View Full Version : LFP - Seeking 2-3 players - PST Wednesday Evenings - PG 13 - home-brew campaign.

November 23rd, 2018, 21:55
Wednesday evenings - Weekly - 7-10 PM PST - D&D 5ed. Home-brew universe "Thieves' World".


Welcome; Newbs or, experienced players, cis-gender females, fan-boiz and gamer-gurlz, anyone with a brain and soul, all are welcome, in an LBGTQ friendly environment no-less. I don't care how you like to mash your bathing suit zone together with other consenting adults - not anyone's business. Just be cool, friendly, and prepared to have fun. And you live by the unofficial code of conduct first coined by Richard William (Wil) Wheaton III, an American actor, blogger, voice actor and writer, "Wheaton's Law: Don't be a ****!" (male genitalia)

And now... my, elevator pitch

Imagine if you will: That Mos Eisley, was a lot meaner. And far less cute... Yeah? Then this. Is that Mos Eilsey - but on 'roids, with fewer light sabres. And far more elves!

CONTENT WARNING: This V.T.T. campaign is rated NC17 or ADULTS ONLY - Content suitable only for adults ages 18 and up. May include prolonged scenes of intense gratuitous virtual violence, virtual sexual content (certainly, double-entente), virtual drug use, and/or gambling with imaginary currency. In short, adults talking like adults do, when marginally supervised. This is not your grandfather/mother's D&D.

Welcome to the City of Sanctuary, the seat of local government, for the recently acquired vassal protectorate of the vast Rankan Empire, all of which are located within the Thieves' World Universe setting. (more about this later)

Located on the southern most tip of The Known World, just leagues from the mariner's nightmare headland, the deadly Hammer's Tail, which separates the Oread Ocean, from the Endless Sea, lays the last 'safe' deep water harbor on the continent – Sanctuary.

Deep Background
Founded by escaped slaves from the Ilsig Empire, and having fully grownup from a sleepy fishing village into a bustling hive of commerce (both legal, and otherwise), The City of Sanctuary, has 'blossomed' into a small dirty, and deadly place. Reputedly ungovernable, with a strong willed and iconoclastic population, who resist all manner of attempts to bring them civilization, law and order - The Ilsig have tried, and failed. The Rankan's have sent numerous military governors to rule, and now an imperial Prince to try his hand, at bringing these notorious inhabitants to heel, under the weight of an imperial sandal.

But, this is the city wherein an entire quarter - actually, little more than six tight packed square blocks - known as 'The Maze', is infamous continent-wide as an unmatched den, of utter scum & villainy. Which can be best described as; skid-row, meets death row, inside a Guatemalan prison.

However, the city isn't without it's redeeming virtues, for along the Street of Red Lanterns all manner of pleasures are to be had: for a price. And yet, one can still sink to the very lowest of deep despair within the fringes of the city limits: for you might end-up a Opah addict, living in the squalid shanty-town on the other side of the White Foal River - 'Downwind'.

Vice is cheap in Sanctuary, but your life is cheaper. If you have a burning desire for adventure or, maybe you've simply bounced all the way down, each and every run on the socioeconomic ladder, and you're desperate enough to try your hand at... anything. ANYTHING! Just to survive. Then, my friend, Sanctuary is the place for you!(?)

What is it all about?

My Thieves's World Universe (T.W.U.) is inspired by a shared world literary fantasy anthology series, Thieves World, created by Robert Lynn Asprin in 1975. I will be using the D&D 5e rules to govern play, and complemented by extensive supplemental T.W.U. materials created by Chaosium Inc., and Green Ronin Publishing. This campaign has been running for close to three years concurrently. Recently, I have moved the format from the tabletop in my home, to the realm of the online universe, by purchasing an ultimate license, from Fantasy Grounds.

If you are unaware, my ultimate license allows you – dear potential player – to enter into the virtual play space for free (all you need do is download the free client). All, and I mean ALL, the currently available WotC D&D 5e electronic content is available to you – through my ultimate license server – at no cost to you (I bought it all already, and I am going to share it with you online. If you join us).

Additionally, there are a great deal of home-brew add-ons, to augment the above 'official' D&D 5e supplements, and adventures which expand upon the T.W.U. experience.

The Thieves' World Universe allows you, to choose how you would like to play in the sandbox. Do you want to engage in heavy RP, within the shifting continent-wide plot arcs that are full of intrigue and mystery. Or go for a more hands-on, visceral feel of 'devil-may-care' adventuring, for loot and glory? It is a gritty, 'realistic', serious, adult, and deep universe to play in, but we do still manage to have fun. And fun is the only reason to keep meeting week after week.

About us
We are currently, a group of three males - in the past I have hosted numerous lady gamers, and at one time, a lovely gentleman transition into a lady gamer (Shout-out: Violet), so we're not your stereotypical group of knuckle-dragging, mouth-breather, Caucasian cis-gendered male gamers.

