View Full Version : Using the default fonts

Azrael Nightstar
June 28th, 2006, 00:46
Hey everyone, I'm looking at adding to the character sheet and would like to get the new tabs/sheets as close to the originals as possible. The graphics shouldn't be a problem for this but the writing on the images will be.

My understanding from what I could find searching here was that the .fgf proprietary format would require a converter to change to a standard format (I assume this based on the converter tool SW's provided to do the opposite). It's also my understanding that providing us the fonts used in the program would be a legal problem for SW, as their license for the fonts is to use it in FG and nothing else (including distributing it). If I'm NOT right about that, could anyone turn me on to how/where I could get the fonts used on the character sheet images?

If that is indeed, the case, perhaps the devs could provide me just the names of the fonts used? I may be able to find them and get a license myself, or at least it would aid in finding a similar font.

June 28th, 2006, 04:26
Well, the .fgf fonts are the fonts used for the text that you type into the character sheet. As far as the font used on the .png (images in the frames folder) which I think you are talking about, I'm not sure. Maybe the devs or someone else on the board could tell you the font and size used to get as close to original as possible.

Azrael Nightstar
June 28th, 2006, 19:35
oh yes, that's a good point. I was assuming those on the pngs were among those in the fonts folder but they probably aren't now that I think about it. That might make things a lot easier (if they're standard graphic fonts, i.e.). Thanks for pointing that out :)

And yeah, I'm hoping maybe one of the devs knows offhand, though I've found some pretty close matches that should look okay if not.

June 28th, 2006, 21:47
The fonts are the normal graphical fonts used by Windows.

There is a small program fgfontgenerator.exe whic can be found by searching these forums that will let you define fgf files from any fonts on your own machine.

Best of luck.