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View Full Version : Beta Release v3.3.7

Moon Wizard
November 14th, 2018, 04:59
FG v3.3.7 is now in beta testing. The plan is to push the new version in about 3-4 weeks.

As always, we're a small company so we rely on our community to help sound out each new release. Thanks in advance to all those who pitch in.

Please see the sticky thread on public testing if you want to be involved. Only the Test mode slot contains this version. I will update this thread as I release new iterations of the test version.

Key Things
1) Always backup your campaign data before running the test version.
2) If the GM is running on test then all of the players will also be running on test.
3) If you encounter an issues log them in the relevant testing thread - don't use the generic House of Healing, but use this thread.


Moon Wizard
November 14th, 2018, 04:59
Updates List (Updated 12/11)

Improved TTF load times. (Thanks to Simpe.)
Hot keys with links will toggle windows (open, bring to front, close)
[CoreRPG+] Added buttons to send image window between standard window, background panel and full panel modes.
[CoreRPG+] All character selection windows sort by name.
[CoreRPG+] Player character selection window sorts owned characters before unowned characters.
[CoreRPG+] Character selection window name filter added.
[CoreRPG+] Campaign currencies can be edited in the campaign options.
[CoreRPG+] Separate options for GM vs. Player view of token health and effects.
[CoreRPG+] Ring bell on whisper per client option added.
[CoreRPG+] Wiki guide button added to image window.
[CoreRPG+] Select/Deselect all buttons added to module export window.
[CoreRPG+] Records duplicated by dropping links on campaign list will now be given a (Copy) suffix.
[CoreRPG+] Chained table rolls will be handled depth-first sequentially.
[CoreRPG+] Author search added to Module Activation window.
[CoreRPG+] Export button moved from Module Activation to Library.
[5E] Adventurers League log sheet updated to support Season 8. (Thanks to keytrose.)
[3.5E] Class feature data added to Basic Rules SRD module.
[CnC] Added NPC list views (by Letter/HD/Type) and list filters (HD/Type).
Player grid display changed to be drawn before mask.
Player image loading delayed until image window opened.
[CoreRPG+] When record unshared from master campaign list, unshare menu item not removed. Fixed.
[CoreRPG+] Encounter placement token fields could be overriden, even though they are temporary fields. Fixed.
[CoreRPG+] Recursion console warning when clicking ID button in NPC record opened from combat tracker. Fixed.
[CoreRPG+] Identified name shown for unidentified items when using auto-sell button in party sheet. Fixed.
[CoreRPG+] Item assignment and auto-completion in party sheet did not handle case sensitivity correctly. Fixed.
[CoreRPG+] Duplicating record by dropping link in campaign list no longer resets campaign list filter.
[CoreRPG+] Removed [RESULT] tag from table output to chat window and output to story body text.
[CoreRPG+] Script error when dropping token on PC portrait field. Fixed.
[CoreRPG+] Unidentified items in modules loaded into Manage Characters mode will now be fully accessible in the campaign lists.
[CoreRPG+] Unidentified items from the campaign list added to a PC while in Manage Characters mode will be identified.
[CoreRPG+] GM-only chat message icon updated to crossed out eye icon.
[CoreRPG+] Sidebar buttons can be dragged onto hot key bar.
[5E] When adding changeling race, secondary ability selection not being offered. Fixed.
[5E] Automatic PC concentration rolls and results from taking damage will be visible to players, even if GM roll display turned off.
[5E] Creatures with regeneration that must be disabled by a damage type will now regenerate, even if at 0 hit points, until regeneration disabled and at zero hit points.
[4E] When placed after IFT conditional, CA and Invisible effects ignored for calculating combat advantage. Fixed.
[4E] Skill challenge encounter fields not distinguishable when editing. Added frames for easier editing.
[4E] Vulnerability and resistance will cancel each other before being applied, per rules clarification.
[PFRPG/3.5E] PC spell/ability damage actions marked as non-spell damage will use DMG/DMGTYPE effects.
[PFRPG/3.5E] Dodge bonus effects not ignored when other effect caused loss of Dexterity bonuses. Fixed.
[PFRPG/3.5E] Immunity effect change: For basic damage type immunity, only applied if immune to all basic damage types; for attribute damage type immunity (critical, precision, lawful, etc.), always applied.
[THEME] Simple gray/brown theme upper right window buttons overlapped each other. Fixed.
[DEV] subwindow: Add getValue/setValue functions.
[DEV] User: ringBell function without parameters now rings bell locally on host or player.
[DEV] windowinstance/windowcontrol: Added onFirstLayout event (if defined in script).
[DEV] windowinstance: Add setEnabled function (panel windows only).
[DEV] windowinstance: In createControl function, added third parameter to specify data source path.
[DEV] windowreferencecontrol: When dragging, tooltip will be used as description text, if no other description text defined.
[DEV][CoreRPG+] Generalized progress bar template added (used to be statusbar template specific to certain rulesets).
[DEV][CoreRPG+] Alignright tag added to button_stringcycler template.
[DEV] When exporting multiple image nodes using same image source file using Module.export, multiple copies of same image file are exported. Fixed.
[DEV] Top-level database nodes can no longer be shared by dragging shortcut onto chat window.
[DEV] Panel order not maintained when using merge attribute. Fixed.

Moon Wizard
November 14th, 2018, 04:59
Developer File Modification Notes (Updated 12/15)


Global Scripts: CampaignDataManager, CharacterListManager, ChatManager, CombatManager, DesktopManager, DiceTowerManager, ImageManager, ItemManager, LibraryData, NPCManager, OptionsCore, PartyLootManager, TableManager, TokenManager
Specific Scripts: campaign/scripts/campaign_button_new.lua, campaign/scripts/char_invlist.lua, campaign/scripts/charselect_client_list.lua, campaign/scripts/imagewindow.lua, campaign/scripts/masterindex_window.lua, campaign/scripts/parcel.lua, common/scripts/button_stringcycler.lua, ct/scripts/ct_active.lua, desktop/scripts/characterlist.lua, ps/scripts/ps_carriedby.lua, ps/scripts/ps_inv.lua, ref/scripts/ref_simplelist.lua, utility/scripts/moduleselection.lua
Window Classes: charselect_client, charselect_host, charselect_import, charselect_local, export, imagewindow, library, moduleselection, options, reference_list
Panels: chat, modifierstack
Strings: option_label_TASG, option_label_TFAC, option_label_TNAM, option_label_TNPCE, option_label_TNPCH, option_label_TPCE, option_label_TPCH
Templates: anchor_record_image_header_right, button_clientct_active, button_library_sidebar, button_modules_export (renamed), button_modules_filter_open, button_modules_permission_allow, close, desktop_dockitem, desktop_stackitem, filter_modules_name, help, list_export_records, modulepermissioncontrol, portrait_char


Global Scripts: ActionDamage, ActorManager2, CharManager, DataCommon, LibraryData35E, SpellManager
Specific Scripts: campaign/scripts/char_invlist.lua, ps/scripts/ps_mainitem.lua
Window Classes: ps_mainitem
Templates: statusbar (Removed)


Global Scripts: ActionDamage
Specific Scripts: campaign/scripts/char_invlist.lua, ps/scripts/ps_main.lua, ps/scripts/ps_mainitem.lua
Window Classes: battle_skillchallengelistitem, ps_mainitem
Templates: statusbar (Removed)


Global Scripts: ActionSave, CharManager, EffectManager5E, PartyManager2
Specific Scripts: campaign/scripts/char_invlist.lua, ps/scripts/ps_main.lua, ps/scripts/ps_mainitem.lua (Removed)
Window Classes: adventure_main, ps_mainitem
Templates: statusbar (Removed)


Global Scripts: DataCommon

Castles and Crusades

Global Scripts: LibraryDataCnC
Specific Scripts: ps/scripts/ps_mainitem.lua
Window Classes: ps_mainitem
Templates: statusbar (Removed)

d20 Modern

Global Scripts: ActorManager2
Specific Scripts: ps/scripts/ps_mainitem.lua
Window Classes: ps_mainitem
Templates: statusbar (Removed)

November 14th, 2018, 06:36
Updates List
[DEV] When exporting multiple image nodes using same image source file using Module.export, multiple copies of same image file are exported. Fixed.

Thanks for this very much. One tiny ask related to exporting.

Can you do one additional thing for while you're at it? Add a name for the stringcontrol that is the label "A" in the export selection window? I can't merge/replace it with my own version of the "A" that allows you to select ALL of the items at once. Right now I just position a A ontop of that A but if they use funky fonts it shows.

It's in <windowclass name="export" /> Around here in utility/utility_export.xml

<anchored to="list" position="aboveleft" offset="0,3" width="20" />
<lineoffset default="on">-1</lineoffset>
<static textres="export_label_listall" />
<center />

This is just a quality of life thing in Author that allows the host to click on the A and it selects/deselects all the records to export.

November 14th, 2018, 08:56
Nice Moon.

November 14th, 2018, 18:03
Nice. Lots of good stuff, sound like the image mask/grid issue might now be resolved?

