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September 24th, 2018, 14:39
Today I hit a small milestone in my life on the FG Forums. This is my 500th post. Not a big deal right? It kind of is to me. I'll attempt to explain why. So 499 times since I joined FG back in 2015 I have either met new friends, had a question answered, helped someone else, recruited amazing players, become a part of soooo many different games and so much more. I moved to a small town in North Carolina from Orange County, CA about the time I joined FG. In fact, it was the reason I got Fantasy Grounds. Back in California there were plenty of comic book and game shops. There was a thriving RPG economy. However, when I moved here, I couldn't find a single comic shop and none of the people I met were even interested in playing a Table Top RPG.

So, I go on the internet looking for ways that I could still partake in my favorite hobby. I first found roll20 and it was a passable medium for what I was looking for. At the time I didn't know of anything else so I was pretty content playing when I could find a game that didn't implode after one session because of people never showing up or the "DM" canceling last minute. Then, a person I met on there told me about this program, Fantasy Grounds.

I come to the website and check it out. Watch some of Doug's videos and lurk the forums a bit. I noticed something then that I didn't see on roll20. This was a real community of people that were actually nice and inviting to new players. People weren't made to feel like a "noob" or deficient because they were new to the system. So I found a game and a very nice woman named Ellspeth started teaching me how to use FG. I played in game systems I had never tried before and joined a community that really felt welcoming. When I had a question, there was always someone there to answer it very quickly and they wouldn't give up until I understood or my problem was fixed. This is the internet.. why aren't I being chided and ridiculed? It was a totally different experience than I had ever had.

Sadly, I was in a car accident that sidelined me for nearly a year. I had to leave my games and the community where I had really enjoyed being a member. After the surgeries, physical therapy and all that comes with recouperating I returned to the FG community and it was like I never left. Since then I took on the mantle of GM, which has increased my enjoyment of FG even more. I joined the FGC's Staff recently where I enjoy helping people joining our community like people helped me when I came here. I have also made an effort to be more active on the forums because that is where I learned so much and still do!

So 500 posts may not mean that much in the grand scheme of things but for me it is a reminder of all the great people, games, experiences and friends that come along with being a part of this community.

Happy Gaming!

September 24th, 2018, 17:34

September 24th, 2018, 17:59
Cheers man! :) I like to read posts like that.

September 24th, 2018, 20:37
Wonderful man, glad you have mended well and congratulations on your 500th post. May they all be milestones indeed!

September 24th, 2018, 20:44
Thanks for the encouragement!

September 24th, 2018, 20:50
Jolly good.

September 24th, 2018, 22:36
good job my man

September 24th, 2018, 23:40
Congrats! And thanks on behalf of us you've helped!

September 25th, 2018, 00:40
I found this community after I stumbled upon it on Steam, just after it was green lighted. Damned and Mask of Winter were my first two GMs of one shots. Both driving forces behind me stating to do FG conversions of products, and in Damned's case his persistence in answering my questions and pushing me to do new stuff is awesome.

But overall great community, even if I don't see eye to eye with everybody on the forums.

September 25th, 2018, 07:19

September 25th, 2018, 20:15
I found this community after I stumbled upon it on Steam, just after it was green lighted. Damned and Mask of Winter were my first two GMs of one shots. Both driving forces behind me stating to do FG conversions of products, and in Damned's case his persistence in answering my questions and pushing me to do new stuff is awesome.

But overall great community, even if I don't see eye to eye with everybody on the forums.

Thanks for sharing! I think there are a lot of people who have similar experiences as us.