View Full Version : Yet another custom calendar thread

November 20th, 2018, 01:01
Hello everyone. I am having a bit of a problem. I am trying to create a custom calendar for my setting within Fantasy Grounds. I have looked at various threads on here about this subject, but apparently my comprehension of these threads is abysmal. So, I turn to creating my own thread, and asking more knowledgeable people here that might be able to help me out.

I have changed the calendars.mod file to calendars.zip, extracted the files, and opened db.xml in notepad++. I copied and pasted the gregorian calendar into a new file, adjusted the periods to reflect my setting, changed "gregorian" to my own setting's name, saved it, renamed it back to .mod, and fire up FG. I try to load the calendars.mod into the active mods in the library, and a window pops up saying this: "Database Error: A XML parse error occurred processing file Calendars:db.xml - Error on line 11: Error reading Attributes"

So I check line 11, which is " <day2 type="string">Monday</day2> " (minus the outer quotes, of course). I must be missing something or am exceedingly dull. Both are quite possible as I am getting into the older spectrum of age. Also, my custom calendar that I created as a seperate .mod doesn't even show up.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Moon Wizard
November 20th, 2018, 01:05
It would be easier to give you more help if you posted the file in question.


November 20th, 2018, 01:42
I had originally tried adding it into the regular calendars.mod file, but then removed it from that and made it into its own file. Since doing that, the regular calendars.mod file doesn't want to load. So that's why it is included in this attachment.

The other one is the one I attempted to make for my setting. I basically just copy pasted the Gregorian from the regular mod into that, and adjusted things to match my setting.

November 20th, 2018, 11:43
"Database Error: A XML parse error occurred processing file Calendars:db.xml - Error on line 11: Error reading Attributes"

So I check line 11, which is " <day2 type="string">Monday</day2> " (minus the outer quotes, of course).
You have a - instead of a = after "type".

<day2 type-"string">Beathday</day2>

November 20th, 2018, 11:46
Since doing that, the regular calendars.mod file doesn't want to load. So that's why it is included in this attachment.
You can only have one module of the same name. In your definition.xml file in your custom module, change the <name> tag from "Calendars" to something unique for your module.

November 20th, 2018, 15:01
Thank you Trenloe. I got that fixed, and then had a couple more errors (had an end tag for holiday1 as holiday, then for some reason end tag on line 127 wasn't registering so I took out the whole holiday for that portion).

Anywho, I got it fixed up and working! Thank you for your help.