View Full Version : Looking for a bit of android help please.

December 3rd, 2018, 04:07
Short version of a long story. I purchased full license of FG. I love it. Wife loves it. Kids love it. Friend from high school loves it... Between discord and some various friends aroynd the country i just want to be able to reference my toon on my phone. Why, because i am an otr truck driver that has no laptop. Finances have to go to more important things for now. I do not need access to all of the books but at least a character sheet viewer that i can use like the FG cs. Quick tap to show ammo usage, adjustments of info and statuses etc... Between everyone involved throughout the various locations irl. We are already using enough various programs. I do not want to switch out and learn another vtt just for when i am on the road. So any ideas. Btw, last time i did any real coding work... The TI-99 was a thing.

Thank you in advance guys.

December 3rd, 2018, 04:45
Android on a phone or on a tablet? There is a post around here some where about someone using Steam Cast or something similar to access FG on their tablet. But if I understood the post correctly, there were effectively running FG on their PC at home and showing the screen on their tablet.

Hopefully someone will have something more useful than that.

December 3rd, 2018, 15:55
Was going to suggest Wine v3.21 on x86 Android (https://www.winehq.org/news/), but it looks like they support Direct3D 10, 11, and 12 only, whereas FG is using DirectX 9. It would be slower than a native PC, but without the DirectX 9, FG won't work.

So that limits you to remote screen sharing for now. And that isn't going to be all that great unless you have very good Internet connection. BTW, assuming an Android tablet with ~10" screen, right? Will suck on a phone as the screen is just simply too small.

December 3rd, 2018, 20:31
Android on a phone or on a tablet? There is a post around here some where about someone using Steam Cast or something similar to access FG on their tablet. But if I understood the post correctly, there were effectively running FG on their PC at home and showing the screen on their tablet.

Hopefully someone will have something more useful than that.

Phone... As i said. Just looking to RP while on the road. Steam requires local network.

December 3rd, 2018, 20:34
Was going to suggest Wine v3.21 on x86 Android (https://www.winehq.org/news/), but it looks like they support Direct3D 10, 11, and 12 only, whereas FG is using DirectX 9. It would be slower than a native PC, but without the DirectX 9, FG won't work.

So that limits you to remote screen sharing for now. And that isn't going to be all that great unless you have very good Internet connection. BTW, assuming an Android tablet with ~10" screen, right? Will suck on a phone as the screen is just simply too small.

Hehe. Yeah... Like i said. Just want a character sheet that i can manipulate and scroll through for rp while on the road. Like a FG Lite. Found a toon sheet converter elsewhere in the forums. Kind of just dealing for now.

December 3rd, 2018, 20:35
Thanks for the update and info...

December 4th, 2018, 15:42
My daughter plays with a local group, but they use an Android app to manage their characters, instead of paper and pencil. Has nothing to do with FG at that point. Just check the Play Store for D&D 5e character apps.

December 4th, 2018, 17:54
If you are playing 5e the D&D Beyond works really well on a phone, if you are playing Pathfinder might I recommend using PCGen to generate the char, and then pcgen character viewer lite (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dysfunctional.apps.pcgencharactersh eetlite) to view and play on phone?