View Full Version : LF GM, 3 IRL friends looking for experienced GM, $20 per session, Saturday 6pm MST

January 16th, 2019, 23:06
Hey there! We are three real life friends who have been playing Pathfinder for years, albeit poorly. We have a great friendship and a nice humor that I'm sure any GM could prosper off of. We love the RP aspect of the game more than anything else and won't be minmaxing. The GM has total control and we can get more players if needed along with any home brew rules the GM would like to use. Our only request is that the story to be amazing! We aren't into murder hobos and we don't metagame. We would also be interested in different Games as well, such as Starfinder or Shadowrun. PM if you are interested.

EDIT: If you are interested in becoming our fearless Game Master, Please message me before Friday the 18th, 6:00 PM MST, we will be interviewing potential GMs and would love to have the opportunity to chat with anyone interested. Thank you!

January 18th, 2019, 00:57
What days can you play? That may help a potential GM decide if they're a fit or not.

January 18th, 2019, 01:01
Saturday at 6pm MST is the only time slot we have time to play. We all work full time and go to school. So every day is filled unfortunately.