View Full Version : LFG 1 Player Weekend Night Sunday PST Timezone prefer 5E

Valmer Luven
November 23rd, 2018, 04:23
FG Liscense: Standard and paid for.

Time Zone: Pacific Time USA

Days of the Week and Time: Sunday at 4 pm pst.

Term: Long Term for however long a game lasts.

Voice: Prefer Discord but am open to others. Discord again is my preferred platform though.

I have played D&D 5E for over a year now. This will be the first time I have used FG but I am familiar with Roll20 and can learn relatively fast when it comes to new systems.

As for a character I love playing Half-Elves. And I have fallen in love with the Blood Hunter class from Matt Mercer. I mainly play melee type characters such as Blood Hunters or Fighters mainly for simplicity's sake.

I'm easy enough to get along with. I tend to follow where the group goes and if I have something to say I make sure to stay in character. I like RP and combat and whatever situation the group finds itself in. Mature content I can handle just fine as long as its tasteful.

If anyone has any room in their homebrew or module let me know at your earliest convenience.