View Full Version : Dragon Ancestor Effect?

January 5th, 2019, 10:41
I'm trying to wrap my head around this effect and I'm having a hard time...
I did do some searching on the forums and didn't find anything useful during my search.

Have double proficiency on any CHA skill check, BUT (this is where I'm stuck) not add it on top of any existing proficiency.
This will add double proficiency regardless of check (just don't click when not doing CHA checks), but does add on top of existing proficiency.

Any thoughts?

January 5th, 2019, 11:14
If the character is already proficient in charisma checks then CHECK: [PRF], charisma. If the character isn't already proficient then CHECK: [2PRF], charisma. The player would need both effects and apply the correct one depending on their existing proficiency bonus on the skill being used (it will be rare that the check will just be a straight check - it's more likely some kind of skill will be involved)

Alternatively create effects which target the characters skills. So if the character is proficient in Persuasion and Intimidation SKILL: [PRF], persuasion, intimidation will apply an additional bonus. If they aren't already proficient use [2PRF].

Another method would be to create a new skill called Dragon Ancestor, associate it with CHA and double the proficiency and just use that skill in place of whatever other skill is called for.

January 5th, 2019, 18:33
Good logic, I'll probably do the last idea for simplicity since it's independent of proficiency for the same output on all skills.

Not asking for the actual syntax, but would it be possible to write if/then+else for the first idea so something along the lines of {IF CHECK:[PRF]=TRUE then +Prof (again to make it double prof), else: CHECK:[2PRF]

January 5th, 2019, 18:56
No, you can't use IF or IFT to test for that kind of thing. IF and IFT can only be used to test for conditions (prone, charmed etc) or conditional operators (Alignment, size etc). More information on IF and IFT here (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/5E_Effects#A_Note_on_IF_and_IFT).

January 5th, 2019, 20:21
Well alright then, thanks a bunch for the help!