View Full Version : Pathfinder - Rise of the Runelords Looking for 1 more player

September 28th, 2018, 16:42
Hey everyone,

I will be GMing a Rise of the Runelords game and seeking 1 more to fill out a group of 5 people. I am am experienced GM and player, and we will have 1-2 people who are new, not as experienced as the rest of the group, so I have no problem with new players.

We will be playing Weekly Fridays 6/7EST - till about 11pm est (exact time hasn't been set in stone). The first game will be tonight were we will be doing character creations, and if we have time we will start the campaign. We use teamspeak for voice and I do have an ultimate license so if you do not have one, no need to worry.

While it is short notice, I would like to try to get the last spot filled (our 5th dropped out this morning), so if your interested in joining a group that plans on gaming weekly for a long while please respond to this thread and let me know a bit about yourself.

September 28th, 2018, 19:09
What is you Group policy on missing the odd game? I would be interested in a longer term online game.

I am new to Fantasy Ground (read I have it but never used it yet) but have been playing Pathfinder for a few years with PFS and am a 3 star GM. Currently running RoW home game.

Full disclosure I have GMed the PFS sanctioned portions of Runelords, but abhor metagaming so I would not be a decision maker in those portions.

Not a min/maxer rather I enjoy the game for the classes and what they were meant to be.

Personally I am early 50s and run my own company so some Friday evening I may not be available.

Easy going family guy who like to play a laid back fun game with like minded folks

If there is still a spot I would be interested.

Edit: I am in CST so a closer to 7est time is more convienant but not a deal breaker on my end

September 28th, 2018, 20:07
As far as missing games, i have not issue with that as Life does come first. Typically if you miss 1 session i still award you XP, if you miss more than one in a row you will not get XP for the ones after that. I do prefe someone who isn't going to be missing every other sessions.

The group consists of folks in their later 20's to mid 30's. From what you posted you seem like you would be a good fit. Shoot me a private message with your email and I will send you some additional info and the Teamspeak server info. I am free for about the next hour if you want to hop on to talk about things.