View Full Version : Looking for players & GM a Song of Ice and Fire RPG campaign est us Players+5.

January 15th, 2019, 02:09
Welcome to the Legion of the dice a streaming group that will be better than all other streaming groups because we have gumption and on necessary titles
Please follow the following format when applying
1 what is your time zone and availability
Example i'm available every day except the weekends because I'm currently playing in games on roll20 my time zone is eastern
2 experience with ttrpg example
I have about 16 years of experience
3 What systems do you have experience running
Example i've have experience running A Song of Ice and Fire RPG stars without numbers apocalypse world fallout PNP d&D 3.5 GURPS one piece D20 system
4 what games do you have experience playing
Example I have experience playing fallout PNP GURPS deadlands one Piece D20 apocalypse world warhammer d&D 3.5 d&D 5.0 d&D 3.0 d&D 1.0 a song of Ice and Fire RPG dungeon world world of Darkness
5 what do unique skills do you bring to the table
Example i'm a history buff I have an amazing work ethic pretty talented writer i'm very well organized i'm a very funny person
6 what is your greatest weakness
Example my grandma sucks and I'm dyslexic
7 people who need not apply the easily-offended feminist sjws people who are uncomfortable with racial slurs
8 besides tabletop game play what ideas do you have for different shows for the channel
Example weekly talk show about tabletop game news and different events in the community show where we talked about our favorite tabletop gaming ever had and screw-ups and
9 people who will get preferential treatment in applications sorry these people are hard to find people with editing skills graphic designers people who know how to setup live streams better cuz I don't
10 are you willing to GM games because I don't always want to be the only one GM it kind of gets tiresome
11 are you comfortable being on webcam you don't have to use a webcam if you don't want to just thought I'd ask
12 do you have a good functioning microphone example
I have an external microphone and a headset with a microphone
13 people who will not be accepted into this group whatsoever their those filthy goblins
14 we do not use Facebook for social media we use mines because Facebook is cancer

January 15th, 2019, 04:03
1- I'm in Las Vegas - Pacific Time and can play Friday afternoons, evenings, all day Saturdays, Sundays until about 5-6 pm and weekdays I work early so I could do 3pm - about 6 pm my times.
2- I've been playing rpg's since I was about 9 with the Moldvay Basic Set so 36-37 years. I have gaps in there where I couldn't find groups especially pre-internet days, but even then I bought and read sets and books.
3- I have run all editions of D&D, Chronicles of Darkness, Fantasy Age, Song of Ice and Fire, all editions of Star Wars, Conan 2d20, a few others here and there.
4- I have played all editions of D&D, Pathfinder, Starfinder, Savage Worlds, World of Darkness, Chronicles of Darkness, Cthulhu, BRP, Runequest, Elric, Marvel Super Heroes, and more I can't think of right now.
5- No unique skills I can think of for this anyways.
6- I can be a tad on the shy side but warm up quickly.
7- Don't offend easy.
8- Fantasy book and tv show round tables, dm tips and player tips are always nice, one shot adventures using new systems, comic roundtables
9- No real skills in most of those.
10- Yes I can GM if needed here and there, don't really want to run a full campaign yet.
11- Yes
12- I believe so, I have a webcam and microphone but never used them. I can get one if needed.

January 16th, 2019, 03:13
I sent you an invite to the Discord server

January 17th, 2019, 06:47
When would you be available to talk on Discord

January 28th, 2019, 00:19
1. MST -7 Saturday nights and Sunday evenings
2. 15 ish years, off and on
3. I've run pathfinder and 3.5 and 5e, and a game I am helping design called M5
4. I've played 4e 3.5 ADND 5e pathfinder, and M5
5. I know a little about everything, Very good at creating puzzles and solving them, also very tactical and love to figure things out to avoid conflict. I think I am funny, though who really knows.
6. procastinator
7. only offended by retards
8. story telling, in the more traditional format, I think that could get a following too.
9. I use OBS and am pretty decent with it, though nothing advanced, I just know how to optimize settings for cheaper computers and crappy internet connections.
10. Yes
11. Yes
12. I use an SM-58 through a pre amp into a outboard audio controller

January 28th, 2019, 01:18

I am on eastern time and available to play any time after 5pm on from Monday to Thursday. I have been a fan of Dungeons and Dragons since for 40 years, and while I have never played any other ttrpg, I am definitely open to the idea. I have played every D&D edition and have ran campaigns for 3.5 and 5e. However, DMing is not my thing. My passion is creating complex characters with interesting backgrounds and living vicariously through them. In other words, I just love playing. I do have experience editing scripts, but I am not claiming to be an expert. But, I can definitely to an ok job at it. I have some experience streaming as well. Right now we broadcast our Friday night game through Twitch using the Streamlab application. However, we are not professional streamers. We stream the game for our friends and family to watch. Besides my experience as a player and casual streamer, I think the best thing I can bring to a group is consistency and a true love a devotion to the ttrpg genre. I love getting together with like-minded nerds and enjoying an amazing adventure. Le me know if you have any questions for me. I am available to chat through Discord any day after 5pm and most weekends. Hopefully I will talk to you soon.

