View Full Version : LFG: Mutant Crawl Classics -or- Dungeon Crawl Classics

November 18th, 2018, 02:45
It has been YEARS since I have played D&D (3.5), but I am interested in trying to step back into gaming with one of these two. If by chance there is a group willing to take on a new player (or a somewhat rusty player), I would enjoy the chance.

December 19th, 2019, 20:45
I'd be interest in MCC.

December 20th, 2019, 11:43
I would be interested in both of these also!

December 20th, 2019, 20:44
I'm curious, how would the non-standard dice work in a FG game? D7, D14, etc... As far as I can tell, there's no way to add custom dice models, so how would the dice tower work?

December 20th, 2019, 23:27
I'm curious, how would the non-standard dice work in a FG game? D7, D14, etc... As far as I can tell, there's no way to add custom dice models, so how would the dice tower work?

I thought I saw DCC as an option, so I take it that there is some add in for the funky dice....

Sorry man, been playing RPGs since the early 80s but never played on a VTT so if my ignorance is showing through that's why. I thought that one of the selling points about FG was that there is a poop ton of ways to customize stuff and the player base has a poop ton of add-ins and other features. But like I said I'm still getting my toes wet and am trying to feel my way around.