View Full Version : LFG 1 Player Mon-Sat 6PM+ EST

January 6th, 2019, 19:22
FG License: Paid/Standard
Time Zone: EST (UTC -5)
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: I can be available any time later than 5-6pm on any day except sunday, prefer at least weekly games
Term: I'd love to do a longer, serious campaign. I'm open to shorter games, but not one-shots.
Voice: Yes, I have a decent headset. No webcam, but I can get one if needed after I get comfortable with the group. Discord preferred.

Game System Preferred: 5E, but wouldn't mind learning older editions or pathfinder/similar rulesets.
Game System Experience: I've played one campaign of 5e, that's it. I got hooked, but the rest of my group is very casual. I feel comfortable with the basics of 5e and FG, but I'm still pretty new.

After playing through a campaign that was entirely improvised and played with the levity of a poker game for monopoly money, I'm really looking for a game/dm that has prepared content, combat, and dungeons. I don't mind roleplaying, it can definitely be fun to develop characters and story arcs, but I am new to it and still find it awkward - especially when it dominates the game. Maybe I'll get to the point where strolling through town square talking to npcs for an entire session is fun, but I'm not there yet. Oh, even though I don't like shopping, watching virtual shopaholics gorge themselves on fiction is deeply amusing to me, so that shouldn't be an issue if the other players enjoy it. Also not a fan of resource management, like spell components, but can deal with it without complaint.

Age 18+ group required, 21+ preferred.

I think that's all my baggage. If you still want me after all of that, please message me!

January 6th, 2019, 20:34
I am starting a Pathfinder campaign. See the below link and let me know if it sounds like something you're interested in.