View Full Version : formattedtextcontrol question

November 27th, 2018, 08:37
I'm trying to use a formattedtextcontrol (not formattedtextfield) within a window. I'm trying to format the contents of a bunch of child nodes into a single formatted text string and display it in readonly mode. I'm currently using setValue() to set the text into the control.

This works great the first time the window opens up and initializes, but if I try to refresh the contents of the control (when some of the child nodes change for instance) subsequent calls to setValue() don't change it.

The wiki documentation does not list setValue() or any other way of changing the value of a formattedtextcontrol. Is there an undocumented method I can use to accomplish this?

Moon Wizard
November 28th, 2018, 03:19
The API is there in the formattedtextcontrol object, so it should theoretically work. Do you have a working extension sample I can use to check out what you're doing?
