View Full Version : LFP Dark Tower (Judges Guild/Jaquays 1980) 5e Conversion

January 16th, 2019, 23:38
Hey Critters!

I am looking for a couple more players for a 5e conversion of the original Judges Guild/Jaquays "Dark Tower" module from 1980. I did a face-to-face play test, made some adjustments, and am hoping the balance is about right for the pre-gens I have created. Here are the details:

About me: I began playing in 7th grade back in the late 70's, and took a hiatus beginning mid 2e. I got back into it with 5e a couple years ago, and have been mostly DMing, but doing a bit of playing both face-to-face and on Roll20. I am new to Fantasy Grounds, so this will be my first run using this app. I strive to do my job as well as possible, to provide as immersive an experience as I can. I enjoy role-playing the NPCs as well as striving to make them believable, in both social and combat situations. I have a good grasp of the rules, but am not averse to player's correcting me.

About the adventure: This is a classic AD&D module that has stood the test of time due to Jaquays' creative genius and storytelling. I have been in communication with her about the conversion I'm doing, and she is eager to see the end result. I am using pre-gens to finalize the recommended party balance to provide a reasonable chance to complete the final quest, which involves routing out servants of an evil god attempting to gain a foothold in the area. While there will be a fair amount of roleplaying needed to gain an advantage, this is a combat heavy adventure requiring strategic and tactical prowess. I'd like to play 3-4 hours/week. It could take up to a year to complete the adventure at that rate. Maybe six months.

Party specifics: I am looking at this as a final play test. The party will consist of: bard, cleric, fighter, rogue, paladin, wizard. I am hoping to get players who have some experience with handling mid to high level characters, with the 5e rule set, and with Fantasy Grounds. You should also be fun to play with, bringing a positive, cooperative attitude to the game.

If interested, please provide the following information via private message to me.

1. Detail your experience. I'd prefer players who have no experience with Dark Tower.
2. Describe your availability converted to EST.
3. Rate your desire to play each character class listed above 1-6, with 6 being most preferred, e.g., bard2, cleric4, fighter1, rogue6, paladin3, wizard5.

I have been really putting my heart into this, and expect you will really love it. Thanks!


January 29th, 2019, 11:01
Hi Michael
I would definitely be interested in this if times are convenient.
1. I am in the UK and have been playing D&D since 1981 and playing first edition for all that time on and off ... in the early days as a player but since around 1990 as a DM. I converted myself to 5th edition about 4 years ago. I use Fantasy Grounds every week for a game I run for players in Turkey, Japan, Bulgaria and soon to be, Australia. I have also done some conversions from old White Dwarf and JG.
I own everything JG produced (I think) including Dark Tower and Inferno. I played DT about (christ!) 32 years ago - I have vague memories but nothing at all clear. I recall issues of the party splitting over the influence of either 'power' or items ... but honestly, can't recall details at all. I do recall it being an amazing experience at the time, and a classic dungeon.
So, sorry, I have some experience but long forgotten. I am 56y and D&D is an important part of my life - I have no interest at all, is sneaking a look at the dungeon ... rest assured.

2. You are 5 hours behind me in the UK - not such a big difference, but this depends on when you were thinking of running. If it was early evening in a Saturday for example, this would be very late Sat here - that is fine. During 'normal' hours, the working week is more tricky. During the working week is not possible because I work.

3. I do not care what I play - I throw myself into everything. I would list in order of preference: bard5, cleric4, fighter6, rogue3, paladin1, wizard2 I would point out that I MUCH prefer Wizards however, Paladins are REALLY tough to play well when with a party - because they prevent so much that could happen. Paladin's also require a strong measure to negotiation within the party, to get them to tow your line - they are also quite arrogant (and as a Physicist, that fits me!!). I have a lvl 7 or 8 paladin and would be eager to continue his journey because it is so challenging to play.

Finally, if time, etc don't fit, then that is fine - my life is full, but I would genuinely be happy to hear how this goes. If Jaquays would be happy for you to give me contact details, I would also very much like to send a big thank you for all the memories and sparks of imagination that has been created for me.



