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View Full Version : Looking for the right game, any fantasy system Immersive - Sandbox

October 19th, 2018, 09:07
Any system - I don’t care what system as long as it is balanced

I have a couple decades of rpg experience with D&D(all but 4th), and Pathfinder - willing to learn any that has a classic fantasy setting (no guns!)

Available to play between 5pm PST and 5am Pacific / Noon to Midnight New Zealand time

I do light voice acting, I am not pro but I make an effort to make my character sound different than I do. I am capable of seperating player knowlege from character knowlege. I'm not sure what % of RP to combat is right for me, what would be the benchmark? I enjoy combat but I want non-combat spells/abilities/skills to have a purpose. I just want problems to solve, it doesn't have to always be combat though.

Steady – I need a group that shows up on time and plays consistently, I plan around my game commitments and I want a group that does the same. I understand people have lives and things come up but If only one person can’t make it the game should go on.

Immersive – I’m looking for a game that feels plausible with classic fantasy races. Not interested in a GM that allows players to be things that wouldn’t be welcome in a town in any sane realistic world, or is exceptionally rare or powerful. Munchkin wet dreams like Drow, Githyanki, Tielfing, Pixies, Dragonborne Yuan-ti, Aarakockra, Warforged, Vampires, or ridiculous stupid homebrew atrocities such as the Unicorn Centaur. If the GM allows for a rare exception and lets a player be a goblin or an orc, that’s fine as long as it is roleplayed well, balanced, and people react appropriately to it(like hiding or alerting guards). Towns people may or may not accept half orcs but the idea that uneducated, superstitious peasants would be ok with letting a demon or some other monster into their town is immersion breaking for me. It’s natural for people to distrust outsiders even among their own kind let alone monsters.

Character Focused - Ideally I would prefer a GM who incorperates characters backgrounds into the game. It adds amazing depth to both the game and the characters.

Rules Matter – A game isn’t a game without rules. I’m ok with house rules based in logic. In fact I prefer house rules as long as they are realistic.
I want a GM who is ok with players questioning calls. Not arguing, but questioning, because sometimes it’s just a misunderstanding, or something was forgotten, which happens often with both players and GMs. It should be ok for a player to ask the GM if he is sure about his dwarf needing to roll with disadvantage on a save against poison. If the GM says ‘there are variables you are not aware of’ that is enough for me, I don’t expect an explanation for every ruling I don’t understand.

Sandbox – in my experience modules are railroads – I want to play in a world where the group’s actions have consequences, good or bad. I want to be able to try creative solutions to problems without them auto-failing simply because there was no plan for it.

I want to avoid Adversarial or ‘gotcha! GMs’ example: Players moving along a map that is slowly revealed as they go. The players move their characters up to the edge of the unrevealed portion and wait for it to be unmasked. GM Unmasks the area and suddenly the players are 5 feet away from an angry ogre as if they wouldn’t have seen him from hundreds of feet away. I wouldn’t bring this up if it had not happened to me with multiple GMs. I have found that most GMs are so eager to make the encounter happen the way they planned it that they won’t give the players much of a chance to handle it any another way.

I realize I have a lot of caviets but I am just tired of playing with people who have a style that doesn't mesh with mine so I'm being picky. If I sound like the kind of player that would fit in your game, send me a private message with any questions you have for me.