View Full Version : LFP - 5e D&D - Threats over Winterhaven (Text only)

August 30th, 2018, 20:54
Winterhaven is surrounded by threats, the Bloodspear war drums can be hear once more in the Stonemarch,
in the Gardmore Abbey ruins evil is waking, and in the foggy hills of the Gray Downs ghostly armies are walking.

FG License: Ultimate
Game System: 5e D&D
Text or Voice: Text only (The reason its text only is that first I prefer it that way :) and english is not my native language)
Voice software used: None

Day & Time: Friday 8:00 PM Eastern Time (Starting time can probably be adjusted, game last 4 hours)
Planned Duration & Frequency: Every week

Campaign : The Campaign is set in Nentir Vale the setting of 4e D&D, which is well developped but unknown by many, starting from there it will be a mix of homebrew, old module and dungeon magazine adventures adapted to 5e

About myself, I have been playing D&D on and off for the last 30 years, like many I stopped for lack of peoples until I found FG, started a first group with Storm King's Thunder in september 2016 then another in november 2016 with Curse of Strahd and I have been running two campaign a week since then.

Having completed Tomb of Annihilation with my last group, I'm starting a new campaign set in Nentir Vale the setting of 4e D&D, experience in D&D or Fantasy Grounds is not necessary, if you are interested please message me I'll tell you more on this next story and character creation.

P.S. many peoples looking for games just throws their name in the forum or calendar, note that if I have to choose between only a name and someone who take time to write me, I'm picking the later.


Edited starting time to 8 PM eastern time

September 7th, 2018, 16:42
I have 4 players so far, but still have room for 1 or 2 more, if you are interested we are starting tonight :)

September 7th, 2018, 17:04
Good luck on your campaign. I have played in text only games before and they can be a lot of fun. I encourage people who haven't done it before to give it a try!

December 7th, 2018, 16:22
Since one player seem to have been eaten by a grue, I'm opening recruitement again, if interested post here or message me.

December 7th, 2018, 18:06
Howdy Sir! I am interested in playing, but full disclosure I work Fridays and am an accountant so there a definitely sessions I would miss or be late to (which I know is SUPER annoying). I know I am being quite the salesmen, but I would like to be considered for the game. What class does your party need? What kind of game do you run (RP heavy, combat heavy, how gritty is it?, etc.) Let me know if you have any questions!

Red Quill
December 21st, 2018, 20:29
Are you still recruiting? Text-only really appeals to me. I played 1E for much of the 1980s and returned to D&D last year after my son took an interest. I've been running a small group through Lost Mines and Tomb of Annihilation every Saturday evening or so since March and I am eager to join a campaign as a player.

December 23rd, 2018, 00:41
Thanks for all those who have show interest in this campaign, saddly I have a full group for now. I do have room for one more in my saturday evening campaign "Shadow of Nentir Vale" also in text only.