Our ages run from mid-20-something, to mid-60-something - I sit in the middle at 56. The two elders, myself and Garry are semiretired, or retired. While Brett (our youngster) is a 9-5, M-F, treadmill walking wage-slave. We are all veterans of D&D RPG - Garry and I, in the 1970's with 1st & 2nd Ed, while Brett has been playing Pathfinder and 3.5e, onward. In the past month we've added; a high school principle from Montana, a ice-hockey player from Philly, and a gentleman from Minnesota. We've also just recently lost our lady player - so we'd be more than happy to accommodate another.

Final thoughts
I am personally, a big fan of deep RP, and fun times. But, I do run an 'Adult' table, and I reiterate, the universe in which we play in is; adult, harsh, gritty, tough, and deadly. These are not a game sessions, for those with overly sensitive dispositions. On the mean streets of the Thieves' World Universe, you are going to encounter, murder most foul, slavery, drug use, prostitution, worship of pagan Gods, and the virtual practice of phony occult stuff, and every other depravity known to man (or Dwarf) is in play - you need to be aware of these triggers going in.

However, let's also be clear here. I am not looking to attract perverts, who are looking to get their virtual rocks-off, by randomly hurting virtual people/creatures either. Also sexual assault does happen (NPC vs NPC) in universe (see above about how shitty the place is), but I will boot you so fast, if you suggest (even in 'jest') that your character might like to partake in this activity (PC vs NPC or, PC vs PC) - no exceptions, end of story. Nor will I tolerate; Misogyny, bullying, or similar activities. And whatever you do, don't be that guy. See Wheaton's Law above.

Finally, if you have a fast-n-loose playing style, your character(s) will die (quickly) - and that might get the rest of your party killed too (TPK), which is a sucky, and selfish thing to do. Yes, be an individual. But, you need to cooperate with your fellow players around the virtual table top, as a team, to succeed in this tough environment that I present weekly. Teamwork pays massive dividends for all player's enjoyment too. This is truly a team effort - your characters will live or die on that principle alone.


You will need to keep your wits about you, at all times.
You must keep your hands, inside the vehicle at all times. Do not stand up.
You must be ready for some thrills, and chills, and all while laughing your head off - all the way straight to Hell.

Did you make it this far? Did I frighten you off? No? Good! Message me here:


DM - Ian

November 24th, 2018, 01:16
i'm kind of confused how something can be NSFW and PG13 at the same time??

November 24th, 2018, 01:28
i'm kind of confused how something can be NSFW and PG13 at the same time??

It is a double caution to those of sensitive dispositions and few years of maturity - that this is an adult session - and some people don't know what NSFW means, but they almost certainly understand PG-13 (if they live in North America). I am sure that most would understand that it was an attempt at an abundance of caution. But hey, thanks for the useful input, nonetheless.:) You were being cautious about my caution, maybe? :D

November 24th, 2018, 09:04
PG-13 is kid friendly..... it means people 13 or older are fine and less than 13 might be ok. NSFW means 18+ which is why i am confused

November 24th, 2018, 11:38
PG-13 is kid friendly..... it means people 13 or older are fine and less than 13 might be ok. NSFW means 18+ which is why i am confused

Oh, dear... maybe this might provide assistance then,

A.P.A.A movie ratings system used since 1996 are:

Rated G: General Audiences – all ages admitted
Rated PG: Parental Guidance Suggested – some material may not be suitable for children
Rated PG-13: Parents Strongly Cautioned – some material may be inappropriate for children under 13
Rated R: Restricted – under 17 requires accompanying parent or adult guardian
Rated NC-17: No one 17 and under admitted


NSFW in Wiktionary, the free dictionary defined as:
Not safe for work (often shortened to the acronym NSFW) is an Internet slang or shorthand used to mark URLs and hyperlinks which link to videos or websites pages containing nudity, intense sexuality, profanity, violence, and/or other potentially disturbing subject matter, which the viewer may not wish to be seen looking at in a public or formal environment, including a workplace or school. NSFW has particular relevance for people trying to make personal use of the Internet at workplaces or schools which have policies prohibiting access to sexual and graphic subject matter.

Not all that confusing, really. Is it? But, I beginning to see that you would prefer to use your time (and mine) parse the minutia of a L.F.P. post. Rather than ask pertinent questions about the post, or maybe show any relevant interested in the content. Which doesn't appear to to me, to be helpful or constructive criticism. Have a pleasant day.

November 24th, 2018, 17:27
Sent you a Private Message - gimme a yell if you think it'll work out.

November 24th, 2018, 21:47
@AlphaDecay - replied via private email.

November 25th, 2018, 00:41
Sent you a PM

November 25th, 2018, 19:00
@pjm1923 replied same