One concern;

[5E] Creatures with regeneration that must be disabled by a damage type will now regenerate, even if at 0 hit points, until regeneration disabled and at zero hit points.

Some 5E creatures have regeneration that states they only regenerate if they have 1 or more hitpoints (i.e. Vampire), but others only if regen is suppressed and they are at 0 HP (i.e. the troll). So regen has two use cases/types that need to be handled.

Moon Wizard
November 14th, 2018, 18:20

[CoreRPG+] Select/Deselect all buttons added to module export window.


Moon Wizard
November 14th, 2018, 18:22

That's exactly why the change was made. If a creature with regeneration that must be disabled by a specific damage type, the effect must be disabled (i.e. SKIP) or it will continue to regenerate even at zero hit points. Any regeneration that is not disabled by a specific damage type will stop working at zero hit points.


November 14th, 2018, 18:37

[CoreRPG+] Select/Deselect all buttons added to module export window.


A gentleman and a scholar. Thanks, even better ;)

November 14th, 2018, 18:54

That's exactly why the change was made. If a creature with regeneration that must be disabled by a specific damage type, the effect must be disabled (i.e. SKIP) or it will continue to regenerate even at zero hit points. Any regeneration that is not disabled by a specific damage type will stop working at zero hit points.

Ok, great. Wasn't sure you got the two use cases.

Also, thanks for the select all with module export. Really appreciate that one :)

November 14th, 2018, 19:36
Player image loading delayed until image window opened.

Is this as big of a deal as I think it is? Does it mean that some of the memory issues go away?

Moon Wizard
November 14th, 2018, 20:25
It just means that player memory load should be much closer to GM memory load. (Given they are loading the same modules)

There’s probably more investigating to be done as well here.


November 14th, 2018, 22:03
It just means that player memory load should be much closer to GM memory load. (Given they are loading the same modules)

There’s probably more investigating to be done as well here.

Kudos! This is a BIG leap ahead in performance and stability. Great job :)

The High Druid
November 14th, 2018, 22:27
[5E] When adding changeling race, secondary ability selection not being offered. Fixed.

Is this a Changeling-only fix, or a change to the way "Ability Score Increase" is parsed? Because a few of the Dragonmarked subraces have a similar issue, and I think there was another one somewhere with a similar subrace hack to sort the stats out.

November 14th, 2018, 22:49
Is this a Changeling-only fix, or a change to the way "Ability Score Increase" is parsed? Because a few of the Dragonmarked subraces have a similar issue, and I think there was another one somewhere with a similar subrace hack to sort the stats out.
My testing shows only the Changling is affected.

November 14th, 2018, 23:19
Thank the gods for PC search.

November 15th, 2018, 07:23
Any chance for there to be a search-bar for portraits in the next update? The searchbar for characters was GOOD, but portraits needs one as well.
- Obe

Moon Wizard
November 15th, 2018, 22:25

[CoreRPG+] Records duplicated by dropping links on campaign list will now be given a (Copy) suffix.
[CoreRPG+] Duplicating record by dropping link in campaign list no longer resets campaign list filter.


Moon Wizard
November 15th, 2018, 22:29

I won't be able to add a portraits search in the current client, due to the way portraits are handled. Portrait files are loaded dynamically, and the window lists to do filtering are built dynamically. It would be extremely slow and laggy. You'll have to wait for FGU before I can look at that.


November 16th, 2018, 00:34

[CoreRPG+] Records duplicated by dropping links on campaign list will now be given a (Copy) suffix.
[CoreRPG+] Duplicating record by dropping link in campaign list no longer resets campaign list filter.

Very nice! I currently make sure to open the existing object before I drag and copy so I know which one is which (So I don't mess up existing links). The stable list filter is really nice too :)

Loving the updates!

November 16th, 2018, 01:35

[CoreRPG+] Records duplicated by dropping links on campaign list will now be given a (Copy) suffix.
[CoreRPG+] Duplicating record by dropping link in campaign list no longer resets campaign list filter.


Very very well done. :) Makes things a beuty to work with.

- Obe

November 16th, 2018, 06:16

November 17th, 2018, 00:48
With my quick playing around I found a few issues but I'm pretty sure they are all with the Starfinder module but I wanted to get them documented here so they get fixed with the release of this. The first issue is with the new buttons on the image window, I'm guessing they just need to be added to the theme. The second is the header test is doubled. like a second copy is rendered a few pixels offset. Attached is my screenshot of these. I made sure to turn off all extensions before reporting this.

November 17th, 2018, 21:53
Fantastic, I've done some testing this evening and the memory usage has improved by leaps and bounds in this version. With memory usage on the player side more or less mirroring that one the server side eventually.
This is going to make a great difference to myself and my players, thank you! :)

November 17th, 2018, 22:02
A gentleman and a scholar. Thanks, even better ;)

You wouldn't happen to be affiliated with "Encounter Roleplay" on YouTube by any chance? :D The "a gentlemen and a scholar" phrase made me think of it as it's a popular phrase used there.

November 17th, 2018, 22:40
You wouldn't happen to be affiliated with "Encounter Roleplay" on YouTube by any chance? :D The "a gentlemen and a scholar" phrase made me think of it as it's a popular phrase used there.

Nope, it's just something I grew up hearing when someone did something well thought out/good and helpful. Could'a just been my family... Lived in Texas all my life but no idea where the phrase comes from.

November 17th, 2018, 22:55
Bunch of good updates are coming! Glad to see the fix for the duplicate images when exporting! :)

November 17th, 2018, 22:55
Nope, it's just something I grew up hearing when someone did something well thought out/good and helpful. Could'a just been my family... Lived in Texas all my life but no idea where the phrase comes from.

Hah, fair enough, it's a fun phrase, always thought it sounded a bit British. I thoughts I'd ask as I like some of the campaigns they run there and it helped to peak my interest with FG to boot. ;)

To avoid derailing this thread, I won't make any more posts not related to bugs I may come across in 3.3.7 beyond this one. But couldn't help but to satisfy my curiosity on the phrases origin now that you mention it.

Source: https://www.reference.com/world-view/origin-phrase-gentleman-scholar-818c324dae3f7430
The phrase "You are a gentleman and a scholar" most likely originated in England in the 18th century. During this time period, scholarly pursuits and noble manners were seen as important characteristics among men.

This phrase was made popular in modern times when it appeared in J.D. Salinger's novel, "The Catcher in the Rye." The protagonist, Holden, says this to his roommate Ackley. "I reached up from where I was sitting on the floor and patted him on the goddam shoulder. 'You're a prince, Ackley kid,' I said. "You know that?...You're a real prince. You're a gentleman and a scholar, kid."

November 18th, 2018, 06:31
Hah, fair enough, it's a fun phrase, always thought it sounded a bit British. I thoughts I'd ask as I like some of the campaigns they run there and it helped to peak my interest with FG to boot. ;)

To avoid derailing this thread, I won't make any more posts not related to bugs I may come across in 3.3.7 beyond this one. But couldn't help but to satisfy my curiosity on the phrases origin now that you mention it.

Source: https://www.reference.com/world-view/origin-phrase-gentleman-scholar-818c324dae3f7430
The phrase "You are a gentleman and a scholar" most likely originated in England in the 18th century. During this time period, scholarly pursuits and noble manners were seen as important characteristics among men.

This phrase was made popular in modern times when it appeared in J.D. Salinger's novel, "The Catcher in the Rye." The protagonist, Holden, says this to his roommate Ackley. "I reached up from where I was sitting on the floor and patted him on the goddam shoulder. 'You're a prince, Ackley kid,' I said. "You know that?...You're a real prince. You're a gentleman and a scholar, kid."

I do love to watch British TV shows (been watching Doctor Who since the 80s).

Moon Wizard
November 19th, 2018, 21:56
Thanks to Zacchaeus for pointing out that I didn't mention the new image window buttons in the patch notes.

[CoreRPG+] Added buttons to send image window between standard window, background panel and full panel modes.


November 19th, 2018, 23:43
[CoreRPG+] Added buttons to send image window between standard window, background panel and full panel modes.

I'm not seeing these?

Moon Wizard
November 20th, 2018, 00:57
They are in upper right corner of image window, next to the close and help buttons.


Moon Wizard
November 20th, 2018, 01:06

Hot keys with links will toggle windows (open, bring to front, close)
[CoreRPG+] Chained table rolls will be handled depth-first sequentially.
[CoreRPG+] Removed [RESULT] tag from table output to chat window and output to story body text.
[CoreRPG+] Script error when dropping token on PC portrait field. Fixed.

November 20th, 2018, 01:13
Some nice QOL features there Moon Wizard.

November 20th, 2018, 02:35

Hot keys with links will toggle windows (open, bring to front, close)

It's almost like he reads the forums!

November 20th, 2018, 02:54
They are in upper right corner of image window, next to the close and help buttons.

Yeah, I had a "slap forehead" moment. I had an unpacked C&C ruleset, so I wasn't seeing the new code...