January 29th, 2019, 13:29
Hi John,

Thank you for your response. You sound like you would be a great party member, but right now our group is full. That too, game time begins 8pm EST, which I believe is past a physicist's bedtime. You can message Jennell Jaquays on LinkedIn - that is how I originally connected with her. Good luck!


January 29th, 2019, 13:37
Thanks Michael - sorry I came to the party too late. How is it going? In particular, how is the paladin coping?
If you end up running again, it has the potential to be good fun. I would certainly be interested in any thoughts you have on the problems for the conversions for FG - I am converting the A0-A4 modules and the flavour text needs a lot to be desired. I considered Inferno, but the level the players need to be is crazy high I think (if it is to be run properly). It would make for a great 'planar visit' however.
Take care and good luck.

January 29th, 2019, 13:55
Hi John,

Our first session is Friday. The players have been familiarizing themselves with the characters I created, or amended them to suit their play style. It has been quite a labour doing this conversion to 5e, and then inputting it all to FG. I have created box text (read to players), and for this also had to create lots of unique creatures and items. I will likely run it again at some point, as it may require some tuning for balance. I hope to make it available for distribution, but Bob Bledsaw, Jr. (owner of the rights to Dark Tower) is not very responsive.

Let me know when you are going to run the A series, I would be interested. If this works out, I may do a conversion of Caverns of Thracia.

Best, Michael

January 29th, 2019, 14:29
I was looking to convert the old TSR modules for FG. This seemed to be OK as long as it was just for me to run ... not to provide for the community ... that would potentially generate copyright issues.
Then I checked the copyright issue and realised that with permission it is fine. So I contacted Wizards, who seem to own the old TSR stuff and they replied really positively - they did not mind as long as ... (and then a string of issues). Cutting it short, I was not to make any money out of it in any way, and it needed to be good so that the quality did not tarnish anything they were associated with. I thought this was quite enlightened.
I did the conversion for the original A1 and learnt a lot out FG - YouTube videos were REALLY useful. I think I did a pretty good job. Then I discovered A0 (which I don't think was around in the 'old' days) and converted that ... and did a far better job of it.

So I am presently running these, set on the sword coast but I only run them during the big breaks (Christmas, Easter, Summer). It is going well.

The game I am running for the people in Turkey, Japan, etc is CoS and going really well - they thought they were going to do Hoard of the Dragon Queen, but ended up sidetracked into CoS. The one player contacted me telling me that she was having issues concentrating at work because of the situations and problems encountered in the game ... which makes me feel good as a DM, but maybe not good for her work!!

My BIG piece of work at the moment is the development of a face-to-face campaign I have created based around the City State of the Invincible Overlord. Six characters (Monk, Paladin, Fighter, Warlock, Cleric and Rogue). It will probably take a couple of years but it is presently going really well - VERY deep and dark storyline (dark in a similar sense to CoS). Once it is finished, I will tweak it for FG play. If you like deep gameplay, you might like it - I will let you know if it all comes to fruition.

Take care and have a great game - it is good to keep the old games running - they were not a polished and those around now, but there were some captivating ideas. If you need to chat about how it is going, but can't do that with your players (for obvious reasons), let me know ([email protected]).



January 29th, 2019, 16:15
Hey John

CSotIO sounds like fun - love to join. At one point I owned it, and ran my first homebrew city campaign there. So long ago... I plan to journal the Dark Tower adventure story, I'll send it to you if you like.


January 30th, 2019, 19:46
Wow - great minds think alike or fools never differ. I am starting a journal for the CoS adventure. I would definitely appreciate seeing it.

Once I have come to a sensible break with CSofTI, I will revamp it for FG and try to start a FG campaign. I will contact you and ensure that if possible, we arrange a time when you can be part of it - 5 hours is not that difficult a bridge to gap, as long as the time in the 7-day week is chosen carefully.

The only negative of reading your journal is that i will never be able to play it in the future.


January 31st, 2019, 02:33
I remember the City State of the Invincible Overlord module. Funny because I do not remember any of the Jaquays work.

January 31st, 2019, 13:38
Your call - I'll send it if you like. I've been making the maps in Dungeon Painter Studio. While laborious, they are turning out really nice. Best money I've ever spent. You can reach me at [email protected]. Game starts tomorrow, damned excited!
