View Full Version : New GM looking to possibly start on Jan 17th, Thursday Game, 8p-11pm

December 28th, 2018, 16:16
FG License: Standard, so you will have to have that at least to join
Game System: 5e

Time Zone: Eastern US
Day of week and time: Thursdays 8pm -11 pm (or so)
If new game, planned start date: Session 0 planned for Jan 17th
Planned Duration & Frequency: weekly or every 2 weeks
Term: long term

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord preferred
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed? No

Roleplay & Combat mix: 50/50 or so
Number of Players in game & needed: Would like at least 4, maybe 5
Character starting level & equipment: Lvl 1, either standard gear or roll for gold, will make characters and discuss at Session 0
Character restrictions: Would like to stick with Official Sources and no UA, but we can talk during Session 0 or if you want to join, message me details and I can make a ruling.

Details of your scenario: Adventurers are members of The Crimson Company who have been hired to rid a local town of Goblin attacks. Mostly homebrewed ideas with some older modules of D&D as inspiration.

This is going to be my first full campaign to DM, but I think that it could be fun. A couple rules that I like and will go with and will tell now so there is no confusion:
1. No feats chosen by character. I like the idea of them being special things that I can give out by heroic acts or for story purposes. So, that does take out the Human Variant for race, but I think that if you give me the chance, it would be worth it.
2. Flanking gives +1 rather than ADV when attacking, for PCs and NPCs. I think that ADV is too much for either. I think that +1 is fair and makes more sense.

For anyone wanting to join, send me a message and we can talk. I am all for players of all experience types. Give me a quick idea of the type of character you would like to play, maybe a brief backstory. Thanks to all who look at this!

December 28th, 2018, 19:11
Hey, good luck with your game and beginning as a DM.

I have a note to add or a suggestion on your House Rule #2:
2. Flanking gives +1 rather than ADV when attacking, for PCs and NPCs. I think that ADV is too much for either. I think that +1 is fair and makes more sense.

Not saying that I am against it or that anything is wrong with that idea, I just have a Quality of Life suggestion/improvement. In Fantasy Grounds 5E, there is a button at the bottom of the chat box near the dice and modifier box that is already set up to add +2 to a roll instead of having to manually enter the +1 modifier each time that someone is flanked, a +2 would just be a single click of the mouse. This might help with ease and pace of play for you if it gets to a bigger battle.

December 28th, 2018, 19:15
And I have been toying with doing +2 just for that reason, I did it in the one shot that I ran. But, I like the idea of flanking giving an advantage, just not Advantage on an attack roll for NPCs or PCs. I appreciate the feedback though and might just do that for simplicity sake.