November 20th, 2018, 04:40
[CoreRPG+] Chained table rolls will be handled depth-first sequentially.

What does this mean? Thanks.

Moon Wizard
November 20th, 2018, 04:54
It means that tables that roll on other tables will roll in order.


Table A -> 2x Table B -> 2x Table C

Roll A
Roll B
Roll C
Roll C
Roll B
Roll C
Roll C

In current version, after A rolled, then both rolls for table B went. Then, when each Table B roll completed, then both rolls for Table C went. They were all rolling concurrently for each table.


November 20th, 2018, 04:55
No more Asynchronous rolling?

November 20th, 2018, 12:30
I believe that is what he means. The situation has been chaotic, as the order of dice landing was unpredictable based upon the time of the dice rolls.

Moon Wizard
November 20th, 2018, 16:49
The rolls still use the 3D physics engine, but they are serialized in order (depth-first).


November 20th, 2018, 22:43
Getting following script errors when GM is sharing image to players

Runtime Error: image: Snapshot size (0,0) does not match base size (1750,1750)
Runtime Error: image: Snapshot size (0,0) does not match base size (1750,1750)
Runtime Error: image: Snapshot size (0,0) does not match base size (200,240)
Runtime Error: image: Snapshot size (0,0) does not match base size (200,240)
Runtime Error: image: Snapshot size (0,0) does not match base size (200,240)
Runtime Error: image: Snapshot size (0,0) does not match base size (200,240)
Runtime Error: image: Snapshot size (0,0) does not match base size (376,526)
Runtime Error: image: Snapshot size (0,0) does not match base size (376,526)

November 20th, 2018, 22:56
Ikael were those errors showing with images that had already been shared from a previous session. Or was the player still on v3.6.6. I saw something similar in my Sunday game but the player was on 3.3.6 and on a mac. Him updating and then me unsharing and then resharing the image cleared the problem. I wanted to do more testing before reporting anything but haven’t had the chance to do so.

November 20th, 2018, 23:09
Ikael were those errors showing with images that had already been shared from a previous session. Or was the player still on v3.6.6. I saw something similar in my Sunday game but the player was on 3.3.6 and on a mac. Him updating and then me unsharing and then resharing the image cleared the problem. I wanted to do more testing before reporting anything but haven’t had the chance to do so.

I was the client with several others using test version (and GM was using test version as well
). Error occurred when new image was shared to me.

November 20th, 2018, 23:17
It means that tables that roll on other tables will roll in order.


Table A -> 2x Table B -> 2x Table C

Roll A
Roll B
Roll C
Roll C
Roll B
Roll C
Roll C

In current version, after A rolled, then both rolls for table B went. Then, when each Table B roll completed, then both rolls for Table C went. They were all rolling concurrently for each table.


Ah, nice!

Ken L
November 21st, 2018, 12:07
Subwindow tools look good. I'll sync a major release of one of my extensions to coincide with 3.3.7.

I've noticed the background image function has encountered the same Issue I had with syncing on my background map. It's not as major however as I need to deal with layer syncing etc... Tool sync might be an issue but it's light as it's just cursor modes.

Ken L
November 21st, 2018, 17:19
It would seem all TTF files are black by default, they don't seem to accept their <color> arguments, in-fact they ignore them. fgf font files are unaffected.

Moon Wizard
November 21st, 2018, 18:13

[CnC] Added NPC list views (by Letter/HD/Type) and list filters (HD/Type).

November 21st, 2018, 18:15
Is the 64-bit version no longer available for testing? I am no longer seeing it in my directory, and it doesn't pop up regardless of the Update channel I set (test or dev)

Moon Wizard
November 21st, 2018, 18:22

Could you clear the cache and see if you get the same error? Usually, those errors occur when the mask/drawing files are passed incorrectly from the host. However, given the player memory changes, I want to be sure.


Moon Wizard
November 21st, 2018, 18:25

Font assets using TTF fonts would only draw in black. Fixed.


Moon Wizard
November 21st, 2018, 18:27

The experimental 64-bit build is being removed until we can make it work, or determine it is not feasible with the libraries used by the FG code.


November 21st, 2018, 21:15

Could you clear the cache and see if you get the same error? Usually, those errors occur when the mask/drawing files are passed incorrectly from the host. However, given the player memory changes, I want to be sure.


me and GM tried map sharing again. I did not get the script errors anymore after the same images were shared, but whenever new image was shared the same errors popped up. Also for some unknown reason one image never loaded up. GM tried to share it yesterday in the game as well but none of the players got it, neither did I get it today.

November 21st, 2018, 22:08
In some modes, the mask makes the image transparent... Noticed this as a player in a game the other day.


November 21st, 2018, 22:16
Subwindow tools look good. I'll sync a major release of one of my extensions to coincide with 3.3.7.

I'm curious how you're making use of it. Different style popup select menus or something?

Moon Wizard
November 22nd, 2018, 00:07

I got another report from Lokiare as well; so I think there's something related to the change to reduce player memory. Basically, the player client does not automatically load image values in this version, which it has always done before. So, the issue is buried somewhere in the tangle of the image management code (set up before we took over); and one of the things I've deliberately tried to change the least to avoid issues like this. Hopefully, I'll be able to either recreate locally, or track some of the common paths to find out. Either that, or I'll have to revert the change.


November 22nd, 2018, 01:14
Either that, or I'll have to revert the change.

Gnnaaaarrrgghhh! I hope you find a way to resolve!

November 22nd, 2018, 04:16
Either that, or I'll have to revert the change.

Likewise I hope you manage to find it, or that it's so rare of a bug that it's an oddity when it occurs.

After testing with my players I've found that the memory management code changes on the players side are making such a huge difference. Much to the excitement and enjoyment of my player allowing them far greater books and resources open at their fingertips, and smoother running of the client due to lower resource load. The improvement is to the point that we are using the test version over the live version already for that change alone.

It would be quite the loss if the changes were to be reverted.

Myrdin Potter
November 22nd, 2018, 04:46
I hope turkey and rest inspires you!

Ken L
November 23rd, 2018, 13:43
During early initialization for subwindows in panels. setValue(<class> ,<datapath>) appears to not accept a string as a datapath for a client connection. If you wrap it to send as a Databasenode ie: DB.findNode(<datapath>) it will work. The error received is "incorrect type for argument 2" which is the datapath which I confirmed was a string prior to the call as it's... well a static string ie: setValue("panel_window","combattracker").

This oddly only occurs for panels in client mode for a client connection, and only during early initialization from what I have experienced. If setValue(string,string) is invoked later on on said panel, it'll work.

This setValue is invoked during onInit of a subwindow in a client mode panel.

Ken L
November 23rd, 2018, 15:02
The inner window reference (subwindow) from the subwindow control appears to leave a hanging reference rather than nil.

An example is if the window within the subwindow is closed, or logic invokes setValue(nil,"") on the control to clear the nested window.

ctrlSub.subwindow will continue to have a reference to the destroyed windowinstance rather than the expected 'nil'.

The only way to check if the subwindow reference is valid rather than hanging is to use a pcall to invoke on of its expected methods on a try/catch basis.

Moon Wizard
November 24th, 2018, 01:39

[CoreRPG+] Author search added to Module Activation window.
[CoreRPG+] Export button moved from Module Activation to Library.
[CoreRPG+] Unidentified items in modules loaded into Manage Characters mode will now be fully accessible in the campaign lists.
[CoreRPG+] Unidentified items from the campaign list added to a PC while in Manage Characters mode will be identified.
Client snapshot error on image share. Fixed.


Moon Wizard
November 24th, 2018, 02:17

[SFRPG] New image button placement fixed.
[DEV] When determining tooltip of token widgets, the backmost widget was being used. Fixed to use the foremost widget.


Moon Wizard
November 24th, 2018, 02:26

The transparency issue may have been related to the other snapshot errors that I just addressed. Please let me know if you see that again.


Moon Wizard
November 24th, 2018, 02:40

[DEV] subwindow: The subwindow member variable was not reset correctly when using the new setValue API call. Fixed.

Moon Wizard
November 24th, 2018, 02:45
@Ken L,

In regards to using the subwindow.setValue API in the subwindow onInit event, the database node must exist prior to the setValue call. The setValue API call will not create database node. Since you are triggering the call in the onInit on the client side, it's possible that not all of the database updates have been sent from the host, so the node does not exist yet.


November 24th, 2018, 17:00
Well I actually don't hate it but it appears to still be transparent on both sides..

Moon Wizard
November 24th, 2018, 22:37
Ah, I get the issue now, though it's obvious looking at it in hindsight.

Thanks for the repeat report,

Moon Wizard
November 24th, 2018, 22:49

[CoreRPG+] The tabletop background could be seen through the image background panels when masked. Fixed.

November 25th, 2018, 17:16
I also just committed these to the repository (will get pushed when Moon gets a chance):

[CnC] Allow any item type to have charges.
[CnC] Add Resistance and Vulnerability to monster NPCs.

