etc will be used. Make sure that you have installed whatever voice software will be used and that you know how it works and that your microphone and headset works with it. Before the game starts you should find the DM has set up a channel in the voice software that they are using and you can join that for further details.

All this supposes that your DM does not send you a PM or some other communication with the details in the meantime.