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View Full Version : Trying to create an extension to change appearance of the mouse cursor.

December 24th, 2018, 06:30
I'm trying to figure out a way to change the mouse cursor from a hand when it can interact with things, to a photoshop modified version of the regular arrow to use in my games.
As myself and a few others find the hand to be a bit less precise to use so to speak.

So I am wanting to write an extension to overwrite the default hand image graphics.

The closest I could find after some research of looking through the CoreRPG.pak module and some forum and wiki searches were this thread:
I don't know if this has been improved since that post to make the mouse cursor graphics changeable, if not I hope you'd consider doing so.

And the second one here, but that seems to only have to do with drawing boxes, cones and lines on images rather than the actual mouse pointer.

Any insight into this would be appreciated.

Cheers, Styrmir.

December 24th, 2018, 07:36
You will need to get used to doing lots of forum searches, lots of wiki searches and lots of ruleset searches

December 24th, 2018, 07:38
You will need to get used to doing lots of forum searches, lots of wiki searches and lots of ruleset searches

You will find a lot of background in teh questions that ken L was asking
The things you are wanting to change are not straight forward
Ken made many hacks to get them working

Moon Wizard
December 24th, 2018, 20:25
The cursor can only be changed to hand or arrow options built into client.


December 25th, 2018, 19:46
Thank you both for your replies and for clarifying that. I'll focus my efforts on other development instead in that case.

December 25th, 2018, 23:15
The topics you have picked are not the simplest topics.
You best bet initially is finding some extension that does some of what you want and pulling it apart to see what it does and how.

December 26th, 2018, 23:23
Thanks damned.

So far I've gotten the health bar changes from my other post working. https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?47107-Creating-extension-to-change-the-way-health-bars-look

I'll have a look at some more extensions that change the appearance of the mouse cursor. There might be some code examples there that might give me a further idea of how to override the two default options on a more wider scale implementation.
But the mouse cursor changes have dropped down a little in the priority list for now to a not-urgent/would like/might be able to category.

December 26th, 2018, 23:42
Just to be clear - there are only 2 pointers available - arrowhead and hand. You cannot create new ones.