November 25th, 2018, 19:29
I also just committed these to the repository (will get pushed when Moon gets a chance):

[CnC] Allow any item type to have charges.
[CnC] Add Resistance and Vulnerability to monster NPCs.

Beautiful. Could we have a few usage examples of the 2nd list item please?

November 25th, 2018, 19:35
Beautiful. Could we have a few usage examples of the 2nd list item please?

They're for the new statblocks I posted in (both) Discords. They won't show up in print til next year when the new Monsters & Treasure Compendium and Tome of the Unclean are published, then I have to adapt them to Fantasy Grounds at some point after that. I told Andraax he can withhold that particular update if he wishes, until we see the finalized versions of the statblocks and the new verbiage to the resistances and vulnerabilities. I'm already working on some while editing Tome of the Unclean and they're different than what we have currently.

Doug and I still have to have the conversation about how we want to handle the Compendium anyway...

November 25th, 2018, 20:07
Beautiful. Could we have a few usage examples of the 2nd list item please?

They're nothing more than placeholders for now. Use them as additional text fields for now. Basically, this way you won't have to scan through the special abilities to find them. In the future they'll be used to automatically add effects when dropped onto the CT.

November 26th, 2018, 00:07
Awesome... nice to look forward.

Moon Wizard
November 26th, 2018, 17:49

[CoreRPG+] GM-only chat message icon updated to crossed out eye icon.

November 26th, 2018, 18:18

[CoreRPG+] GM-only chat message icon updated to crossed out eye icon.

+1 hah! I had just done this to my own.

November 26th, 2018, 22:14
So with the new Full screen Image option is there a way to add the Combat tracker and chat window to hot keys?

Moon Wizard
November 26th, 2018, 22:33
The full screen option is more for live table game setups, where you don't need to access the other panels as much as see the map.

The first send to background button (where it expands in just the middle of the screen) is for setups where you still want to access the other permanent tabletop elements (chat, character portrait, dice tower and sidebar), while having the image in the background. That's why the image expands all the way to the edges of the other UI elements, but doesn't cover them.

If the other panels were allowed to cover the full screen image, then you would end up with scenarios where you couldn't reach the image elements (toolbar, panning button, close/resize buttons) that would get hidden behind the other panels. Also, you wouldn't be able to access the portions of the map under those panels either.

The chat window is actually set up as a semi-permanent panel that resizes with the desktop, so it can't be easily floated above other windows without blocking elements.
The combat tracker window is originally designed as a floating window, so you can have open over the top. If you close it for some reason, you can just toggle the view smaller to re-open it.

Let me see if we can make the sidebar buttons draggable to the hot key bar, which will get part of the way.


November 26th, 2018, 22:39
That was my assumption. Thanks, Moon

Moon Wizard
November 27th, 2018, 00:29

[CoreRPG+] Sidebar buttons can be dragged onto hot key bar.
[DEV] Top-level database nodes can no longer be shared by dragging shortcut onto chat window.
[DEV] windowreferencecontrol: When dragging, tooltip will be used as description text, if no other description text defined.

November 27th, 2018, 00:57
Nice feature Moon Wizard Thank You..

Moon Wizard
November 27th, 2018, 01:02
Yeah, I've been avoiding that one, because it required me to hard-code a block to avoid entire campaign from being shared by an accidental drop on chat window.


Moon Wizard
November 27th, 2018, 01:03

Cypher System and The Strange added to built-in rulesets. (Data not included.)
[Numenera] Added automation for applying Effort and deducting Effort cost from stat pools.

November 27th, 2018, 22:02
As client when using panel image and the GM re-shared the same image, it will pop-up as regular window (next to panel image). I find this unnecessary and confusing.

November 28th, 2018, 06:50
Here's a wish list item. Not sure how hard it is to add in. Can an effect expire upon taking damage (i.e. Expend: On Damage).

Moon Wizard
November 28th, 2018, 07:25
You can add it to the wish list in my sig below. Make sure to provide specific use cases and which fame system in the description.


Moon Wizard
November 29th, 2018, 00:28

[5E] Adjusted default Gaseous Form spell effect to resist nonmagical weapon damage, instead of all damage.

December 1st, 2018, 08:06
Hi Moon Wizard which of these changes is likely to have caused my Characters campaign tool to show Characters in a windowlist like all the other campaign tools? Eg Ive lost the normal Character Selection dialogue with the portraits and ownership info...

December 1st, 2018, 09:23
Hi Moon Wizard which of these changes is likely to have caused my Characters campaign tool to show Characters in a windowlist like all the other campaign tools? Eg Ive lost the normal Character Selection dialogue with the portraits and ownership info...

Which ruleset, my Aussie pal? I'm not seeing this in Core or 5e.

December 1st, 2018, 09:52
Which ruleset, my Aussie pal? I'm not seeing this in Core or 5e.

Indeed I did leave off a piece of relevant information - this is for MoreCore.

December 1st, 2018, 13:35
Indeed I did leave off a piece of relevant information - this is for MoreCore.

I have updated my manager_desktop.lua and I think the glitch is resolved...

December 2nd, 2018, 01:40
Just committed to repository; will show up when Moon pushes to the test channel:

[CnC] Add drag and drop for classes onto the ability tab
[CnC] Add drag and drop for races onto the ability tab

Moon Wizard
December 2nd, 2018, 02:11

I checked for store rulesets using the fToggleIndex or DesktopManager replacement, since I was replacing it and didn't see any. I think I may need to start keeping a copy of MoreCore on my machine.


December 2nd, 2018, 03:54
And another quick one:

[CnC] Tweaks to spell short description field

December 2nd, 2018, 11:10

I checked for store rulesets using the fToggleIndex or DesktopManager replacement, since I was replacing it and didn't see any. I think I may need to start keeping a copy of MoreCore on my machine.


Your work is never ending!

Moon Wizard
December 3rd, 2018, 03:14

[5E] Modified 5E Adventurer's League record sheet to migrate all data from older sheet. If you used new sheet already for a log sheet, post your campaign and/or character and I can fix.

December 4th, 2018, 03:37
Is there a possibility to make shortcuts from the radial menu?

Would be nice to hit F1 and roll initiative or give a short rest

December 4th, 2018, 03:40
Would be nice to hit F1 and roll initiative or give a short rest

I did an extension for that - it's posted around here somewhere.

Found it. It adds "/" commands for various things - '/rollnpcinit', '/rest short', '/rest long', '/cleareffects all', '/cleareffects expire', '/clearfoes foes', '/clearfoes all'.

You can make these hotkeys by typing the command into the chat box, and instead of hitting enter, dragging it to a hotkey.

Moon Wizard
December 4th, 2018, 06:21

[CoreRPG+] Add Share Sheet menu option to background image panel radial menu.
[CoreRPG+] Remove resize menu options from background image panel radial menu (not applicable).
[CoreRPG+] If image record already displayed in background panel, then don't re-open floating window when shared by GM or clicked in Images list.
[CoreRPG+] If image record deleted or unshared, then correctly reset background panel display.


December 4th, 2018, 20:45
After using image panel for combat, GM closed the window and panel vanished (as expected) but left top left controls and clicking them caused given script error.


Moon Wizard
December 4th, 2018, 21:49
Was this before/after the update I made last night at 10pm PST? That looks like one of the issues I addressed with that update.


Moon Wizard
December 4th, 2018, 21:49

[3.5E] Class feature data added to Basic Rules SRD module.

Moon Wizard
December 5th, 2018, 20:26
The plan is to release the v3.3.7 update on Dec. 18.

So, this is a two week notice for those developers who build extensions, so they can verify compatibility or update. Please see the third post in this thread for details of which files were changed. If you overwrite any of these files in your extension, please make sure that you pull in the updates to those files into your extension replacement files.


December 6th, 2018, 13:13
Does the 3.3.7.pak still say 3.3.6a for everyone else?

December 6th, 2018, 13:16
The plan is to release the v3.3.7 update on Dec. 18.

So, this is a two week notice for those developers who build extensions, so they can verify compatibility or update. Please see the third post in this thread for details of which files were changed. If you overwrite any of these files in your extension, please make sure that you pull in the updates to those files into your extension replacement files.


Is that list up to date?
For example manager_desktop.lua isnt mentioned?

December 6th, 2018, 14:05
Does the 3.3.7.pak still say 3.3.6a for everyone else?

Yes, I keep forgetting to mention that. Which is fine, because you'd just call me a certain word if I did. :)

December 6th, 2018, 15:34
Is that list up to date?
For example manager_desktop.lua isnt mentioned?

