View Full Version : Overriding to all players to middle-click to move locked tokens.

January 14th, 2019, 01:24
Overriding to allow players to middle-click to move locked tokens.

Couldn't edit post title.


I'm trying to override the default behavior of only the GM being able to move locked tokens on middle mouse clicking, to allow players to commit to their planned routes when happy with it. Instead of the GM having to click for every single movement of the players during combat sections.
I know it could be debated if this is a good idea or not, but I've seen it work well on other VTT's and it would save GM/DM's a lot of clicking and let players feel more in control. In either case I would probably set it up as a menu item toggle.

I've been looking through the various lua's of the CoreRPG, also tried searching for button == 2 to find where middle mouse clicks are processed in the code. So far not found where the actual process to do this takes place.
So I was wondering if anyone happened to know where it is and/or what function it is?

Moon Wizard
January 14th, 2019, 02:46
It’s not possible. It’s part of the built-in token feature set.

Either the players can move their own tokens; or the movement is locked and the GM needs to approve.


January 14th, 2019, 03:04
Thank you for the reply, Moon Wizard. That saved me a few hours no doubt.