View Full Version : LFPs - Ember Isles Homebrew - One-Shot leading to full campagin - D&D 5e - Sat 8CST

January 15th, 2019, 03:42
FG License: Ultimate (Players don't need to own FG)
Game System: D&D 5E

Day of week and time: Sat. 8pm-12pm CST
Planned start date: As soon as we get a full group, hopefully 1/19
Planned Duration & Frequency: One-Shot to begin with. I will be continuing as full 1-20ish campaign once I have a solid set of players that enjoyed the one-shot. If that happens with the first group, so be it! Otherwise, I will continue to run these one shots until i have 5-6 players that want to continue.

Text or Voice: Voice, headset and push-to-talk strongly requested.
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No
Paid or Free?: Free
New Player Friendly? Absolutely! If you are new to D&D and/or FG, please let me know so I can help acclimate you.

Roleplay & Combat mix: I'm aiming for 65/35 RP to combat, but am willing to slide a bit in either direction based on party desire.
Number of Players needed: 5
Character starting level & equipment: 1st level with standard equipment.
Character restrictions: No flying races for Players Characters
Books allowed: PHB, Xanathar's..., Volo's..., Mordenkanen's..., Sword Coast Adventures Guide
Special rules: None for the One-Shot

Send me a PM if interested! Don't worry about class/skill balance, the one-shot will work with any combo of characters.
Feel free to ask me any questions via this thread, PM, or Discord (Carlctrl#7874)

Adventure details:
Two years ago (1484 DR), explorers known as the Pilgrims of the Next Valley discovered a new island chain 1,900 miles off the western coast of Faerun and named it the Ember Isles. Since that time, there has been a slow stream of settlers and fortune hunters taking the long journey to the mysterious islands. You’ve heard that Captain Redscruff of the Hasty Eel has put out an open invitation in Baldur’s Gate to would be adventurers. He's looking for a few more to join him on his second voyage to the islands. Do you have the courage to join his crew and head for the Ember Isles?!

The sessions begins as you are approaching the islands and the one-shot focuses the events of your arrival.

More stuff:
Why a One-Shot? I like the idea of having a "demo-session" with players before they commit to a weekly game that will ideally last over a year. It gives people a chance to experience my DM style and to get a feel for the other players. I plan to run a few of these One-Shots and get a solid group of 5-6 people that want to continue. Once we have that group, we'll start with a traditional session 0 to begin the campaign in earnest (you can keep your one-shot character or roll a new one). We'll pick up where the one-shot ended. I'll share much more details about that extended campaign to players that wish to continue. And if you're only interested in the one session, feel free to apply! You don't have to want a full campaign to participate in the One-Shot.

About my self as a DM (mostly for those interested in the longer campaign):
-I've been playing D&D for about 4 years in total (2 with 3.5, 2 with 5e) and DMing for one. I ran another group through the first 5 levels of this same homebrew with great success.
-I will bend the rules a bit in service to the story we are telling together. Whenever possible I will stick to the rules of the game, but when the opportunity for a great narrative moment comes, story > rules.
-I try to keep things moving along smoothly and may make a snap ruling on what your character can and cannot do. I am always willing to review my decisions with you after the game, but I do ask players to go along with a decision during the game to keep us moving.
-I expect >75% attendance. If your schedule changes please let me know, but consistent last-second cancellations will result in me asking you to leave the campaign.
-FUN is the first thing at my table, even before RP. Whatever we are doing, whatever issues come up, my first thought will be, "is everyone having fun?" I expect my players to think along the same lines. I love when players bring their role-play A-game, but if your role-play comes at the expense of other players enjoyment of the game, it is not OK. Following this rule, I believe, resolves most player issues that might come up. You can always find a way to RP any character such that they don't disrupt the other players. Things such as party PVP, party stealing, interfering with someone else's actions, stealing the spotlight, etc. are all occasionally OK if and only if all players enjoy it and want it. I expect players to be cognizant and respectful of everyone else at the table before they take any potentially disruptive actions.

Look forward to hearing from you!

January 15th, 2019, 06:57
This sounds excellent, I am extremely interested in this game and your DM-ing style. Normally that time slot fits me perfectly, but I might have to go out of town this weekend to visit my father in the hospital if he is still not released yet.

January 15th, 2019, 07:31
Sounds fun.

PM sent.

January 15th, 2019, 08:52
Would love to give it a crack and see if it's a long term thing! Sending you a PM

January 15th, 2019, 15:23
This sounds excellent, I am extremely interested in this game and your DM-ing style. Normally that time slot fits me perfectly, but I might have to go out of town this weekend to visit my father in the hospital if he is still not released yet.

No worries, theres a decent chance I'll run another one of these next Sat. keep an eye out and I'll try to remember check in with you if i do.

January 16th, 2019, 14:19
Still a few more spots, PM if interested!

January 18th, 2019, 03:37
Just got my 6th for this Sat., so I'm full up for now. If you're still interested please let me know via PM and I'll add you for next Sat, when I plan to do this again. Thanks everyone.

January 19th, 2019, 03:16
No worries, theres a decent chance I'll run another one of these next Sat. keep an eye out and I'll try to remember check in with you if i do.

Thanks mate, hope the game goes well.

January 20th, 2019, 16:48
I am interested for next Saturday. BUT. I am a newbie with the FG system. I know 3.5 well, but have the basic 5e books.
even if you don't take me, a one shot is fine (I need the experience). Sending a PM.

January 20th, 2019, 23:04
I am interested for next Saturday. BUT. I am a newbie with the FG system. I know 3.5 well, but have the basic 5e books.
even if you don't take me, a one shot is fine (I need the experience). Sending a PM.

PM answered! Always happy to show new folks the ropes.

January 25th, 2019, 00:35
I've got room for 1 more for the second run through of the One-Shot this Sat (1/26). I've nearly filled the slots for the ongoing campaign, so this is really just for folks interested in the one-shot. PM me if interested!


January 25th, 2019, 01:16
I sent you a PM about Saturday.

January 26th, 2019, 05:33
Spot filled, thanks for the apps everyone.

January 26th, 2019, 18:30
If you are still looking for players I am very interested, super new to FG. But not to D&D. Can't find a stable group that will commit to playing and I need my fix.