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View Full Version : Cannot Re-install

January 1st, 2019, 06:59
Was recommended to re-install because since the last update I was getting errors after connecting to my DM. A box showed up in FG with red text stating that it couldn't find TONS of items. I have a screenshot of that if that would help any, but obviously I'm not even getting that far anymore.
First off this is the demo install, I'm just a player. (Thought about buying, but when doing research on this issue, people who have bought it are still having the problem so I decided against it for the time being)
Initially I just left the setup as default and ended up getting this error in a silver error box with an OK button. [Error Invalid or inactive license key entered in Settings. Please update Settings with valid active license key] So I made an account
[Getting Packages from FG server
ERROR - GetProducts: Network HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
retrying in 10 seconds]
And it just continues to retry. I have my windows firewall off and have no other firewalls or anti-virus on my pc. I've been searching around for answers and haven't found anything helpful. I don't have a router just a modem and I have no idea how to figure out what's going on with that or configure it. Like I said I previously had the game and it was fine until the latest update. Was going to wait for a new update but I'd actually like to play with my friends.

Note to anyone trying to help: When it comes to networking/troubleshooting etc. I'm completely clueless. I need visuals or very detailed instructions.
If anyone can provide these things and help, it would be so greatly appreciated! <3 Happy New Year.

January 1st, 2019, 08:12
As a layer, you almost never need to worry about networking. Not sure why you might have gotten an invalid license, as a player using a demo license, you don't need one :)

Are you on a PC or Mac or Linux? Are you doing the Steam install or the one from the website here? And screen shot are always a good thing:)

Moon Wizard
January 1st, 2019, 08:45
A 400 bad request error while updating has always been some sort of internet filtering or parental control software rewriting the requests by the FG updater to something not recognized by the FG update server.

Make sure to review all possible program security, Internet security or parental control software on your machine. Also, we’ve seen this occasionally caused by filtering or parental controls on routers as well.


January 1st, 2019, 09:14
As a layer, you almost never need to worry about networking. Not sure why you might have gotten an invalid license, as a player using a demo license, you don't need one :)

Are you on a PC or Mac or Linux? Are you doing the Steam install or the one from the website here? And screen shot are always a good thing:)

New to the forums so I'm not quite sure how to put screen shots on here. PC and the one from the website. As the other poster said, I've looked through what I know on my PC where the firewalls are (which are all off) and I don't have a router. I have no idea how to access my modem. The game previously worked and previously downloaded just fine. I can recreate the errors that I'm getting from trying to re-download the game and screen shot that, and I have the other saved. Should I host them on another site and link them or is there another way to post them on here?

January 1st, 2019, 09:35
You may need to have made a few posts before you can attach images, but if you can then you can add attachments to your posts via the go advanced button when you are typing in your message.

From what you have said above I see that you seem to be suggesting that you have more than one firewall. Having more than one firewall is generally a bad thing since the will get in each other’s way and could be causing your issue. Check that neither one of them has already quarantined Fantasy Grounds. I would also wholly recommend that you decide upon and just use one firewall and ensure that you have an exception for Fantasy Grounds in it. Also check that you don’t also have things like Malwarebytes or any other security software on top of your anti virus. If you do then make sure you have created exceptions for FG and in the case of MWB disabled the advanced web thing.

It is likely that your modem also has a router in it since you will have a router almost certainly. You can find out how to access your router by having a look at the user manual or if you don’t have one have a look at a site like portforward.com which lists hundreds of routers. The most common entry point is by typing into your browser search bar. If you can’t find the solution on your machine then at some point you’ll need to access your router to check for issues there.

January 1st, 2019, 20:07
You may need to have made a few posts before you can attach images, but if you can then you can add attachments to your posts via the go advanced button when you are typing in your message.

From what you have said above I see that you seem to be suggesting that you have more than one firewall. Having more than one firewall is generally a bad thing since the will get in each other’s way and could be causing your issue. Check that neither one of them has already quarantined Fantasy Grounds. I would also wholly recommend that you decide upon and just use one firewall and ensure that you have an exception for Fantasy Grounds in it. Also check that you don’t also have things like Malwarebytes or any other security software on top of your anti virus. If you do then make sure you have created exceptions for FG and in the case of MWB disabled the advanced web thing.

It is likely that your modem also has a router in it since you will have a router almost certainly. You can find out how to access your router by having a look at the user manual or if you don’t have one have a look at a site like portforward.com which lists hundreds of routers. The most common entry point is by typing into your browser search bar. If you can’t find the solution on your machine then at some point you’ll need to access your router to check for issues there.

What I was saying is that I have no idea if I've got more than one firewall. I know I've got Microsoft whatever that is, which has been turned off since I got the PC pretty much. I don't have ANY sort of anti-virus that runs at all. I have Spybot search and destroy, (put on there by someone who knows what they are doing) and as far as I know it's purely like, a virus searcher(?) I believe I need to run the program manually, it searches for viruses, kills them, and then you close the program and don't touch it again for months on end.

I guess I don't understand what's changed? I downloaded the game before and installed it and played with friends and it was fantastic.