This is what I'm showing as different between 3.3.6a and the latest in the test channel:

Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\base.xml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\campaign\campaign_chars.x ml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\campaign\record_encounter .xml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\campaign\record_image.xml
Deleted: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\campaign\scripts\charsele ct_client.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\campaign\scripts\campaign _button_new.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\campaign\scripts\char_inv list.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\campaign\scripts\charsele ct_client_list.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\campaign\scripts\charsele ct_local_entry.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\campaign\scripts\imagewin dow.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\campaign\scripts\masterin dex_window.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\campaign\scripts\masterin dexitem_window.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\campaign\scripts\parcel.l ua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\campaign\template_campaig n.xml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\campaign\template_char.xm l
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\common\scripts\button_str ingcycler.lua
Added: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\common\scripts\progressba r.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\common\template_common.xm l
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\common\template_records.x ml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\common\template_windows.x ml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\ct\ct_host.xml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\ct\scripts\ct.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\ct\scripts\ct_entry.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\desktop\desktop_classes.x ml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\desktop\desktop_panels.xm l
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\desktop\scripts\manager_d icetower.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\desktop\template_desktop. xml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\gameelements.xml
Added: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\graphics\buttons\button_s izedown.png application/octet-stream
Added: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\graphics\buttons\button_s izedown_down.png application/octet-stream
Added: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\graphics\buttons\button_s izedown_hover.png application/octet-stream
Added: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\graphics\buttons\button_s izeup.png application/octet-stream
Added: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\graphics\buttons\button_s izeup_down.png application/octet-stream
Added: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\graphics\buttons\button_s izeup_hover.png application/octet-stream
Added: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\graphics\frames\imagepane l.png application/octet-stream
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\graphics\graphics_fonts.x ml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\graphics\graphics_frames. xml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\graphics\graphics_icons.x ml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\graphics\graphics_radial. xml
Deleted: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\graphics\icons\image_sent .png
Deleted: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\graphics\icons\image_zoom .png
Deleted: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\graphics\icons\image_shor tcuts.png
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\graphics\icons\gmdie_icon .png application/octet-stream
Added: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\graphics\icons\unknowndie _icon.png application/octet-stream
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\ps\ps_order.xml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\ps\scripts\manager_ps.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\ps\scripts\manager_ps_loo t.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\ps\scripts\ps_carriedby.l ua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\ps\scripts\ps_inv.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\ref\template_ref.xml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\scripts\data_library.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\scripts\data_options_core .lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\scripts\manager_actions.l ua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\scripts\manager_actor.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\scripts\manager_campaignd ata.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\scripts\manager_chat.lua
Added: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\scripts\manager_currency. lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\scripts\manager_desktop.l ua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\scripts\manager_image.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\scripts\manager_item.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\scripts\manager_language. lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\scripts\manager_npc.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\scripts\manager_string.lu a
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\scripts\manager_table.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\scripts\manager_token.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\scripts\manager_utility.l ua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\strings\strings_campaign. xml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\strings\strings_common.xm l
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\strings\strings_utility.x ml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\utility\scripts\calendar_ top.lua
Added: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\utility\scripts\currency_ list.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\utility\scripts\modulesel ection.lua
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\utility\template_utility. xml
Added: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\utility\utility_currencie s.xml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\utility\utility_export.xm l
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\utility\utility_library.x ml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\utility\utility_modules.x ml
Updated: D:\Fantasy Grounds\rulesets\CoreRPG\utility\utility_options.x ml

Moon Wizard
December 6th, 2018, 18:20
All the global scripts are mentioned by name. (i.e. DesktopManager = scripts/manager_desktop.lua)


[CoreRPG/PFRPG] Announcement updated to report v3.3.7 of ruleset.

December 7th, 2018, 15:09
I have been fiddling with it and noticed a few bugs:

-When sharing a map to a player that had already been shared and they have it on Panel mode, their clients will crash.
-/version command doesn't seem to work on DnD (but still works on Savage Worlds)
-On Savage Worlds, rolling for attack on while having the map on Panel mode will cause the client to crash.

Also, I'm curious about something. To whom is the fullscreen panel mode intended for? On D&D the map goes over the Chat, rendering it impossible for online play but I can imagine it could be used for face to face games with the map covering the whole screen. On Savage Worlds the Chat is still visible, and it looks really neat. So, is the fullscreen panel mode for playing face to face or is it intended to be used on online play too? I'd love that option.

December 7th, 2018, 16:15
Moon Said" https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?46523-Beta-Release-v3-3-7&p=415717&viewfull=1#post415717 (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?46523-Beta-Release-v3-3-7&p=415717&viewfull=1#post415717) "

for the Full screen answer..

Moon Wizard
December 7th, 2018, 16:15
Are all of the clients (GM and player) using v3.3.7 when it crashes? Or are only some on v3.3.7 and others on v3.3.6?

The full panel is made mostly for face to face play, since it obscures the other panels, like sidebar, chat window, modifiers, dice tower, etc. . It can be used in a regular game by toggling between the smaller and larger panel when needed. With the current architecture, the full panel can not be placed under the chat/modifiers/etc, because the current version of FG requires images to go to the edge of the screen, And that would make portions of the map unable to be seen or interacted with.


December 7th, 2018, 16:20
Are all of the clients (GM and player) using v3.3.7 when it crashes? Or are only some on v3.3.7 and others on v3.3.6?

Both using 3.3.7. In fact, even both being the very same machine that is me using a client to connect on a single computer. But I had the same problem with a friend online: When I re-shared the map both crashed: My second client and his.

With the current architecture, the full panel can not be placed under the chat/modifiers/etc, because the current version of FG requires images to go to the edge of the screen, And that would make portions of the map unable to be seen or interacted with.


I understand the problem it would cause, so this is another problem for Savage Worlds:


Personally... I love how it looks and would use it exactly this way. I do understand what problems it might cause (and would tell my players to switch between modes should they ever happen).

Edit: I also noticed that the rulesets for Cypher System, Numenera and The Strange were being put in the App Directory, not the Data Directory. Had to move them manually to the right folder for them to work.

Moon Wizard
December 7th, 2018, 21:28
Strange, I can not seem to produce the crash issue on the latest version of the client in the Test channel, though I know this was an issue a couple revisions ago. Can you try running an Update to get the latest client and try again? If still an issue, can you be very specific on steps you found to reproduce?

While I'm sure that more savvy users such as yourself would have no problem getting around the fact the chat window, modifier stack, dice tower and sidebar obscure parts of the image, I'm worried about users who are not as familiar with Fantasy Grounds being confused and unable to access those parts of the image at all. Let me think on it a bit, and talk with Doug a bit as well.

Also, thanks for the catch on the Cypher rulesets. I set them up wrong in the update system.


Moon Wizard
December 7th, 2018, 23:11

[CoreRPG+] Modifier stack, character list and dice tower panels moved above full background image panel.
[DEV] Panel order not maintained when using merge attribute. Fixed.

Moon Wizard
December 7th, 2018, 23:53

[Cypher] Streamlined ruleset to inherit more CoreRPG capabilities, including the new changes.
[Traveller] Streamlined ruleset to inherit more CoreRPG capabilities, including the new changes.

December 8th, 2018, 00:18

[CoreRPG+] Modifier stack, character list and dice tower panels moved above full background image panel.
[DEV] Panel order not maintained when using merge attribute. Fixed.

Hi Moon Wizard can the Chat Window also move above?
As the Chat Window is resizable it can be scaled up or down and moved elsewhere by the GM and Players to minimise its impact on the full screen map.

Edit and the sidebar?

December 8th, 2018, 00:20

Moon Wizard
December 8th, 2018, 00:21
That's the issue I'm wrestling with. The chat window is not obviously movable/resizable. Also, it's a panel that is linked to an edge until you move it; and the position gets saved on exit. Finally, it is a large blocker of the map, unlike the other items. I think the way the chat window is implemented will need to be rethought before I do that.


Moon Wizard
December 8th, 2018, 00:34

[CoreRPG+] Increased the vertical size of image partial background panel.

December 8th, 2018, 00:35
The unlock button could possibly move to an always visible button like the Help buttons perhaps?



Moon Wizard
December 8th, 2018, 00:59
I think this is going to have to be an iterative concept. I'm already spending too many cycles on the panel that I should be spending on FGU. Since there are no APIs to do that, it would require implementing and documenting even more APIs. I even thought about making the chat a floating window instead; but I'm worried about whether the current FG client would have crashes since there are many places in the FG code that reference chat window and chat entry, plus ongoing chat log storage in the control itself. As I was saying, the whole chat window usage needs to be reviewed and redone. Unfortunately, this will have to be an effort for another revision.


December 8th, 2018, 01:20
I think this is going to have to be an iterative concept. I'm already spending too many cycles on the panel that I should be spending on FGU. Since there are no APIs to do that, it would require implementing and documenting even more APIs. I even thought about making the chat a floating window instead; but I'm worried about whether the current FG client would have crashes since there are many places in the FG code that reference chat window and chat entry, plus ongoing chat log storage in the control itself. As I was saying, the whole chat window usage needs to be reviewed and redone. Unfortunately, this will have to be an effort for another revision.

All good!

Ken L
December 8th, 2018, 04:33

[CoreRPG+] Modifier stack, character list and dice tower panels moved above full background image panel.
[DEV] Panel order not maintained when using merge attribute. Fixed.

Whatever this did, it broke my panel ordering.

I redefine the panels such that they render over previously defined panels. This change seems to lock some predefined ordering such that even if I redefine the panels, they're rendered at their predefined older order so my custom assets are always rendering over it..

