View Full Version : LFG 1 player, cst/-5 utc evenings

Cascading Failure
October 20th, 2018, 04:07
FG License: standard
Time Zone: central, -5 utc
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: any days, but after 6-7 in the evening
Term: not too picky
Voice: yes, but I don't want to be in a streamed/recorded game

Game System Preferred: no strong preference but I probably won't know it very well.
Game System Experience: 2nd edition, 3.5. And a little bit of some older rpgs that probably aren't around anymore (Earthdawn, Cyberpunk
Fantasy Grounds Experience: I've made a character and watched tutorial vids. That's about it.

Character Type Preferred: Something kind of ornamental. I don't want to be the party face or the star of combat.
About me: Would prefer something with a decent mix of rp, problem solving and combat. Something that doesn't start very complex. I don't have much recent tt experience. This is my first virtual tabletop (not a roll20 refugee). I'm not comfortable doing character voices or playing murder simulator games. Bad language is okay if people agree to it, but not excessive gore. Also nothing recorded.