View Full Version : 2 Players LFG D&D 5E

December 5th, 2018, 20:20
Girlfriend and I are looking to play a 5e D&D game. Both have experience with 5E but very little with fantasy grounds. I have an ultimate edition. Girlfriend has demo but we both can share on my computer while we play if need be.
We are in Eastern Standard Time. Can play during weekdays from 6 to 9:30 pm, Saturday from 2 pm to whenever or Sunday anytime till about 9:30 pm. Some days may not work with sports for kids but most days should be fine.
Prefer weekly or bi-weekly games.
Both want a long term campaign. Can be home brewed or a premade. Just looking to play since we both love D&D.

I am willing to play any character ti fit into a group. Girlfriend is a more ranged damage dealer or sometimes a fighter.

Willing to download any voice chat.

Can reach me through here or add me on discord


December 5th, 2018, 20:53
I'd be happy to join you guys if you're able to find one or two other players and a DM. I'm pretty flexible with content of the campaign (although I'm currently playing Lost Mines of Phandelver with another group, so would like to try something different). Weekend days would work best for me but if the group agrees on something else, I can try to work it out. If you'd like to know anything else about me/my gaming experience, feel free to take a look at my thread linked below or PM me. Thanks.


December 7th, 2018, 02:02
You ever find a group bro? I am also looking to roll some dice! Also, If that is your Discord ID it didn't work for me!