View Full Version : A "no output" option for table rolls?

Mad Nomad
January 17th, 2019, 14:10
Hi, apologies if this is the wrong place for this, but had a simple idea I just wanted to share.

I've used and built some custom tables where a roll on one table then rolls on many other tables which in turn may roll on other tables, and on and on.
It's mildly annoying to have the chat section go nuts with a million rolls and then you have to go back through and find the individual pieces of what you were tryign to roll and put them together.

So as I was looking at the table UI, where you can choose the output, and I was thinking, it would be really nice if one of the output options was "No output" or "output to table data only" Then if there were tables that were really only meant to be rolled as part of rolling on a higher level table, you could just see the result of your main roll all together instead of the individual rolls.

As a very simple example, I built a series of tables to determine a random square. The maps I use have an alphabetical x axis and numeric y axis (dungeon painter studio maps)

So [random square] table roles on [xaxis] table and [yaxis] table
x axis returns a letter a-z and y axis returns a number

It would be nice if a roll on [random square] jsut returned a result of something like "a" "4" (the result of both table rolls)
Instead it returns 7 lines of chat and the x and y on separate lines

This is obviously a very simple example and yes I am aware I could just have 1 large table to handle this, but just using this to illustrate the idea. So ya, nothing earth shattering here, but just thought I'd throw it out there.

January 17th, 2019, 14:37
Instead of outputting to chat set the output to Story and it will do what you want. Or use Story Templates.

Note set the output only in the first table that you roll on; not the child tables.

Mad Nomad
January 17th, 2019, 23:46
Thanks for the suggestion. That does kind of work. Unfortunately, it also creates a story entry and I don't think I would really want to fill up my story list with a bunch of junk story rolls.
I think if I was using it to create a story entry, npc, parcel or encounter, that would work perfectly. And does for those use cases. But when using the tables for mechanics purposes, or for non permanent types of things, which is maybe pretty obscure, chat is really the only desired output locaiton. But oh well, it's not really a big deal. Not by any stretch. I can live with the extra chat lines.

January 17th, 2019, 23:48
Make sure the suggestion is in the wishlist somewhere. Link in Mr. Z's signature.