To clarify, redefine implies replacing such that <panel name="chat"> .... </panel> has no merge attribute. I would redefine for instance, "chat" after a desktop spanning panel, and this would cause the chat window to be rendered atop my custom spanning panel.

This update broke my ordering such that chat and modifier stack, even when redefined are stuck behind my custom panel as they use their predefined order.

I literally can't interact with any of my UI elements because of this.

Moon Wizard
December 8th, 2018, 08:06
The panel ordering is preserved when the merge attribute is used. It you don't use the merge attribute or delete first, then you will override the ordering, and your new panel will be placed at the end of the definition order.

This is how it should have been done in the first place, but wasn't. Unfortunately, all the panel updates lately brought to light that the behavior was non-deterministic across multiple rulesets and extensions as they used the merge attribute.


Ken L
December 8th, 2018, 17:25
The panel ordering is preserved when the merge attribute is used. It you don't use the merge attribute or delete first, then you will override the ordering

That's not the observed behavior though. I don't use merge attributes in my panels, they're all straight redefines, so they should be placed at the end of the definition order. You can make a test extension with a spanning panel followed by a redefined chat panel and see which renders first. If the spanning panel, you won't even see the chat one. This has been my observation.

The only time I've used the merge attributes is to circumvent this specific change to delete the defaults and create new panels of duplicate behaviors, but named differently. This came at the cost of ruleset and extension-wide changes which isn't desirable.

December 8th, 2018, 19:37
MW, there is some documentation missing from the dataLibrary.lua file. I recommend adding something like the following following the comment line that says "RECORD TYPE LEGEND":
-- sEditMode: [optional]set this to "play" if you want both GMs and players to be able to edit the record (local mode users won't be able to edit). Set it to "none" if you want no edit ability.
-- aGMEditButtons: [optional]This is a list of templates that you can add if you want additional buttons when the record list is in edit mode.
-- sExportPath: [optional]Set this if you want exports going to some place that is not conventional. (I'm not sure what this relative path goes to, but I think it is the FantasyGrounds data path)

Also, the bAllowClientEditMode which is documented doesn't appear to do anything (maybe was deprecated when sEditMode was added?)

December 8th, 2018, 19:43
On 3.3.7 Clicking on the sound icon from DOE sound open a blank window. Returning on the 3.3.6, it works like a charm. I will stay on 3.3.6 as the DOE sound is mandatory for me.

December 8th, 2018, 20:00
On 3.3.7 Clicking on the sound icon from DOE sound open a blank window. Returning on the 3.3.6, it works like a charm. I will stay on 3.3.6 as the DOE sound is mandatory for me.
Please report this to Dulux Oz in his DOE Sound thread - so he’s aware of potential issues with his extensions and v3.3.7.

December 8th, 2018, 20:08
Ok, i will,

Moon Wizard
December 8th, 2018, 22:47

[DEV] Adjustments to panel merging.

Moon Wizard
December 8th, 2018, 23:40
Bidmaron, I updated the notes in LibraryData just now.


Moon Wizard
December 8th, 2018, 23:48

[CoreRPG+] Moved modifier box and dice tower back under full background image panel to match chat window.

Note: While there is a lot of expressed interest in having a full background image panel with chat/modifier stack/dice tower over the top, the original intent of the full panel is for at table play. Also, to create a good implementation for online play will require more time than is available for this release (Dec. 18).


Moon Wizard
December 9th, 2018, 02:01

URL links were no longer working from hot key bar. Fixed.

December 9th, 2018, 04:45
Strange, I can not seem to produce the crash issue on the latest version of the client in the Test channel, though I know this was an issue a couple revisions ago. Can you try running an Update to get the latest client and try again? If still an issue, can you be very specific on steps you found to reproduce?
Changed back to live, deleted all my rulesets, changed back to Test and re-downloaded them all. Created a new DnD campaign, no extensions, shared a map. Shared the map again without changing to panels and had no problem. Changed the player's map to Panel, shared that same map again and player's client crashed.
Video: https://youtu.be/4AJVl_mw7ZU

While I'm sure that more savvy users such as yourself would have no problem getting around the fact the chat window, modifier stack, dice tower and sidebar obscure parts of the image, I'm worried about users who are not as familiar with Fantasy Grounds being confused and unable to access those parts of the image at all. Let me think on it a bit, and talk with Doug a bit as well.
Completely agree, but I can tell that this would be a very popular feature. But honestly, if that can be added later using an extension for us savvy users I would really appreciate. Or even having a setting in options "Show Chat on Fullscreen Panel", but having it off by default in the future, would be great.

Also, thanks for the catch on the Cypher rulesets. I set them up wrong in the update system.

Glad to be of service.

Now I just noticed that the panel isn't anchored to the chat anymore, instead it's in a fixed position. Not sure if it's a bug, but it does look horrible on Savage Worlds, since the chat will overlap part of it https://i.imgur.com/M4jFpCI.jpg and not being able to resize how much of the screen you want the panel to use (I would want to fit my CT that's larger than the chat, for example).

Anyway, thanks a lot for the effort on this panel feature, I love it.

Edit: Not sure if this is tied to the problem mentioned above, just tried attacking on Savage Worlds while using panels and it crashed. I might have a friend test it too and report if he also gets the same crashes when hosting, but he sure did when he was connected on my server. Not trying to be repetitive, just mentioning that both crash problems are still present.

Moon Wizard
December 9th, 2018, 06:51
Ok, I can't recreate the player client crash you've shown, which is concerning. Can anyone else recreate? (i.e. While the player client has a previously shared image window, they send to background panel. Next, the GM re-shares the map via the radial menu.)

Dr0W, can you double-check the version reported on the front screen of the FG launcher? Then, delete the FG client program (FantasyGrounds.exe); and run FantasyGroundsUpdater.exe to let it download a new one. (v3.3.6 and the original builds of v3.3.7 had a similar issue that was fixed.)

The initial background panel is deliberately not anchored to the chat window any more, because the chat window can be moved. Thus, anchoring to the right edge of the chat window is problematic as long as the chat window is movable. So, it's fixed to the default chat window edge, which will need to be adjusted for Savage Worlds. It's one of the reasons why I'm concerned about the chat window floating over the map in the first place in a pre-locked condition. As per the discussion with damned, the chat window is something that will need a redesign to accommodate a larger panel.


December 9th, 2018, 09:49
I'm unable to recreate the issue either. I've tested on a number of different maps and with the DM and players screens of the same and different monitors and with and without the 5e theme and I don't see anything.

December 9th, 2018, 11:50
I can confirm that at the launcher was showing 3.3.7.
Deleted FantasyGrounds.exe and let it download again, still crashes.

I'll have a friend who experienced same crash to try it while he is hosting and will come back to you later.

Also, I must say that once I was the only one having a bug on the SavageWorlds ruleset, that neither Ikael or anybody else could reproduce. This bug showed up from time to time, and uninstalling FG and deleting everything wouldn't fix it. I would either go on a full format, or download a registry cleaner and clean my computer's registry from anything FG related, that was the only way to fix it (until it showed up a few months later).
This bug stopped happening for over a year now, but I do find it possible that I am the only one with those crashes right now.

Edit: My friend just tried, had the very same crash. I had him follow the very same steps, and he crashed on his own computer acting as both, host and client.
Then I asked him to host for me, told him to share map and got a crash once again. So it's crashing for both of us, both ways. Video: https://youtu.be/Dy5M2uN7y7c
We also tried using just CoreRPG, same crash.

December 9th, 2018, 13:57
I made the same thing (new install whitout traces of the FG), and the crash occur in various rulesets (official and fan made) the test was made in local network and connected with a person in another location, none of the extensions on the list was loaded.
1 - The DM opens a map and share
2 - The Player change the map to panel mode
3 - The DM share the same map

BOOM! Fantasy Grounds in player side Crash!

Moon Wizard
December 9th, 2018, 19:40
Thanks, guys. I was also reviewing the code as well, and I see an area where the original logic may be problematic for the new panel implementation. I'll try to get something early next week for you guys to try.


Moon Wizard
December 10th, 2018, 00:24

[CoreRPG+] Toggling carried status of container did not update carried status of contained item if location field did not match letter cases. Fixed.
[DEV][CoreRPG+] Added support for "notes" field in simple reference list window ("reference_list" class).

December 10th, 2018, 01:05
Updates List (Updated 12/7)

[PFRPG/3.5E] Immunity effect change: For basic damage type immunity, only applied if immune to all basic damage types; for attribute damage type immunity (critical, precision, lawful, etc.), always applied.

I am a bit confused about that point :) What exactly does this change? Is it not like usual? :) Thanks in advance :)

And thanks for adding the class features for 3.5e :)

December 10th, 2018, 03:22
That last one is a most excellent add, MW! Thanks.

December 10th, 2018, 03:46
On 3.3.7 Clicking on the sound icon from DOE sound open a blank window. Returning on the 3.3.6, it works like a charm. I will stay on 3.3.6 as the DOE sound is mandatory for me.

