View Full Version : LFG 1 Player LF Weekday/night Game Tues, Wed or Thurs PST US Time Zone Pathfinder

Aack Aack
September 29th, 2018, 03:41
FG License: Currently Free (but see "About Me" below).
Time Zone: PST Pacific (GMT -8)
Day(s) of week, frequency, and time: Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday
Term: Looking for Long Term
Voice: Mainly use Discord, but can download any service needed.

Game System Preferred: Pathfinder
Game System Experience: D&D (in all incarnations) 1982 to 2009 (27 years) than Pathfinder 2009 to currently (9 years).
Fantasy Grounds Experience: None....just messed around a little with the Demo/Free version. Have been playing on Roll20 & Maptools for over 5 years.

Character Type Preferred: Can play any class, but prefer (in order) Skill Monkeys, Martials, Spontaneous Casters.
About me: Sell yourself. In my younger years, played many games but mainly stuck to Dungeons & Dragons. Then when Pathfinder came out, I fell in love. I describe it as "3.5 on crack". Have played 4.0 and 5.0 D&D but it's just not my thing.....I enjoy the complexity and size of Pathfinder. As noted above, I only have the free/demo version of Fantasy Grounds but am willing to purchase the standard license if I like the interface of Fantasy Grounds. I like what I have played with enough to move from roll20 (haven't used Maptools in a couple years). So, standard stuff about me....I'm 48 on my 2nd marriage, 2 kids and 1 stepkid all out of the house, work hard for a living and like to enjoy RPGs and video games during my downtime.

Aack Aack
February 21st, 2019, 21:23
Still looking for a Group during the week if anyone has a position open