View Full Version : PF Ruleset Bug with Dex Effect and CA/GRANTCA

January 4th, 2019, 23:48
Say you have a creature with 20 AC and 20 Flat-footed AC.

If you apply a +10 Dex bonus to them (DEX: 10) what SHOULD happen is the creature now has 25 AC and 20 Flat-footed AC.

What DOES happen is that the creature has 25 AC and 15 Flat-footed AC.

Either it's zeroing out the Dex bonus and then subtracting it anyway or it's just flat out subtracting it twice, don't know which.

This means if you give the creature a +100 Dex bonus its AC actually goes negative when flat-footed.

January 8th, 2019, 09:27

I tried commenting out line 762 of 3.5E\scripts\manager_actor2.lua. Seems to have fixed it. Somewhere else in that script, it's already being accounted for. Possibly because the target AC is already the flatfooted AC and the DEX bonus doesn't need to be subtracted.

January 8th, 2019, 15:12
Possibly because the target AC is already the flatfooted AC and the DEX bonus doesn't need to be subtracted.

Possibly if they're negating the effect and THEN subtracting the Dex bonus AC. If there's a way to view the actual code for this I could figure it out, but not sure how to do that.

January 8th, 2019, 16:20
The rulesets directory contains.pak files that are just renamed zip files. If you unzip the file to a directory of the same name, the directory will take precedence over the .pak file. That way you can make changes to the files in the directory without changing the original .pak. For this particular issue I commented a line in 3.5E\scripts\manager_actor2.lua.

January 8th, 2019, 16:35
The rulesets directory contains.pak files that are just renamed zip files. If you unzip the file to a directory of the same name, the directory will take precedence over the .pak file. That way you can make changes to the files in the directory without changing the original .pak.
Be aware that if you do this the ruleset in the directory will always override the downloaded .pak file - meaning it will override future ruleset updates. So keep this in mind - we often have people reporting that some new functionality isn't working or they're suddenly getting errors, and it turns out they had an unpacked ruleset from a previous version.

January 8th, 2019, 20:39
I believe that lines 762, 767, and 772 are applying the nBonusStat value to nFlatFootedMod in error. These lines will ultimately augment nBonusSitutational. And line 856 calculates the nDefenseEffectMod using both nBonusStat and nonBonusSituational; the latter of which already contains nBonusStat by virtue of those three lines.

But I'm not a programmer, so I could be totally wrong.

January 17th, 2019, 01:08
This was fixed, thanks!