View Full Version : Effect for Max Gangup bonus

January 14th, 2019, 10:46
Is there an effect modifier expression to set the maximum gangup bonus (from 4 to 3 say).

I see there is one that reduces the bonus one level, but that isn't what I am after (see new rules Block effect).

January 15th, 2019, 07:07
Such adjustment via effects is not supported and there is no need for such. SWADE block reduces the bonus not the cap. Reas more from here: https://www.pegforum.com/forum/feedback-on-sw-adventure-edition-aa/16750-combat-edge-block-page-40

January 15th, 2019, 09:44
My copy of the rules says the cap... but I stand corrected.

January 15th, 2019, 19:40
You can read it from SWADE v4.0 PDF which was released today.