View Full Version : Modern / Futuristic Info

January 13th, 2019, 16:12
Hey guys,
I am wanting to introduce time travel into my campaign... sort of. More like dimmensional travel to parallels (technicalities i guess). Anyways I am trying to find 5th edition compatible modern and futuristic resources. I used to run Alternity back in the day and loved it. Ebberon is my favorite canpaign by leagues. Thanks!

January 13th, 2019, 18:49
To me the biggest challenge is when you chose to mix archaic, magic and future in the same campaign. If all you are using is future and magic, it's easy to do something like this; https://dnd.wizards.com/articles/features/my-new-d20-modern-campaign

IMO, when you mix swords, guns, chainmail, kevlar, and sonic knives it's gets more troublesome. Simple because do you want to try and account for AC versus damage type? I mean Kevlar works great against firearms (ballastic) but does it do much for lightning or fire etc? I don't like that type of complexity :)

Anyway, Google seemed to give some good links; https://www.google.com/search?q=5e+modern&rlz=1C1CHBD_enUS784US785&oq=5e+modern&aqs=chrome..69i57j0j69i60l3j0.1626j0j4&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8

January 16th, 2019, 14:50
Also watch Sliders for inspiration. :)