Thank you for telling me how to add images. I have clicked on Go Advanced and it only has a subscription and auto parse links in text options. No images options.

I'm just going to post links to the screenshots I took because I really would like help.

This is the error I got before I was told to re-install the client.

This is what's happening now, along with all the processes running during these occurrences.

January 1st, 2019, 20:59
I had a friend help me with this (My DM) and these are the other pictures I've got. Firewall is off and changed my modem to DMZ mode and I'm still getting the same error.

January 1st, 2019, 21:07
From the first image that you posted it looks like your DM is sharing way too many images and tokens with you. Ask your DM to start a new campaign with nothing shared and see if you can join that. If you can then the issue is that too much is being shared. Get your DM to clear out ALL tokens in the tokens/shared folder and reduce the number of modules and images that are being shared. Before you rejoin his game after he has cleaned it up nuke your cache (small nuke button to right of the join screen).

Also Spybot is a form of anti virus software and is just the kind of thing which could interfere with the way FG works. You should investigate how to create an exception so that it leaves FG alone. |It is entirely possible that it has quarantined FG already which is why you are having issues.

January 2nd, 2019, 01:02
From the first image that you posted it looks like your DM is sharing way too many images and tokens with you. Ask your DM to start a new campaign with nothing shared and see if you can join that. If you can then the issue is that too much is being shared. Get your DM to clear out ALL tokens in the tokens/shared folder and reduce the number of modules and images that are being shared. Before you rejoin his game after he has cleaned it up nuke your cache (small nuke button to right of the join screen).

Also Spybot is a form of anti virus software and is just the kind of thing which could interfere with the way FG works. You should investigate how to create an exception so that it leaves FG alone. |It is entirely possible that it has quarantined FG already which is why you are having issues.

I uninstalled FG and the installer is what's giving me the errors now so the first option is no longer viable. My friend (the DM) had me completely turn off Spybot when we were testing things and I still get the error messages from the second image from the first post with images.

Thank you for your input though! I appreciate everyone who's taken the time to try to help!

January 2nd, 2019, 02:10
I assume you've rebooted your computer and your modem/router? It really sounds like security software preventing things from being downloaded or installed. You have admin rights to install software?

Really strange.

January 2nd, 2019, 02:15
I assume you've rebooted your computer and your modem/router? It really sounds like security software preventing things from being downloaded or installed. You have admin rights to install software?

Really strange.

I haven't, I will try that next. I do have admin rights to install software. When the installation comes up it has a little shield on it and I have to click yes to allow it to install. I have installed other things since having this issue, with no problems with the other programs.

January 2nd, 2019, 09:37
Check that Spybot hasn't quarantined FG; see here https://www.safer-networking.org/faq/how-do-i-restore-previously-removed-files-that-are-in-quarantine/

It sounds like this is what is happening - or something similar to this. Note that just turning off Anti virus programs don't necessarily stop them from working.

January 3rd, 2019, 04:35
Hey ladyfiaragc. Damned asked if I could give you access to the vpn solution I use sometimes to see if you can connect to FG and update through the vpn. If you are still working on this, let me know. I'm traveling for work through Friday, but I'm happy to help if I can. Feel free to PM me to discuss further. Thanks!

January 6th, 2019, 08:46
Hey ladyfiaragc. Damned asked if I could give you access to the vpn solution I use sometimes to see if you can connect to FG and update through the vpn. If you are still working on this, let me know. I'm traveling for work through Friday, but I'm happy to help if I can. Feel free to PM me to discuss further. Thanks!

I'd really appreciate that. I am still working on finding a fix. I'll pm you!

January 6th, 2019, 10:25
ladyfiaragc I had been working on the same issue with another player for some time and we could not find anything wrong on the network side or computer side.
He installed on another computer in the same house and it worked correctly which pretty much ruled out the network.
He then let us know that he had some previous permissions issues on that computer.

Can you try and make another user account on your computer, set them as an administrator account and install FG when logged in as the new user?

January 6th, 2019, 10:28
ladyfiaragc I had been working on the same issue with another player for some time and we could not find anything wrong on the network side or computer side.
He installed on another computer in the same house and it worked correctly which pretty much ruled out the network.
He then let us know that he had some previous permissions issues on that computer.

Can you try and make another user account on your computer, set them as an administrator account and install FG when logged in as the new user?

Yea, I can try that. Just have to look up how to do it.

January 6th, 2019, 13:50
Sounds good. Just keep me posted!

January 6th, 2019, 18:32
I'm not sure how to PM you, but I added you as a friend because that was my only option when looking at your profile.

I did create an admin account, it didn't change anything. I went here and tried to download FG and it gave me the same error. :(

January 6th, 2019, 18:56
I'm not sure how to PM you, but I added you as a friend because that was my only option when looking at your profile.

I did create an admin account, it didn't change anything. I went here and tried to download FG and it gave me the same error. :(

Let’s do this. I’m out and about for a while today. If you use discord, here is an invite. Once you join my channel it will be easy to pm there. It might be several hours today before I can help but I will help!

Here is the link to my discord.
