View Full Version : Adventurer's Table

October 24th, 2018, 08:23
Has anyone gotten this bit of awesomeness to work in Fantasy Grounds? I know it's made for Roll20, but I'd like to use it with OUR favorite system. Any suggestions or ideas on how to do this? The only way I can figure out is to assemble the images in Photoshop. This would work ok, but would not allow for in-game additions or adjustment.


Here is how it works on Roll20:
(apologies, the video on YouTube seems to have been restricted since the last time I viewed it) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xgw2Azj-RJM

This image was taken from a thread on reddit:

What do you think?

October 24th, 2018, 08:55
To be honest I have no idea what that is or what the point of it is. But clearly drawing maps can’t be done in FG and need to be done elsewhere and imported into FG.

October 24th, 2018, 10:46
Here is how it works on Roll20:
(apologies, the video on YouTube seems to have been restricted since the last time I viewed it)

you should do it the same way in FG that you do in roll20. FG doesnt nateivly have layers for things, but there is an extension for it that can.

You would make an image for the tabletop you wish to use, and everything else would be tokens, even without the multiple layers extension.

though grabbing tokens stacked on tokens can be a problem in FG if there is transparencies in the middle of the token, as i recently found out.

anything that needs transparency like that "map" that lets you see the grid under it will need to be a token.

so either you use tokens with transparencies and the multiple layers extension, or you use solid tokens withotu transparency nd just have the table as the background image.

Doug posted a TOTM (Theater of the Mind) image somewhere around here that is similar for when you don't need map combat.

I have see this "Adventure table" style things used on a few roll20 streams on Twitch but didn't stick around long to tell exactly HOW they were using it other than just a bunch of tokens on a single "map"

you MIGHT need the FG grid on for the entire "table" though because you can't use the grid in FG without seeing it on he entire image you are turning into gridded map area for the snap to grid features., so it will show on place outside of the "map" area.

Just use a LOT of tokens, and maybe put all the little pieces into a token pack.

and if players need to move non-character tokens on it, i have no idea if and how to do that with FG.

October 25th, 2018, 23:33
Thank you Shadzar! I will experiment and get back to you, to tell you how it works.
Oh, and here's a banana in thanks! *throws a banana*

October 26th, 2018, 00:41
Related question: is there a way to access the maps/images that are part of a purchased pack? Access them outside of FG, that is, so that I could save them in a different format, or in some cases, rotate them?

October 26th, 2018, 00:43
Related question: is there a way to access the maps/images that are part of a purchased pack? Access them outside of FG, that is, so that I could save them in a different format, or in some cases, rotate them?
No, they are encrypted so that they are not illegally distributed.

October 26th, 2018, 05:40
This honestly just looks like the party sheet. You can add tabs and extra functionality to the party sheet you think might be missing through extensions.

October 26th, 2018, 08:23
Related question: is there a way to access the maps/images that are part of a purchased pack? Access them outside of FG, that is, so that I could save them in a different format, or in some cases, rotate them?
The only way is to take screenshots.