View Full Version : LFP would like 5 Players 5 PM PST USA 5E for Dungeon of the Mad Mage starting 1/05/19

December 23rd, 2018, 02:20
FG License: DM has the Ultimate licenses, so all players are welcome
Game System: D&D 5E

Time Zone: Pacific Standard Time (PST) or UTC -8
Day of week and time: Saturdays starting at 5 pm
Planned start date: This game is a continuation of an older group that is running low of players after changing the day of the week the games is on. I am planning on starting the game on Saturday January 5th.

Planned Duration & Frequency: The game will weekly and should last around 2 hours per session. The game can run longer if the group wishes to keep going.

Term: I am hoping for players that can continue with the group as they dig progress through the book I am running and continue beyond with either another book or continuation of the current party.

Text or Voice: Voice
Voice software used: Discord
Will this be recorded and/or live streamed?: The game is not recorded or live-streamed and currently has no plans of being so.

Roleplay & Combat mix: I hope to keep the game balanced about 50/50 split between roleplay & combat.

Number of Players in game & needed: Currently have 2 players, and would like about 5 more, but no more than 7 total.

Character starting level & equipment: Players will start at level 5 with their starting gear from their class and background and with 1000 GP to spend on PHB items if you wish to, (from your characters past adventures, businesses, crimes, inheritance, or other means of making money).

Character restrictions: The players are allowed to use any resource the DM has enabled the players to load from the library. Additional the game is set in the Forgotten Realms with currently only one-way access to other settings. (I.E. If you come from Eberron, Ravnica, Feywild, Shadowfell, or other planes your character will have very hard getting home or contacting them.)

Details of your scenario: It is currently approaching the dead of winter, the Day of Wonder parade has passed and your characters find themselves in the city of Waterdeep. Several weeks prior, two pieces of news went around the city, first a group of adventure returned a vast sum of gold to the cities treasury, and second a woman from Chult has arrived in the city to sponsor an expedition in to the depths of the Undermountain. Both of these events have reignited interests in the Undermountain and multiple parties of adventures of a varied of levels of skill have already started their descent into the Undermountain in hopes of claiming their cut of the vast rewards being offered. Your characters have been drifted, recruited, sentenced, or signed to join one such party of adventures who are planning to start their decent soon and meeting your new companions at a tavern called “The Last Call” located in the North Ward of the city.

Player Expectations: For Players please be civil and respectful to both the DM and your fellow players and be engaged with the game while it is running and feel free to bring up rules in case I forgot, misremembered or missed something.

About the DM: As for me your DM, I consider myself to be a relatively new DM with a little over 1000 hours of playing log between Roll20 and Fantasy Ground. I try to run things rules as written, but I do try to encourage / reward creativity so long as not completely improbable. Additional most of the out of game planning and chatting will be on Discord.

To Join: Feel free to post your idea for your character below and little bit about your RPG experience and what do you look for in a game.

December 23rd, 2018, 20:58
I'm interested in playing with you.

Character Ideas: Here are some ideas. I'm open to others if it would help avoid overlap but this should be a wide enough range.
- Forest Gnome or High Elf Wizard, likely School of Evocation. (first choice)
- Half-elf Sorcerer (Draconic Bloodline)
- Half-elf(maybe even a Drow) or Dragonborn Warlock (Pact of the Tome)
- Lightfoot Halfling Rogue (Arcane Trickster)
- Hill Dwarf Cleric (Domain TBD)
- Wood Elf Druid (Circle of the Moon)

My background & experience:
I've played at least a dozen different RPG's across various genres(ex: RuneQuest, Gurps, Robotech, Cyberpunk, Star Wars, Palladium, TMNT, Torg, Vampire, Werewolf, etc, etc) and have created a handful of my own simplified versions. But D&D has always been my favorite. Since 5E came out, I've been the DM for a couple of different groups locally. However, I'm usually the person who's most familiar with the rules and edge cases so I haven't had nearly as many opportunities to participate as a player.

I'm extremely familiar with the rules and don't need any hand-holding for game play or character creation. I'm also not a Rules Lawyer when I'm not the DM. :) I'll bring up an overlooked rule but ultimately, it's the DM's call.

What I'm looking for:
Lately, I've been really itching to play Dungeon of the Mad Mage. I really like the idea of playing a character (especially a spellcaster) into the mid-to-high levels of play and this campaign seems like a great opportunity to do both.

I personally prefer games that are balanced with a good mix of roleplay and combat. It's great when every character gets opportunities to shine, even if that doesn't happen every session. I tend to dislike when campaigns stray too far from Rules as Written (or at least, Rules as Intended) without good cause or forethought about the consequences. There's a tendency for those changes to break the game mechanics or tools which make the game easier/more accessible for less experienced players.

I don't mind if a campaign is challenging, but it shouldn't be deadly without appropriate clues, foreshadowing or explicit warnings. Sometimes, the dice are unkind. That happens. Maybe the DM steps in, but maybe not. Sort of a judgement call there. But I don't expect the DM to step in and save the characters for being rash and stupid. If the players feel like the DM is going to step in and save them from certain death no matter what they do, then the game just isn't interesting.