For the record: this issue has been resolved (in all the DOE's) and will be available upon release of FGv3.3.7 live.

Moon Wizard
December 10th, 2018, 21:59
I could use some extra eyes on this latest change to make sure everything is still working. If you have a few minutes, just pop FG open and run through a couple typical usage scenarios in your campaign.


[CoreRPG+] Client changes to address potential crash conditions for new image panels.


December 10th, 2018, 22:16
I've played some minutes now with that and I got no crashes so far :) Thanks for the fix :) But I realized that the "Client Synch View" only works when the players and the GM do not use any of the two new background options :) Is this intended?

Moon Wizard
December 10th, 2018, 22:16
Dr0W / yako2020,
Can you guys run a new Update, and give the image panel sharing another try?

The thread below covers the issue. It's a bit detailed. In practice, the majority of people won't notice any change.


Moon Wizard
December 10th, 2018, 22:17
I just noticed that the Synch Client View option wasn't working in the new panels yesterday, but I'm not sure it's going to be fixed before release.

In fact, I'm not sure how it will be addressed, since synching the view across 3 different possible windows was not something that existed when the client view synch/lock was implemented. Given the minimal use of this feature, it might be easier to remove synching completely.


December 10th, 2018, 22:28
Thanks for both your answers :) I will look at this thread and I understand the issue with synching :) I personally do not have any problem with whether synching is possible or not :)

December 10th, 2018, 22:28
I just noticed that the Synch Client View option wasn't working in the new panels yesterday, but I'm not sure it's going to be fixed before release.

In fact, I'm not sure how it will be addressed, since synching the view across 3 different possible windows was not something that existed when the client view synch/lock was implemented. Given the minimal use of this feature, it might be easier to remove synching completely.


I do like Synch Client View - just putting in my 2c worth...

December 10th, 2018, 22:53
I just noticed that the Synch Client View option wasn't working in the new panels yesterday, but I'm not sure it's going to be fixed before release.

In fact, I'm not sure how it will be addressed, since synching the view across 3 different possible windows was not something that existed when the client view synch/lock was implemented. Given the minimal use of this feature, it might be easier to remove synching completely.

I think I used the view sync once and that was probably it. It's a neat feature but I've had no use for it.

Moon Wizard
December 10th, 2018, 22:56

[3.5E] Removed duplicate class feature text from SRD Basic Rules module.

Moon Wizard
December 11th, 2018, 22:17

[DEV] windowinstance: In createControl function, added third parameter to specify data source path.

December 12th, 2018, 00:19
Bey nice, MW. thanks!

Moon Wizard
December 12th, 2018, 00:22

[DEV] Interface.onWindowClosed handlers being called after windows unlinked from database nodes. Fixed.

December 12th, 2018, 12:15
@Moon Wizard, I can confirm that the crash is no longer present. Re-sharing images on panel mode won't crash anymore, thanks a lot! I will continue to look for bugs.

However, this one is still present: https://youtu.be/qzFMriT0CPU
Seems to be a Savage Worlds only crash

Moon Wizard
December 12th, 2018, 18:02
Hmm, first I've heard of that one, and more challenging too, since I'm not familiar with SW attack implementation. Might need Aki's help...

* Do you also get the crash when doing attack rolls on tokens in the image panel in 5E as well, or only on Savage Worlds? (This will help me narrow down where to look.)


December 12th, 2018, 20:44
It does not happen on D&D, everything is working fine there. It I've only tried D&D and SW and it only happens on SW so far.

A few more info to help:
-If a player or GM is using their map as a window, it does not crash. Everything works fine.
-If a player is using the map as a panel, if they try to attack anything their client crashes. It does not matter if the attack was done by dropping dice on tokens, on CT or just by targeting and d-clicking the attack button. The attack does not happen at all, the GM doesn't get an entry for the attack it seems as if nothing happened at all. Only the player client crashes.
-If it is the GM doing that, same thing happens and only the GM crashes.

If a GM or Player instead of attacking deals DAMAGE directly, it does not crash. An entry for the damage is made normally and works flawlessly. The problem seems to be with the attack only.

December 12th, 2018, 21:31
It does not happen on D&D, everything is working fine there. It I've only tried D&D and SW and it only happens on SW so far.

A few more info to help:
-If a player or GM is using their map as a window, it does not crash. Everything works fine.
-If a player is using the map as a panel, if they try to attack anything their client crashes. It does not matter if the attack was done by dropping dice on tokens, on CT or just by targeting and d-clicking the attack button. The attack does not happen at all, the GM doesn't get an entry for the attack it seems as if nothing happened at all. Only the player client crashes.
-If it is the GM doing that, same thing happens and only the GM crashes.

If a GM or Player instead of attacking deals DAMAGE directly, it does not crash. An entry for the damage is made normally and works flawlessly. The problem seems to be with the attack only.

Dr0W and MoonWizard, I have not been able to reproduce the issue in SavageWorlds ruleset. I have been using Fantasy Grounds Test version as client for many weeks already and always used panel feature. My client has never crashed and I have been slaying and whacking alot of things during the time.

December 12th, 2018, 22:22
I've just tested it with the help of Ikael and Bruno_2020.

With Ikael it worked fine. He attacked using Panels and it went well.

With Bruno_2020 he got a crash. When he attacked, the dice did roll but nothing else happened. The attack entry wasn't added to the CT and he disconnected.

If I may add, it might not be related at all but it's worth to be mentioned: Me and Bruno_2020 are both from Brazil, and we're both using Windows 7 64-bit, and our system language is set to brazilian portuguese. Other than that, I can't see any other similarities between us.

Moon Wizard
December 12th, 2018, 23:16
If it's like the other issue, it's because a pointer gets deleted before scripting is finished; and it wasn't an issue previously because the system is being used in new ways. For some reason, everyone in the US doesn't have an issue, but Dr0W and other Brazilian users are. Probably something different about the Windows builds, and how they behave.

At any rate, I need to figure out how to pinpoint which script call is causing the issue. That's why I said I might need Aki's help to understand the script workflow for Savage Worlds attack rolls...


Moon Wizard
December 12th, 2018, 23:53

[DEV] Interface.onWindowClosed being incorrectly called for child windows after recent change. Fixed.

Moon Wizard
December 13th, 2018, 00:34
Dr0w / Bruno / yako,

Does it happen in Savage Worlds ruleset when attack roll is dropped on combat tracker instead of map token? Does it matter if image is in floating window, panel window, or closed?


December 13th, 2018, 00:38
It happens when the attack roll is dropped on combat tracker, instead of map token. It also happens when you just click the attack button (not dragging and dropping).

Yes, it does matter if the image is in floating window. If it's in floating window I don't get a crash, only if it's panel window. It doesn't crash either if the map is closed.

Just checked and if it's in Panel window and you roll the attack but do not have a target, it won't crash.

Moon Wizard
December 13th, 2018, 00:50
Thanks. Talking with Aki as well.

My thought is to send you a special version of ruleset loaded with extra Debug.console calls throughout the attack workflow in order to narrow down on what is causing issue. Then, all those messages will show up in console.log file after it crashes. We'll see what Aki says first.


December 13th, 2018, 01:03
I'm up to it, just let me know if you need any help.

December 14th, 2018, 14:15
I am getting this error on D&D and SW rulesets (didn't test others)

Script Error: [string "scripts/manager_image.lua"]:91: bad argument #3 to 'setViewpointCenter' (number expected, got nil)

This happens when I pass turn on Host, while having the map in Panel mode and having Turn: Auto-center map On. The error is displayed only to the Host, not clients.

Disabling Turn: Auto-center map fixes this, and the error stops showing up.

Even tough the Client doesn't get an error, the Auto-center option doesn't work if they are using their map on Panel mode.

Ken L
December 14th, 2018, 23:09
Something happened in 3.3.7 in respect to early window initialization.

I figured this out here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/forums/showthread.php?46962-Anchoring-to-resizable-windows-panels-on-the-bottom-or-right-edge&p=418094#post418094

This sort of happened at some time this week as the problem 'suddenly appeared' so I thought it was something I did, but there was some kind of early init change that affected the behavior of my downstream scripts.

Moon Wizard
December 14th, 2018, 23:32
See my reply in the other thread.

I just checked all the revisions to the window creation/deletion and the global window tracking code; but didn't see any changes to the initialization ordering. There was quite a bit of changes around the deletion, but not the initialization. So, I'm not sure why it popped up this week for you.

My first thought is that it is the difference between panel initialization and free-floating window initialization, but that has been the case for years. (i.e. Floating windows layout immediately on creation before onInit called; while panels layout is delayed until global desktop layout can be performed after all panels created.) As I mentioned in the other thread, you might look at onFirstLayout event I added for v3.3.7. It will be called the first time that a full layout is performed on a window, whether it is floating or panel.


Ken L
December 15th, 2018, 00:00
I had introduced a feature where based on an option, a panel window would be W2/H2 size as opposed to W/H size. Since my panels are right aligned, this would cut off part of the windows off screen. My workaround was to both increase the size of these windows, and offset their position by the delta. This would use setPosition which would get rid of the anchoring on the right edge which I anticipated.

