View Full Version : Custom Calendar assistance

December 4th, 2018, 20:02
Howdy doody people of the forums, i am attempting/have been attempting to create a custom calendar for the current campaign of my groups custom setting. Ive looked through the other various forum posts that explain how to properly build modules, but either its written in a type of english that I can't read, or i am just really, Really bad at modifying files without breaking everything. I have decided to come to you fine people of the internet in the hopes that you all might be able to help me.

I do have all the information necessary to build the calendar, all i need is either someone to do this for me, or for someone to explain to me how to do this. As said ive looked through all the other forum posts, but every time i have tried modifying/creating the files necessary myself, either something isn't clicking on my end, or i am legitimately doing something horribly wrong. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you.

December 4th, 2018, 20:17
If you have all the info, just post it.

December 4th, 2018, 21:45
Thanks for the idea Andraax, I figured that'd be the response.

Weekdays: Mordae - Eundae - Valdae - Bahdae - Yondae

Days per Month: 25

Holidays - Date(s)

Festival of Rebirth - 12th through 16th

Day of Remembrance - 4th
Day of Amora's Grace - 10th

He'nk's Glory - 15th

Festival of Ymmis - 10th through 15th
Day of Lotrie - 23rd

Festival of Grand Sport - 12th through 17th

Day of Redemption - 15th

Midyear's Grandeur - 1st
Day of Judgement - 13th

The Reaping - 3rd
The Great Exodus - 20th through 24th
Victroling - 25th

The Last Harvest - 13th and 14th

Dreyna's Call - 8th
Festival of Shadow - 21st through 25th

Week of True Rest - 11th through 15th
Festival of Nature - 16th through 20th

First Frost - 2nd
Festival of Frost - 11th through 15th
Day of the Great Aurora - 24th
Moon's End - 25th

December 4th, 2018, 22:53
This was a simple one to setup. Months are all a multiple of the number of days in a week, so no special calculations are required. See attached (I have no name, so it's called "Unnamed Calendar").

December 4th, 2018, 23:00
You are a saint
Thank you