View Full Version : Removing multiple NPCs quickly from the Combat Tracker

October 22nd, 2018, 03:30
First, my thanks for handling my posts -- being new to FG, and running my first session with FG today, a few things came up.

#1) Is there a way to remove multiple NPCs from the CT? Say I have 8 NPCs on the CT, but want to remove 5 of them. I tried selecting the 5 NPCs on the battlemap, and then right-clicking to remove, but that only removed the one I right-clicked vs. the group of 5.

Similar... #2) is there a way to toggle invisible / visible for a group of NPCs? Again, I selected a subset of the NPCs on the CT, and tried right-clicking to set to Invisible, but again I only changed the visibility of the one NPC I right-clicked. vs. the group of 5.

Again, my thanks!

October 22nd, 2018, 04:47
By group no.

You can delete all enemy or non-friendly from the CT using the menu button. You can toggle visibility for single toekns using the eyeball for the one entry on the CT, or for all entities using the eyeball at the top of the CT.

No way to do just what you are looking for that I know of.

October 22nd, 2018, 05:12
Thanks for confirming!

October 22nd, 2018, 05:22
Make the ones you want to keep "Neutral", then select "Remove Foes" (which removes the enemies), then make them "Enemy" again.

October 22nd, 2018, 05:32
Not only can you click on the tokens on the map, but on the combat tracker entries as well (from where those player tokens should come from anyway). If a player‘s turn, you can quickly ctrl+leftclick in the combat tracker to target/deselect entries. Usually I find this being fast enough.

October 22nd, 2018, 12:47
Make the ones you want to keep "Neutral", then select "Remove Foes" (which removes the enemies), then make them "Enemy" again.

I was about to suggest this. I'll not bother then :-)

October 23rd, 2018, 08:37
Thanks for the suggestions. I’ll try those.