View Full Version : [LFP] [EST] D&D 4e - Are you Curious about 4e? I am!

November 27th, 2018, 18:35
Have you played a ton of 5e D&D? Are you curious about fourth edition?

Early opinions of 4e have largely stuck around. People disliked it because it was very different from traditional D&D. But if you come at it from the right perspective, it appears to be awesome. Imagine the best skirmish board game you've ever played (Imperial Assault or Gloomhaven), overlay some light roleplaying and presto: D&D 4e! Just be prepared: the correct solution to problems is usually combat. Speaking of combat, I believe you'll find 4e combat to be way more engaging from a 'game' perspective than the 5e you're used to playing.

Experience 4e players are welcome, but I think it might be more interesting for a group of us 4e noobs to discover the game together.

I'm an experienced DM and believe in running an inclusive table where all are welcome. Any level of knowledge of 4e or roleplaying experience in general is fine.

I propose to play from levels 1-5 using the published adventure The Scepter Tower of Spellgard.

Reply to this thread and tell me about yourself.

FG License: Ultimate (all you need is the Free Account)
Game System: Dungeons and Dragons 4e

Time Zone: EST
Day of week and time: Saturdays 4PM - 7PM
If new game, planned start date: January 12th, 2019
Planned Duration & Frequency: Weekly
Term: Estimated ~10 weeks

Voice software used: Discord

Roleplay & Combat mix:10/90 (based on the strengths of the system)
Number of Players in game & needed: 4 to 6
Character starting level & equipment: 1
Character restrictions: We can figure that out together

Details of your scenario: The Scepter Tower of Spellgard

(from the dust jacket)
At the height of Netheril’s power, the fortress of Spellgard held
many great secrets of the Empire of Magic. Now only ruins
remain . . . and one last guardian, the near-mythical Lady
Saharel, whose prophetic visions draw the desperate and the
doomed from across Faerūn. But a dark presence in one of
Spellgard’s intact towers wants to control the power of prophecy
for itself and remake the future in its own image.

November 28th, 2018, 00:08
I'd be highly interested in joining up. Never heard of The Scepter Tower of Spellgard, but it sounds fun!

About me:

Downsides of me as a player:
1) I live in Germany, CEST - meaning it's EST + 6 hours, but my work schedule is always late, meaning EST is usually no problem, but my time of day when I can play is often not open to too much delaying, so if a group would decide to 'play two hours later' that could become a problem for me. The time you mentioned is absolutely fine though (even if an hour later).
2) English is not my first language. I'm very good, fluent, and have as good as no accent, as some Americans told me, although they might just have been polite XD. I've played in english in the past for years with Americans and I love it, the language never was an issue, I just want to give you a heads up, that I might ask what a particular (rare) word means if I don't know it. If you're fine with me asking, then there should be no problem whatsoever.

Upsides of me as player:
1) I'm reliable. I rarely miss a game, and if it should happen, I always tell the DM in advance that I can't attend.
2) I'm on time. I can't promise to always be on time, life happens, but usually I'm extremely punctual.
3) I know 4e like the back of my hand. I have DMed in the past, I have been kind of a referee in organized play back in the day (people came to me for rules questions all the time on game days) You probably won't get any rules questions from me, only ruling questions, as sometimes the DM just has to rule something that is not covered or clear in the rules. Also about house rules etc.
4) About two years ago I started playing 4e on Fantasy Grounds, so I'm also kind of proficient how to set up effects and stuff in FG and can help new players and GMs find what goes where in that regard.
5) I live alone, no family/pets, so my place is dead quiet which is helpful if we play with voice (no background noises). I also have a good headset.

Apart of all this, I currently play in four other FG campaigns, all 4e, some of which play "only text", no voice/talking, which I admit I miss a bit.

If you have too many requests, feel free to give my request to join a low priority though as I consider myself to be very experienced with 4e and you seemed more interested to discover the system along with people who share your curiosity about it. I can only encourage you to go for it in any case, as it's the best system I've ever played.


PS: In case you don't find enough people, I have connections to hubs of 4e players and could ask around, if you want me to. You'd be bound to get more experienced players there though.

November 28th, 2018, 06:53
Hello there! My name is Jarred and I would love to learn how to play 4E

I have played 5e for quite a while now and I have no experience with it what so ever. I live in Australia so my time zone is AEDT so I am 15 hours ahead of you guys but that is alright because that means 4 PM is 8 AM and i am able to do that. I hardly miss any sessions and if I know I will miss a session, then I would tell you before hand.

Now in my other sessions, it has heavily been focused around combat and I was, in particular, hoping for some roleplay but from what you had said, it sounds quite a lot diffrent so i am willing to give it a go!

November 28th, 2018, 08:48
I am a very new to Fantasy Grounds, but not new to D&D. I've played D&D since about 1980 and have played each edition. I've DMed exclusively for 4th edition and would love a chance to play on the other side of the "table" for once. I'm also looking for an opportunity to decide how much I want to invest in Fantasy Grounds. I live in California so early afternoon would be great for me. I will never work on a Sunday and since the game would be starting in January, the Holidays won't be an issue. As long as we play on Sunday (or Monday) I don't foresee any issue with missing sessions. Naturally, if I do need to miss a session, I'll let you know as soon as possible.

November 28th, 2018, 13:37
Hey, if you need help, just let me know. Lyle knows me a little.:D

December 4th, 2018, 18:37
I’m interested, hope it’s not too late as I’m searching through the forums. I have played 4E as a DM and player for about a year before 5e launched, after 5e that’s all I have played and forgot most 4E rules. I have ran a 4E party through Keep on the Shadowfell.

As a player I like tactical combatants role playing. I have played in just about every 5e module here on FG, and DMed a handful of games. I own all the 4E physical books. And being a DM myself know the importance of showing up and tardiness. I also fill in the party blanks, playing what is needed. I also have good FG knowledge (at least 5e).

Thanks for consideration.

December 5th, 2018, 13:25
I loved 4e, played and DMed it since it came out till about a year into the life of 5e. Only switched over because it was getting really hard to find people interested in the system. Been playing for about 18 years now, mostly as a DM. Iv used a range of systems; Dark Heresy 1e, Black Crusade, Rogue Trader, D&D 3, 3.5, 4 and 5e, FATE, Shadowrun and a few others.

Happy to cover what ever roles are needed, I tend to favour Leaders and Controllers over Strikers though.
Are you planing to use Essentials or not? Im okay either way though my preference is pre-Essentials.