View Full Version : Sorrow Lands

June 20th, 2006, 13:41
World of my own creation using Dungeons and Dragons 3.5 Fantasy world magic common.

My campaign begins immediately after a war between two nations. The Fertile North is supported by agriculture and the Rocky South is supported by Industry. However, the south could not feed it's people and the North kept raising the prices of food for services and raw materials. The south invaded a small peninsula extending south and claimed it as Necessary for the country's sruvival. The war raged for ten years and ravaged both continents. So many troops were sent to the border conflict that internal security was neglected.

Opportunistic monstrous races have thrived at home behind enemy lines. Unscrupulous nobles have used the weakened state of the populous to establish themselves as dictators and warlords.

But now the soldiers are coming home. Some of them were conscripted at 16 years old and forced to go to war. Now they know nothing else. Each player character is a returning soldier from the war with no other motiviation initially than to simply get back north to their respective home towns.

Home has changed everywhere though and the soldiers can either live with it or make changes the only way they know how. Any PHB or Complete set character classes. The Military finds uses for all kinds of expertise. Druids are rare as part of the story line.

Characters begin with a 1/2 Level from the DMG (Warrior, Adept, Commoner, Expert, or Noble) to reflect what they were in their home towns before being conscripted. They also gain 1 class level to reflect their active duty training. Full level one Skill points for both classes. No extra feats you effectively gain your level one dependent feat at yoru military level. Xp will be at ZERO (0) So you will get to 2nd level at the normal point in time. This is just to add flavor to characters that lack clear histories and defined motivations. Take care in choosing because I will use it in the game.

I can only run this campaign Mon, Thur, and Fri CDT 1900-0000 (7pm-12pm) One night a week.
I can also use yahoovoicechat during games on separate computer. [email protected] or sign onto campaign in calendar

June 21st, 2006, 11:41
Sounds interesting. I be willing to give it a wirl. Mind you my work place like throw curves at me for times, which should be coming to a stop. Now by chance, what is that in Est time?

Add: Ok, i should check up on calander :P ok 8pm my time.. ya that wouldnt be a problem then. Now just a head up, I play campaings Thursday-Friday. One sometime on the weekends. There a campaing im in now with some really good RPers that wants to keep the group together.. though their still new (4 of us) The group is pretty well balance. If you want, if we can do it on Mondays.. i try talk to them this Sataday and maybe we can get 4 players right off the bat :) Ya call on that one.

June 21st, 2006, 15:41
I'd be interested in a Monday-Thursday evening game.

June 21st, 2006, 18:56
I wouldn't mind participating in this. Sounds like fun.


June 21st, 2006, 23:22
I'd be interested in joining the campaign. What will the starting character specs be? (level, ability scores, starting funds, etc.)

I don't have a license as of yet but won't hesitate to purchase one if a promising campaign comes along. On a personal note, how long have you played/DM'd D&D and how competent are you in using the FG interface? What playing style do you tend toward (hack-n-slash vs. role-playing)?

I would be available to play nights Mon-Wed for any given amount of time.

So far, I like the basis of the storyline and am intrigued to see what conflicts unfold.

June 22nd, 2006, 00:01
Okay I can do Monday instead. I have been playing since 1988 in the 7th grade. I have been running games since my senior year. I cannot tell you how well I am going to Dungeon Master but none of my buddies ever run a game and we always have fun. I love the game and I don't have every book memorized but the rules are followed as closely as can be expected. I don't have a formula for hack and slash vs role playing to give you but If you're alone and attack a column of orcs you are going to die. You walk up to a column of orcs and use diplomacy, bluff, or intimidate on the squad leader and then make a good roll then you might survive.

If you're still interested then sign up on my game at the calendar and suggest some times between Monday through Friday 7pm -Midnight Central time. Wednesday is also taken sorry.

June 22nd, 2006, 08:28
Awsome. Im pretty sure i can round up the other 3 in the campian im in now with that type of time that up now ^.^

June 22nd, 2006, 14:28
I'm signed up on the Game Calendar. How do you want us to handle ability scores and such? Will the first session mostly be creating characters or are we to have them done before hand? I noticed you had the starting level as 2, will we be using the starting funds for a level 2 character as well? Let me know, thanks.

June 23rd, 2006, 06:01
Yes 2nd level starting funds is fine. 4d6 reroll 1's drop the lowest for stats. If you reroll then reroll all 6 stats. Alternate races are fine but do not exceed effective character level 2.

June 23rd, 2006, 14:33
Hey Drakard,
You want us to just roll up the characters on our own for Monday? Or are we going to do that on Monday? Also, for 2nd level equipment buy, I assume just non-magical stuff since I doubt we would have magic items after being in the military.

June 23rd, 2006, 16:59

I am interested, almost done on a small campaign with 3 other players, we are about to reach level 2. Playing with VarnFury and 2 others, would be fun to continue our same characters on your compaign!

June 23rd, 2006, 17:17
Hey. I'm one of the other players with Varn and Amenella. It sounds like a helluvalotta fun. Count me in.

June 24th, 2006, 01:15
You can roll you're stats on your own ahead of time. If you show up with all 18's I'll wonder though. I won't complain cause bad role playing will still get you killed. If you want to bring 2nd level characters you've already played by all means go ahead. This will be my first non local group to play using fantasy grounds so I'm play testing the software a little still. I have run my local buddy's and had no problems except from their computers. Not all of them had problems though so I'm pretty sure it was on their end and not mine. If you acquired magical items in your previous campaigns then you have earned them. And the military you just left did provide magical equipment from time to time especially when they didn't have money to pay your characters with. Wizards were conscripted right along with grunts and rogues.

June 24th, 2006, 08:30
Wow, get keep our 2nd lvl characters from the other campain.. a true jump through life with other people... Man.. im gonna be old. lol. Ya my Dwarf got quite the stuff on him :) So this should be interesting.

June 25th, 2006, 02:26
Hi, Drakard. I sent a RP to your email address. I'm interested in joing your game. So if room is left give me a reply. David Thanks for your time.

June 26th, 2006, 21:30
Sorry to say but I won't be able to join the adventure at this time. Hope everyone has a good time.

June 29th, 2006, 07:04
Wow, get keep our 2nd lvl characters from the other campain.. a true jump through life with other people... Man.. im gonna be old. lol. Ya my Dwarf got quite the stuff on him :) So this should be interesting.

I'm sorry about changing the character creation rules on you. Check the original post for new character generation guidline. Still 4D6 reroll 1's and drop the lowest. Reroll all 6 on a reroll. I don't pull many munches. Players are responsible for their own fates. The game is back on! I got it working! Whoo Hoo Hoo! ( with the help of house of healing of course )

June 29th, 2006, 07:43
I'll have to catch you online sometime tomorrow, i like try get my character up and going if i gotta make a whole new one.

June 29th, 2006, 15:24
is this game still open for people? if so let me know and I will send you a character concept.

June 30th, 2006, 02:55
is this game still open for people? if so let me know and I will send you a character concept.
yes we had one drop so we have one slot open just sign on at the calendar I think i opened it back up.