January 28th, 2019, 01:38
hey! yo got my info already but i'm definitely down to play.. i'm itching to make my faceless man build..

January 29th, 2019, 17:21
1. MST -7 Saturday nights and Sunday evenings
2. 15 ish years, off and on
3. I've run pathfinder and 3.5 and 5e, and a game I am helping design called M5
4. I've played 4e 3.5 ADND 5e pathfinder, and M5
5. I know a little about everything, Very good at creating puzzles and solving them, also very tactical and love to figure things out to avoid conflict. I think I am funny, though who really knows.
6. procastinator
7. only offended by retards
8. story telling, in the more traditional format, I think that could get a following too.
9. I use OBS and am pretty decent with it, though nothing advanced, I just know how to optimize settings for cheaper computers and crappy internet connections.
10. Yes
11. Yes
12. I use an SM-58 through a pre amp into a outboard audio controller

Cool your application seems pretty good so here's the link to the Discord I already sent it to you through private message but I don't think you've got that https://discord.gg/q84sr3v

January 29th, 2019, 17:22

I am on eastern time and available to play any time after 5pm on from Monday to Thursday. I have been a fan of Dungeons and Dragons since for 40 years, and while I have never played any other ttrpg, I am definitely open to the idea. I have played every D&D edition and have ran campaigns for 3.5 and 5e. However, DMing is not my thing. My passion is creating complex characters with interesting backgrounds and living vicariously through them. In other words, I just love playing. I do have experience editing scripts, but I am not claiming to be an expert. But, I can definitely to an ok job at it. I have some experience streaming as well. Right now we broadcast our Friday night game through Twitch using the Streamlab application. However, we are not professional streamers. We stream the game for our friends and family to watch. Besides my experience as a player and casual streamer, I think the best thing I can bring to a group is consistency and a true love a devotion to the ttrpg genre. I love getting together with like-minded nerds and enjoying an amazing adventure. Le me know if you have any questions for me. I am available to chat through Discord any day after 5pm and most weekends. Hopefully I will talk to you soon.

Cool your application seems pretty good so here's the link to the Discord I already sent it to you through private message but I don't think you've got that https://discord.gg/q84sr3v

Feldspar Helmet
February 16th, 2019, 22:54
Not sure which thread you want this on so I applied to both.
Hello confederation, I am very interested in joining a streamed game.
1 what is your time zone and availability
PST (GMT-8) West Coast North America. Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday anytime from noon PST to games that end at 11 pm PST.
2 experience with ttrpg example
I have 37 years of experience playing in real life games and online.
3 What systems do you have experience running
So many. D+D, all the way from The Red Box to 5e, Shadowrun, All Flesh Must be Eaten, Deadlands, Wrath and Glory and more.
4 what games do you have experience playing
All of the above and more including homebrew game systems and pure story-telling sessions.
5 what do unique skills do you bring to the table
I performed live comedy improv for 7 years and have some experience as a stand up comedian. The improv taught me how to share scenes, how to say yes and move a scene along and how to give others the space they need to have their moments in the sun. The standup taught me how to abuse hecklers. That might not be quite so useful in a game.
6 what is your grandma weakness
I really enjoy playing sub-par characters with weaknesses and at least one low stat. While this is fun it can mean my characters die a lot, especially at low levels.
7 people who need not apply the easily-offended this is nothing against anybody's personal political ideology I just run games that some people might be uncomfortable playing in.
I run very dark games and it is extremely unlikely that I will be offended by anything you choose to put in your game.
8 besides tabletop game play what ideas do you have for different shows for the channel
Perhaps videos on creating interesting characters. How to write a decent backstory that the GM can mine to draw your character into the game. Turning an idea into a character.
9 people who will get preferential treatment in applications sorry these people are hard to find people with editing skills graphic designers people who know how to setup live streams better i'm pretty good at it but I could use some help
I probably should have listed this as my grandma weakness.
10 are you willing to GM games because I don't always want to be the only one GM it kind of gets tiresome.
Yes. I love DMing. I currently run a game on Wednesdays and am in a game on Mondays that consists entirely of GMs that take turns running adventures in a consistent world. I have a number of oneshots and short adventures ready to go although I would need to transfer them to this platform. I will be building adventures in FG within a month.
11 are you comfortable being on webcam you don't have to use a webcam if you don't want to just thought I'd ask.
I am used to performing live and in front of cameras. I am getting a Logitech C922 within a week.
12 do you have a good functioning microphone example
I have a Blue Yeti mic and use Voicemeeter Banana to process my sound.
13 people who will not be accepted into this group whatsoever filthy goblins it's only good Goblin is a dead Goblin.
While I do not share your anti-goblin bias I can assure you that I am in no way a goblin or goblin related creature. The bad teeth and shiny bald head are the result of age and bad genetics.... The green tinge? ... I've been sick.