View Full Version : 5e Campaign Group LFP - CT USA - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Campaign Module

Diamond Geezer
November 3rd, 2018, 01:38
11/10/2019 - Update: We are looking for 2-3 players to pop into our Dragon Heist campaign. We are about 75% complete.
Looking for any arcane or divine caster. A support character would be great.
Your toon will be coming in at level 4 of any single or multi-class combination.
All class and race options are open as listed in the original gaming description.

Our campaign is planning to play through to level 20 so you'll be dropping into this adventure and will fully participate into the next adventure.
Please PM me directly if you are interested in joining our campaign.

PM me if interested.


A weekly group is starting new characters to go through the 5e module Waterdeep: Dragon Heist (WDH).
I will be starting the rotation as the GM. DMing in FG will be new to me, but gives the other DMs a chance to play.
We will accept new players to 5e, GMs wanting a break, or new 5e players to FG.

Our group is about having fun rather than developing god-like characters.
Looking for 1-3 players that can join us starting on Jan 24th 2019 and every week.

Fantasy Grounds License: Ultimate (Anyone with demo license or above can join)
Time: Thu 7pm-10pm CST USA
Module: Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
Starting Level: 1 with max hp and a 100gp non-magical item
Rulesets: PHB, DMG, MM, SCAG, VGtM, MToF
Discord Server: Voice Chat

Classes: Any listed in the ruleset
Races: Any listed in the rulesets
Ability Roles: 27 point buy, 4d6 or standard stats

Post a reply if you'd like to discuss joining the WDH campaign.
I will reach out to you asap to discuss or answer questions.

Thanks much! Hope to see you in Waterdeep!

November 3rd, 2018, 03:10
Hello there, Is there still an open slot to join?

Diamond Geezer
November 3rd, 2018, 05:18

We have openings. PM me with what character you may like to play. Also, if you have FG or have played FG before.

November 3rd, 2018, 15:42
I would be interested in playing. I am a player from way back (2nd edition and earlier) and really want to start playing again. I haven't played in over 15 years, but played pretty regularly for about 12 years before that. I have started brushing up on 5e rules, but still have a lot to learn. Although my previous experience helps with the role playing and major aspects of the game, there are a lot of the mechanics that I just don't know and would need help with. If you are not opposed to having somebody that may be a little rough around the edges at first, I would love to play. I think I would be able to pick up the mechanics pretty quickly.

November 3rd, 2018, 18:07
I'd be interested in joining the Underdark campaign. I've been playing for a few years now and through a few hardcovers. Prefer playing druid/wizard type characters. The time and day works great.

Diamond Geezer
November 3rd, 2018, 18:24

I'll pass your handle onto the Underdark campain DM - he should contact you to discuss details.

November 3rd, 2018, 18:25

November 3rd, 2018, 18:59
I'm interested, if you've still got an opening. I've played AD&D through Pathfinder, but not 5e, and I have a little experience with Fantasy Grounds.

November 4th, 2018, 21:41
Are you guys full? I'm interested in Dragon Heist. I have a lot of experience playing D&D 5e, and some experience running 5e on Fantasy Grounds. I think I'd be interested in playing Rogue or Bard in this setting. I'm texaspoet @ gmail dot com, if you want to email me directly.

November 5th, 2018, 00:01
I am interested in Dragon Heist, have not played in over 30 years, new to 5e and am interested in an Arcane Trickster

November 5th, 2018, 00:08
I’m very interested if there happens to be a slot available.

I’m quite familiar with 5e. I’d be interested in playing either a Life Cleric or a fighter of sorts if there’s room.


November 5th, 2018, 05:28
IS there still slots open? I imagine its all filled up.

Diamond Geezer
November 5th, 2018, 19:25
We have a full group atm. If anything changes I’ll update the post.


November 7th, 2018, 06:51
I'd love to play in the Dragon Heist campaign if there's still a spot. I have some experience with FG. Playing a weekly Tues. morning/afternoon game atm. I've played since the 80's with experience in all editions of D&D and quite a few other systems. I am very flexible as far as what I play. I generally like to see what the other players are doing and fill any niche left open. Thanks, Jon

November 22nd, 2018, 23:52
Are you still looking for players? And how RP oriented are your players?

I'm looking for an RP focused group without a lot of min-maxxing to play a Waterdeep character.
I am running a version of DH myself ATM but Im good at keeping the IC/OOC wall high.

Diamond Geezer
January 23rd, 2019, 19:27
We are looking to add 1 player to join our FG game starting on Thursday Jan 24th - looking for a player willing to run a healer or a lass with heals. We had a player drop out and looking for a quick replacement.

See the main thread for details. PM me if interested.

Diamond Geezer
January 28th, 2019, 21:46
We are still looking for one more player to join our group. We have an upcoming session this Thursday at 6 PM CST. Looking for someone that would be willing to play a support class or a character with some healing capabilities.

Please PM me for details if interested.


January 30th, 2019, 01:49
What level are you at? How do you feel about a Paladin?

February 1st, 2019, 20:35
I've been trying and failing to get in a working waterdeep campaign. I'll pitch you my paladin here since I have a feel for chapter one and what the group I was playing with was needing. I've got a monk who is interesting for this as well, and a handful of others I'm not as sure about.

Player;* Vernon Schmidt
Age:* 49.
Experience- I played AD&D for many years, then took a couple of decades off because it led to storytelling, improv, and 9 nine years of stage acting.* * Currently in two campaigns in 5e, but a lot to learn about the differences I'm sure.* I play these games because I work at home and can do it while I do my monotonous job.*
As an actor, particularly as both dramatic and comedic improviser.* I am more interested in the D&D with more RP in it.* Set up meaningful things and stories,* and then brawl it out with the dice, and the results leading to more meaningful things and stories**

Pratik Levessque is obsessed with the idea of conquest. To be the the, to play the game with the highest stakes. He does what is considered good mostly, because he considers the benefits to humanity and civilzation to justify what he wants to do. He comes to the area in search of a cause that will justify “playing the game”
Zahken Lawrence- human or lightfly feytouched.- For many generations, the Lawrence family has been world-travelers and traders. For almost as many, they have also been druids. There is a rumor that this part of the legacy started when one of the family had a relationship with a wolf and harvest goddess. Now in nearly every land, there is a man or woman named Lawrence who is known for travelling from city to city and for their unusual affinity for nature. Of these, Zahken Lawrence is known for being uninhbited and something of a mischief maker for those he believes are trading without ethics.

February 2nd, 2019, 04:12
We are still looking for one more player to join our group. We have an upcoming session this Thursday at 6 PM CST. Looking for someone that would be willing to play a support class or a character with some healing capabilities.

Please PM me for details if interested.


I could create a druid who focuses on support/healing. Or try my hand at making a cleric for the first time. Assuming you still need a spot filled.