View Full Version : Mood suggestion

November 1st, 2018, 17:51
In a future update of Fantasy Grounds, I would love to see, the background color moods ( Day, Night, Campfire, Wilderness) to be able to be dragged to a story point.

I am trying to reduce the number of things I have to remember ( welcome to getting old ) as it is I am making "DM: Notes" to change the background moods in the story. But it would be nice if those where clickable within the story. :)

My players love the changing moods, ( along with Syrenscape environments ) and this would be a nice feature

p.s. running a home-brew campaign, that is a serious crash course in Fantasy Grounds :)

November 1st, 2018, 18:02
Make sure you add the suggestion to the wishlist so that the devs can keep track of it and it doesn't get lost in the forumns.

November 1st, 2018, 18:15
Done, thanks

November 1st, 2018, 18:59
You can do this to some extent using the /lighting command. Find the RGB values that you like and then type /lighting xxxxxx into chat and instead of pressing return drag the string to the quick bar. In your story entry just put in a reminder (press F5 here or something) and the command will be enacted.

There is also the moodlighting extension which adds a fair number of colours to the party.

November 3rd, 2018, 01:30
Find the RGB values that you like

The wiki (https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Lighting) has the hex codes that are the ones used for the mood presets.

/lighting FFFFFF is white or daylight
/lighting FFB8A4 is night
/lighting B1C6F4 is fire
/lighting E0FDE6 is forest

doesnt seem even as a "say" text in the story that it will execute a command, it only says it, otherwise that would be an easy way to have it in the story entries to let the SAY text (CTRL+3) run commands as if typed into the chat bar.

but you can use the story entry to put one of those codes into the story, and then the players an drag the speech bubble to the hotbar at the bottom. or any of the available colors

/lighting ffff00 in a story entry will give you a yellow mood. /lighting 00ff00 is green, etc. this way you can have your mood lighting in the story entry for a module and anyone using it can just drag the speech bubble to the hotbar to be able to activate it.

So this either merges Z's suggestion with the original intent, or you can just click the speech bubble in the story entry to post the lighting command in chat, tell people to drag from chat to their chat bar to change the lighting when they see a lighting command posted in chat.

November 3rd, 2018, 02:12
That is a good suggestion as opposed to stumbling around for a mood colouring in the moment.

November 3rd, 2018, 03:00
Interesting information, thank you

November 3rd, 2018, 12:09
In my own testing it does not look like I need to tell my players to do anything, if I set my lighting, it sets theirs as well. Thank you, this is about 75% of what I was looking for anyway :) I am trying to link as many things I need into the story board as possible, as there I am least likely to forget them

November 3rd, 2018, 12:51
To confirm what has been discussed above: the GM sets the mood lighting and it is pushed to all FG clients. Players can't use the /lighting chat command.

Details on chat commands here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Chat_Commands - note which ones are for the GM only. There is also /day and /night commands that do a quick lighting change.

As Zacchaeus mentions, like with any chat command, they can be added to the hotkey bar. Enter the command text in the chat window, don't press enter, and then drag to a hotkey slot for future use.

Hotkey info here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Hot_Keys

November 3rd, 2018, 14:24
To confirm what has been discussed above: the GM sets the mood lighting and it is pushed to all FG clients. Players can't use the /lighting chat command.

Details on chat commands here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Chat_Commands - note which ones are for the GM only. There is also /day and /night commands that do a quick lighting change.

As Zacchaeus mentions, like with any chat command, they can be added to the hotkey bar. Enter the command text in the chat window, don't press enter, and then drag to a hotkey slot for future use.

Hotkey info here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Hot_Keys

I have been looking at that too Trenloe, thanks for the input

I am currently playing with an extension on mood lighting, it is a couple of years old, but seems to be working, there are still things I would like to see, specifically a clickable icon in the story board... but I am working around that. Mood seems to be really important to my players, they are all talking about how immersive things are with the Syrenscape environments I have created, and now I am looking at extending my use of mood lighting. I know this all seems like little stuff, but getting my players immersed, really improves their play, which improves the entire game. Thank you so much your input and suggestions.

November 3rd, 2018, 14:29
Fantasy grounds has the best and most helpful Players and Moderators I have ever seen :)

November 3rd, 2018, 17:05
Fantasy grounds has the best and most helpful Players and Moderators I have ever seen :)
Yep, one of the reasons I choose FG over all the competition years ago :)