View Full Version : LFG 2 Players Weeknight, Tuesday UTC+1 Time Zone starting at 7:30 or 9:00pm 5e only

January 16th, 2019, 18:26
FG License: Standard License.
Time Zone: UTC+1.
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Weekly, Tuesdays UTC+1 as early as 7:30 pm, we can't go later than 1:30 am though.
Term: Long term.
Voice: One of us can use voice chat, the other is unable to speak and uses text chat in FG

Game System Preferred: D&D 5E only please.
Game System Experience: One of us is newer, the other has close to half a year of experience.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: Robust but not perfect

Character Type Preferred: We have prepared characters at lvl 1, a Hexblade Warlock and a Redemption Paladin with backstories included.
About me: We're a couple with the female being the more seasoned player and the male being newer, I, the female, am mute and will use text chat while he uses voice chat, we log in on one connection and alternate characters when our turns come up, so you'll see the occasional wrongly sent message (sorry) we enjoy a split between RP and combat, OOC jokes will be happening, but we'd like to focus on the game more than on the jokes, we're looking ideally for a homebrew campaign, though we have no problem with module content being used, though we are not interested in a "by-the-book" run through the adventure, we're hoping to find a GM willing to create an adventure for the players and working with the backstories made, and to be extra demanding (we apologize) we wish to start as low lvl as possible, no higher than level 5.

January 18th, 2019, 14:11
Bumping up

January 21st, 2019, 21:30
Nother bump