I hope this sounds like a good fit for your campaign. If you have any questions or want to chat further, let me know. Thanks and hope to hear from you soon.

December 24th, 2018, 01:55
Hello good sir! I am interested in joining.

Character Ideas:
-Kenku Rogue (Thief)
-Earth Genasi Barbarian (Storm)
-Variant Human Fighter(Caviliar)
-Dwarf Fighter (EK)
-Dwarf Barb (Zealot)

I've had plenty of experience with DnD 5e, having run several campaigns and being apart of others. I know the rules but it will take me a bit to figure out your particular playstyle. As everyone plays differently. I am usually calm, and normally my characters are as well. Though usually if you put the big bad in front of em, I am going to attempt to drop kick the guy.

I'm familiar with rules per RAW, but your interpretations may be different.

What I am Looking For
Honestly just a fun time, I need to fill in a new slot for my dnd games as one of mine collapsed, and having not done any modules before I thought this would be fun.

December 24th, 2018, 02:20
As others have said, I am also familiar with the game already.

As for a character, I could see playing a knightly fighter (battle-master or cavalier) or a zealous LG priest either light domain, zeal , or law.

December 24th, 2018, 06:14
Hi Ravenpoe,

I'd like to be considered for your game.

Character Ideas: I have experience playing a Paladin, Rogue, and Ranger.

- I would prefer to play a Drow Gloom Stalker Ranger as my number one option. I see him as looking up to Drizz't and wanting to make a name for himself too.

- However, I am willing to play any class or race if the team needs a certain role filled.

I have played 5e off and on since its release. I was in a campaign that lasted about 2 years. Once the campaign finished I took a break for a while. For the last year I have been playing on Fantasy Grounds so I have become quite familiar with it. I am very easy going and adaptable to whatever style of game the group is wishing to play. Whether that means a role play heavy game, combat heavy game, or something in between.

What I'm looking for:
Based on your post I don't have much to add here. What you wrote seems fine to me. I just look for a fair and balanced game. I think most of the time the rules are written well enough to be straight forward. In the instances where there is some interpretation to be had then I'd like to be able to have dialogue with the DM. I think of it as a court hearing, I'll say my piece on how I understand the rule and what I'd like to do, but then leave it up to the judge (DM) to make a ruling. I always accept the DM's final ruling and never push the issue.

If you still have open spots available feel free to PM me with more details on how to contact you and get into the game.

Thanks and Happy Holidays!


December 24th, 2018, 13:32
I would be interested in joining if you are still looking.

A couple of the characters I have in mind are
Half-Orc paladin
Dwarf forge cleric
Half-Elf Fiend warlock (pact of the time)
Goliath Barbarian (zealot)
But I’m open to playing any character

As far as my experience. I have played off and on since 3.5. I’ve been getting used to fantasy grounds the last year.

I’m pretty easy going. I’m looking to have a good time playing some dungeons and dragons.

December 27th, 2018, 06:08
Character Ideas:
Kenku dragon sorcerer (Tick-Tock Kaboom)
Human Sun Soul Monk (Crixus)
Dragonborn Cleric of Sune (Khaz)

I've been playing tabletop RPGs for the last 15 years or so, and have enjoyed every minute of it. 5e is by far my favorite edition of D&D, with how simple the rules are and how much power it puts back into the DMs hand. Something not listed? Advantage or disadvantage, boom, done. No digging for that obscure rule that gives you a +2 to this or that based on the cycle of the moon.
What I am Looking For
Friendly people. I was in a group a long time ago that found it fun to constantly refer to others using some fairly hurtful slurs that I won't repeat. LGBT friendly is also a plus.

December 28th, 2018, 20:01
Hi Ravenpoe,

Please consider adding me as a player in your game.

Character Ideas: I'd like to play a halfling lore bard, but am open to any class/race that completes the party.

Experience: I have played 5e for about 18 months, after a bit of a hiatus from TTRPGs. I played rather obsessively when I was young, and before I became a future-rockstar. I still play and perform music, but with lowered expectations. I am currently running a Monday night game with friends at my house. I have experience with Roll20, and did a few campaigns as a player there, but am new to FG.

What I'm looking for: A good mix of role-play and combat. I enjoy strategy and tactics in addition to playing a part. I am pretty easy going, but particularly enjoy when a party is composed of players who try to act as a team while staying in character - whatever that may be.

Please feel free to live chat to get to know me better. Thanks!


December 29th, 2018, 03:34
Hi, I'd be really interested in joining. I'm based in Japan so it'd be 10am Sunday for me which works out perfectly!

Character Ideas:
- Human Bard (College of lore)
- Half-elf Ranger (Hunter)
- Tiefling Warlock (Pact of the blade & The Fiend)

I've a couple of years experience playing 5e with friends and Dming my own group, but this will be my first time using software. The majority of our games were homebrewed contact but I have ran through tyranny of dragons.
I've no experience in Waterdeep.

Looking for:
Just looking to get playing again with a bunch of good people! Everything you've mentioned so far seems great and the 50/50 split seems perfect!