View Full Version : Advanced Racial Traits

December 4th, 2018, 23:37
Hello All,

I am still relatively new to posting on the forums, and forums in general. So I apologize for any faux paws I might commit in my threads/questions.

I have searched for various racial trait guides and they almost all exclusively cover the most basic things that involve the "base" races (speed, vision, size...). I am currently looking for ways to implement more advanced races (mind flayers, minotaurs, ...). The examples given in the base races don't cover the array of things to be added for monsterous characters.

I was wondering if I could get any help in coding in this kind of functionality. It would really just be an extension of the current racial trait system with some added features and syntax I guess. Right now, I can find no way of adding certain things that "should" be simple. Like natural armor. The syntax that works for 5E does not work for 3.5 and that is my current ruleset of choice.

I would like to add natural attacks, natural armor, and other advanced options that will work, once entered into racial traits, with the drag and drop function. I don't want to create effects that I have to add later. Not that it's hard, but drag and drop once for everything is better (will also limit the effects clutter that for sure will occure if "everything" is an effect).

So where would I look in the code to make this kind of change? I assume I would search for things like the size modifier and racial traits? That changes various things on the CS. I don't know much about code, but if I know where to find a good example then I might be able to work something out.

I hope I'm not asking for too much. Not looking for anyone to do it for me, just point me in the right direction. Thanks.

Moon Wizard
December 5th, 2018, 00:10
The 3.5E/PFRPG ruleset has less automation than the 5E ruleset, because it is both an older ruleset (before any character building automation was done) and because the systems have a very large set of rules and exceptions.

* For class features: Other than "Weapon and Armor Proficiency", "Spells", "Alchemy" and "Domains"; the rulesets do not perform any other automation of class features. It just adds them to the list for the player/GM to review, and adjust the other parts of their sheet to match.

* For racial traits: The rulesets will only look for these specific traits to attempt automation: "Ability Score Racial Trait"/"Attribute Adjustment", "Languages", "Size"/"Medium"/"Small", "Speed"/"Base Speed"/"Normal Speed"/"Slow Speed"/"Slow and Steady", "Darkvision"/"Low-light Vision"/"Superior Darkvision", "Weapon Familiarity". For any other traits, it looks for "# racial bonus on <skill> checks" or "# racial bonus on all saving throws"

All of the handling code for those features is in the CharManager script for the 3.5E ruleset.

It's probably easier to just adjust the PC sheet as you need than to build out all the code for automation of monstrous races.


December 5th, 2018, 00:50
Thank for you pointing me in the right direction. I don't mind rummaging around and trying to improve functionality. I just want to add a similar syntax system that allows for more options in racial traits. I got some free time on my hands, so imma give it a shot.