View Full Version : LFP - Relatively new DM looking for 4 players

October 22nd, 2018, 04:27
FG license: Ultimate
Limited experience as a DM, run 1 campaign and a couple of 1-shots.
System: D&D 5E Homebrew
Starting level: 1st

Time and day limitations: Wednesdays or thursdays preferable, evenings.
Timezone: GMT +2 (about to change to GMT+1 on the 28th october due to summertime ending)
Campaign length: Unknown, a guesstimate is more than 10 sessions.
Style: High-fantasy medieval

Players of all experience levels welcome, for further information please contact me here on the forums or through discord.

Disclaimer: I am still learning to DM due to my limited experience, as such, potential players may require some patience.
Discord ID: Deniecu#7565

A little info about me.
Male, Swedish, 26 years of age, been interested in DMing for a long time but only really got into it in the early spring of 2018, been loving every second of it since.
English comes naturally to me and I do not use the typical swedish accent.

October 22nd, 2018, 12:05
I would be interested in joining. I'm from Ireland, so time zones are favourable for me :)

I've played 5th Edition before but I'm very new to Fantasy Grounds (as in, I only downloaded the demo version just today). I hope that is not a problem? I will likely need to ask about a couple of things here and there regarding the platform, but otherwise I am eager to join.

October 22nd, 2018, 12:20
Hmm, looks like I missed when i made my tecent post!

If I don't get any interest I'd be interested.

October 22nd, 2018, 13:56
TheSpartan you could also consider sharing the role... one of you run the first campaign and the other the next?
Maybe you might even encourage others within the group to take a turn?

October 22nd, 2018, 14:25
I'm interested in joining. I live in South Africa and as anybody that doesn't live near the US knows struggles to find games. I have some experience with 5E, over 20 sessions all in Fantasy Grounds.

October 22nd, 2018, 14:50
I'm interested as well. I know Spartan just posted offering to DM and I said i was in but if he wants to pull that post and join this group I'm happy to join as well. I'm new on here and looking for some game experience (if you will have me of course). GMT for me as just north of London and Wednesday would suit really well

October 22nd, 2018, 16:26
Scratching92, no the demo version is fine so long as the host has the ultimate version.

As for TheSpartan, I am perfectly happy stepping back into a players role if spartan should like to DM, it looks like we have a decent group gathered here already.

If it is preferred that I DM, I am fine with that too. I'm looking to increase my experience as both a DM and a player.
Defenitely not trying to step on anyones toes here, tell you all the truth, I did not see TheSpartan's post looking for a group until just now that you mentioned it.

I am also not opposed to Damned's idea. And I'm glad to see interest from both JohnK and Hughwer as well. :)

Do let me know, as always, you can access me easier through discord.

October 22nd, 2018, 18:35
Definitely looking like we have a nice group forming here, the time zones line up really well which should be easier for us all. I'm new to FG and also Discord, I only downloaded both applications over this weekend and haven't even tried Discord. Deniecu, perhaps you could give me a shout on Discord or add me as a friend so I can see how it works, my logon is johnkain#3668. I would also like to have a go at DMing once I have played through some campaigns, so sharing adventures between us should be good fun for everybody


October 22nd, 2018, 18:44
Looks like you'll be suffering me as a GM (at least initially). There's a Discord sever for game discussion.

October 22nd, 2018, 18:44
A bit of an update, I chatted with TheSpartan and we decided that he should GM for us. Perhaps later we can swap out the GM role to let others have a go at it if TheSpartan feels comfortable with that, (I won't speak for him) :)
A discord server has been created where we can chat easily and freely going forward. Thank you all for the interest!

October 22nd, 2018, 18:49
Session zero will be Wednesday 24 October, with the first proper session being 31 October. Start times will be 1830 (UK) if everyone's happy with that?

October 22nd, 2018, 21:37
Are you guys locked in on Wednesday as your day of choice ?
I saw Monday was also noted as a possibility, which is better for me.

October 22nd, 2018, 22:52
I have never played DnD before. But would very much like to play and i have never used fantasygrounds but i would be delighted to play if you can manage my unknowing.

October 23rd, 2018, 14:07
Game is full for the time being.

October 26th, 2018, 11:09
Im GMT+2 now. I'm an older guy who hasnt played for 30 years and even then occasionally. I remember nothing. However I started watching Critical Role and its gotten my interest up. I work pretty long hours so Thursday nights I get home about 830pm. Anytime Friday (Im off) or Saturday morning through afternoon is prefered for me.