View Full Version : Accessible Custom Content?

October 2nd, 2018, 19:39
Hello there

I've been thinking about getting Fantasy Grounds, but so fare with what I have been able to find out (videos, google searches, etc), it looks like the custom content you create (spells, monsters, items, etc), are created specifically for one campaign. Aka, it is not accessible to future campaigns you create.

I am using the demo version and it also doesn't seem to save anything I create.

But my question is: is custom created content accessible to other games you create? If I create a handful of spells, will these be available to my next campaign?

Kind Regards

October 2nd, 2018, 19:43
Hi :)

I am also quite new but as far as I know you can export your campaign data with e.g. "/export" in the chat :) But this and saving your campaign is not possible with the demo version, for this you need at least a license :) (please correct me if I am wrong)

Best wishes,


EDIT: And exporting your data should mean that you can then install this in your future campaigns to use it there :)

October 2nd, 2018, 20:00
@Kelrugem has it right.

More info on exporting to a module here: https://www.fantasygrounds.com/wiki/index.php/Library#Module_Export

October 2nd, 2018, 20:37
Yes you can use FG to create custom content that you can use in any number of campaigns. You can also use it to create original content (i.e. stuff you have the copyright or license to use) that you can share with others and/or sell on the DMsGuild. Several of us here do exactly that. Just search check this; https://www.dmsguild.com/browse.php?filters=0_0_0_0_0_0_45545_0

For some best practices, see the link in my signature.

October 2nd, 2018, 20:40
So, if I wanted to have access to custom spells, monsters, player races and classes, across all my games; I have to create a campaign, save it as an export file and then export it into a new campaign?

How does this work with premade campaigns?

October 2nd, 2018, 20:56
Not quite.
- Create a development campaign named something like "DEVL My Custom Spells"
- Start campaign, go in and create all your custom spells (see wiki or Mr Z videos for how to do this.
- Type /export in the chat window, complete the dialog box per the wiki link given before

Now, open or start any campaign that uses the ruleset you used to create that module in, go to your library > modules activation and your module will be there ready and waiting for you to load into that campaign (just like all DLC or other modules you create).

October 2nd, 2018, 21:44
Also note, that EVERYTHING you make is on your system not a cloud location. So make sure you have backups just incase your house burns down you at least still have your campaign. :)

October 2nd, 2018, 23:41
Also, you can make a in campaign copy of pretty much anything and edit that and export. So go to the Spell list you want drag and drop the specific spells to the same list. It will create "campaign copy" of the spell. Do that for everything you want to modify. Use the export command to export everything to your new module. Create a new campaign and open the module there.

October 3rd, 2018, 15:28
Excellent. Thanks for the info peeps :)

Been one of the biggest things at the moment on getting or not getting Fantasy Grounds :D

October 3rd, 2018, 16:29
Excellent. Thanks for the info peeps :)

Been one of the biggest things at the moment on getting or not getting Fantasy Grounds :D

Take the plunge and make some effort to work through the learning curve and you'll find it worth your investment and more.

October 7th, 2018, 10:57
I've done some exporting now, but I am ending up with double tokens now, even though there is only one file in the folder.
I am predicting that this will get annoying with time, and at some point, start to take space on the screen.

Why and how can I fix this?

October 7th, 2018, 11:23
If you have multiple modules open all of which use the same tokens then you will get duplicates of those tokens. Generally when actually playing a game you never need to access the token bags so it's not something that you would notice. Also don't open the module you just created in the same campaign as you created it in since obviously you will get lots of duplicates. Also note that once a token is allocated to an NPC or PC you can close the token module so you don't need to have the token module open when using the creature.

In general when actually playing in a campaign you won't need any token modules open at all. The only time you might need token modules open is when you are creating content.

October 7th, 2018, 14:29
Yea, I can imagene that the tokens sektion is never really looked at while playing.
It is still bugging me that I don't know why it is doing it though :P

I've made a "Campaign" with all the custom items and exported it and created it as a module file.
I then created a new campaign and loaded the custom module

It so fare has 3 modules:
* the 5e Bestiary
* The Kingmaker adventure path
* The custom content module

It should only be my custom content module that use the tokens.

If I remove the Custom content module, some disappear. If I remove all the modules, there are still tokens.

October 7th, 2018, 14:48
No, every module has the potential to contain tokens. So if you have three modules open (and apparently you do) then you might have three duplicate tokens if the same token appears in all three.

The 5e Bestiary obviously contains many monsters and will also have a token for nearly all of them. If you used the same tokens for the NPCs you exported then you will have at least two of the same for some monsters. If the adventure also has monsters from either your module or from the bestiary it, too, will have the same tokens and so you might have three tokens all the same showing up.

October 7th, 2018, 15:02
if the tokens appear in a brand new module then they are in your /tokens folder too

October 7th, 2018, 15:18
Tokens will also be left visible in the campaign tokens window if a NPC with a token has been opened in that campaign. The campaign keeps the reference to that token for quick access/use within the NPC record, encounter entry or Combat Tracker entry, even if the module has been closed.

October 7th, 2018, 17:54
Aaah. Thanks again :)