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View Full Version : LFG 5E Mon,Wed,Thurs, Friday evenings or Saturday anytime GMT+1

October 26th, 2018, 00:44
FG License: Demo license currently willing to upgrade to standard if I find a game I'm interested in.
Time Zone: GMT+1
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time:
Mon, Wed, Thur & Fri between 6:30pm & 12:00pm GMT+1 and anytime Saturday.
Term: Weekly Long-Term 4 hour sessions or even better if its multiple times weekly
Voice: Yes. Discord preferred, but can download other software.

Game System Preferred: D&D 5th Edition
Game System Experience: 3 years of experience playing have played 1532 hours on Roll20 playing a 1-year campaign and some other IRL campaigns all my experience is that of a player.
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I used it briefly in a single session a year ago but I am brand to fantasy grounds will need to learn how it all works and operates so I will most likely get confused in the first few games finding things.

Character Type Preferred: I have plenty of character idea's and concepts I make when I'm bored but I like to know more about the world my character is playing in so that it fits with the theme of your world, So the more you can tell me of your world the better or what the current group consists of and what type of group they are e.g. chaotic stupid murder hobo or good folk trying to help people. I like to do detailed backstories but in a general sense I like to play the martial classes the most as I dont find pure spellcasters all that fun to play

What type of games I like to play:
I prefer to play in a homebrew campaign with a fleshed out detailed world to explore and experience. I love reading lore and the kingdom's status, how races are separated or together, what historical events have happened in the past and how has it changed the world.

What type of player I am:
My favorite aspect of d&d is character development. Everyone starts campaigns with an idea and a concept but really its during the campaign the character really comes alive and changes from discovering new quirks and events that transpire that change how your character thinks and reacts, Of course the first few sessions is getting to know your own character and your parties and see how your personalities clash but you go from this rough concept to a fleshed out personality through playing and that is why I think Roleplaying is so important in a campaign instead of the character just being a name and numbers on the sheet that murders everything they see to become a living person. Don't get me wrong I love combat as well but a campaign needs both to thrive sometimes mixing both of them together being put in difficult situations where morals are called into play. If the narrative calls for 1-2 sessions of investigation/RP perfect! if we are dungeon crawling fighting creatures at every turn causing 2 sessions of pure combat? awesome!. I like a split between both that at the end of the campaign you have this story and memorable moments between the characters of the most absurd moments that happened throughout it. In general though I enjoy the game being 50/50 RP/Combat.

About me I am a 20 year old college student from Ireland, I have a laid back personality that loves gaming. I started out playing 5E as my first RPG 3 years ago and have since played Black Crusade, Scion & Dead Reign I really enjoy playing Warhammer RPG's but find myself loving d&d the most.