A day or two after that, I changed the chat panel from a <bounds> metric to an <anchor> metric and suddenly everything scrunched up in the upper left (as the chat window is the primary anchor for all my other panels). I reverted this panel change and it still scrunched up, and so started this annoyance.

If there was a way to access panel parameters, I could conceivably change their <bound> or <anchor> offsets to account for W/H, W2/H2 differences, then couped with the additional added ability to "reset position" of those panels with a call, I could keep right alignment to the edge, and preserve those resized panels.

For now, I'll have to be content with my panels not being scrunched up in a corner.

Moon Wizard
December 15th, 2018, 22:18
Could you use something like the existing "shortcutsanchor" panel in the CoreRPG ruleset, which moves position based on how many buttons are displayed in sidebar? The actual sidebar panel/window (shortcuts) is anchored to the shortcutsanchor. The shortcutsanchor defaults to a bounds location initially, but is moved based on sidebar initialization.


Moon Wizard
December 15th, 2018, 23:56

[DEV] More FG client guards to help prevent crashes when closing windows during initialization.

December 16th, 2018, 05:31
Just updated again.

All bugs that I had found to the date have been tackled. Nicely done, thanks!

December 16th, 2018, 19:58

[DEV] More FG client guards to help prevent crashes when closing windows during initialization.

Is a "client guard" like a town guard or more like a bodyguard? Do they absorb damage for the client like a shield guardian does? Or more like gargoyle that stays immobile until needed to defend the church they guard?

Moon Wizard
December 17th, 2018, 08:45
It's more like a guard rail on the edge of a deep canyon.


December 17th, 2018, 08:49
It's more like a guard rail on the edge of a deep canyon.

So we can still jump if we really want to?

Moon Wizard
December 17th, 2018, 17:32

[DEV][CoreRPG+] Added indent number field to reference manual article record. If not defined or non-positive, then looks the same as now. Otherwise, indents name by 10 pixels per indent specified.

December 17th, 2018, 17:50
Usage for the above feature is as follows:

<indent type="number">N</indent>

Default refpage indentation value is '0' and each indentation "shift" is 10 pixels × the indentation value.

<indent type="number">1</indent>
<name type="string">refpage_name_here</name>
<keywords type="string"></keywords>
<listlink type="windowreference">
<description field="name"/>

End result appears as follows:


Most of the refpages have the default '0' indentation and appear normally, then a value of '1' for the indented refpages. If the book had been laid out with further sub-levels, I could have used '2' and so on to accomplish that.

Moon Wizard
December 17th, 2018, 17:53
The default indent value is 0.


December 17th, 2018, 17:54
That's what I meant! Read my mind not my words! :) Fixed!

December 17th, 2018, 18:49

[DEV][CoreRPG+] Added indent number field to reference manual article record. If not defined or non-positive, then looks the same as now. Otherwise, indents name by 10 pixels per indent specified.

Ohh, nice. That will be useful.

December 17th, 2018, 21:39
Something I noticed today. I am not sure if this is because of v3.3.7 or if this has existed long before.

I have following code in regular stringfield.

function onLoseFocus()

The stringfield is in windowinstance wihtin windowlist. The window.windowlist.applySort() does exist and work properly, however if I have my focus on that field and close the window the contain the windowlist I get script error (showing that A was printed before error). Script error in states: attempt to call field 'applySort' (a nil value)
There are many places in SavageWorlds ruleset where the list is sorted when onLoseFocus from name field. If this error has been long before what would be the better way to do sorting?

Moon Wizard
December 18th, 2018, 00:52

[DEV] More guard rails for scripts closing windows.
[DEV] Adjusted new window deletion code to clear focus on all children upon deletion request, even though window is not immediately deleted.

December 18th, 2018, 19:18
I am having a new issue. Whenever I need to use a Search Field, when I type the first letter it automatically moves my typing to Chat. I find this hard to explain, just check my video. I try to search for Goblin on that and it keeps moving me to Chat.
If the list isn't being sorted out again (When it has no entries left), it stops changing to Chat window.

December 18th, 2018, 19:26
I was noticing the same behavior as @Dr0w last night. I wasn't using any filter lists, though, I was creating new tables and story templates and I'd get one letter of the window name entered and the focus would shift to the chatbox. Same entering in the description field.

It settled down a little later (no changes to extensions or anything on my end) and would let me finish typing the titles or descriptions but would immediately shift focus to the chatbox so it was something I had to keep track of.

December 18th, 2018, 19:35
Hello and well met. There are several users in FGC reporting issues with the search functions whithin FG. They sound so similar to the posts already in this thread.


Moon Wizard
December 18th, 2018, 20:43
Just pushed a hot fix. Please update, and try again.


December 18th, 2018, 22:22
Not exactly a bug, but certainly didn't work this way.

When you unlock lockable things on the desktop like: Chat, dice, modifier, etc. and you lock them somewhere else. If you close the campaign and open it again, they will have returned to their default position.

December 20th, 2018, 00:07
Not exactly a bug, but certainly didn't work this way.

When you unlock lockable things on the desktop like: Chat, dice, modifier, etc. and you lock them somewhere else. If you close the campaign and open it again, they will have returned to their default position.

I've never had it work any other way.

December 20th, 2018, 01:39
Not exactly a bug, but certainly didn't work this way.

When you unlock lockable things on the desktop like: Chat, dice, modifier, etc. and you lock them somewhere else. If you close the campaign and open it again, they will have returned to their default position.

I like this extension to keep things in place between sessions...


December 20th, 2018, 03:50
[CoreRPG+] Records duplicated by dropping links on campaign list will now be given a (Copy) suffix.

I just have realized that I do not get this suffix when I am copying items :) For everything else it seems to work :) (also without any extensions; ruleset 3.5e)

December 20th, 2018, 13:12
For the following update (which is awesome btw):
[CoreRPG+] Images can be sent to background panel or full screen panel.

Would it be possible to have one expansion level between expanded and full screen. Where the image covers the whole potential play area (including/and or excluding the menu section). So it's placed in the background underneath the combat tracker, chat, dice, dice modifier, character portraits? That way you can have an image or combat map covering all the available play area, while having access to all the tools needed to play on top.

Moon Wizard
December 20th, 2018, 20:41
I decided to stay away from that option for now, because the fact that the other windows over the top of the image would obscure sections of the image, and make those areas unreachable to view or access tokens. With the current image implementation in FG, images must extend to the edge of the window control area. It might be something we try in future versions.


December 20th, 2018, 22:34
It would be great if that would be a feature in future versions, but this alone is a huge step forward. As has 3.3.7 been in general I dare say.

Thank you for the reply. :)

December 21st, 2018, 04:27
If you unshare an Image that a player is currently viewing, it will cause their client to crash.

Moon Wizard
December 21st, 2018, 09:04

Can you try this scenario again please? I just pushed a possible hot fix to the Test channel; but want to verify that it works for you as well.


December 21st, 2018, 15:21

Can you try this scenario again please? I just pushed a possible hot fix to the Test channel; but want to verify that it works for you as well.


Working perfectly now

January 8th, 2019, 23:57

[DEV][CoreRPG+] Added indent number field to reference manual article record. If not defined or non-positive, then looks the same as now. Otherwise, indents name by 10 pixels per indent specified.

Usage for the above feature is as follows:

<indent type="number">N</indent>

Default refpage indentation value is '0' and each indentation "shift" is 10 pixels × the indentation value.

<indent type="number">1</indent>
<name type="string">refpage_name_here</name>
<keywords type="string"></keywords>
<listlink type="windowreference">
<description field="name"/>

End result appears as follows:


Most of the refpages have the default '0' indentation and appear normally, then a value of '1' for the indented refpages. If the book had been laid out with further sub-levels, I could have used '2' and so on to accomplish that.

Can this get added to the Reference Manual wiki page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Reference_Manuals? Cause I don't have that ability.

January 9th, 2019, 16:44
Can this get added to the Reference Manual wiki page: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Reference_Manuals? Cause I don't have that ability.

Done! :)

January 16th, 2019, 03:33
Any chance that:

[PFRPG/3.5E] Dodge bonus effects not ignored when other effect caused loss of Dexterity bonuses. Fixed.

..caused a new bug where Cat's Grace and Flat Footed combined now double count the lost dexterity???

Moon Wizard
January 16th, 2019, 04:21
I believe this has to do with a bug in CA/GRANTCA effects interacting with DEX effects. I'm hoping to push a bug fix update tomorrow with a fix for that specific issue, and a couple other minor items.


January 16th, 2019, 12:27
I believe this has to do with a bug in CA/GRANTCA effects interacting with DEX effects. I'm hoping to push a bug fix update tomorrow with a fix for that specific issue, and a couple other minor items.


Thank you very much :)

July 6th, 2019, 18:59
[CoreRPG+] Images can be sent to background panel or full screen panel.

The help button only appears to work in window mode, not background or full background.